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Merge Servers This Month Please!


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Obviously the big topic of discussion right now is the EA Conference Call and the eye opening numbers for TOR. It's something that many of us suspected but didn't know the extent.


I'm convinced that TOR can still rebound out, even with all of the negativity, and the best way to make an immediate impact is to do something that many people will see as the death wish but in this case it's really not. Server mergers must happen as soon as possible.


As I type this now I'm flying to Belsavis to get my daily grind going, and I've got a whopping 4 Republic players to chat with. That's less than the 10 players on the Republic Fleet chatting about how TOR is dying. There are MANY servers like this with extremely low Republic populations and even though Empire numbers are stronger at 150 - 200 on the Empire Fleet during peak hours, I still wouldn't consider that a smashing success.


I think as a community we need to get over the stigma of mergers being the end all of an MMO and look at it from a glass half full perspective. TOR desperately needs it. I know that BioWare reads the forums consistently and is surely reading the various comments on the board today. The players (including myself) are asking for help. Please help us.

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Amen brother! This is a serious issue and needs fixing ASAP. I've been a subscriber since launch and the low population servers are killing this game. I have invested too much time on my toons to simply "re-roll" to a more populated server. One of two things need to happen if I am to continue to subscribe. Free character transfers or free server mergers.


My server has less than 10 people on average on ANY given planet at ANY given time, fleet at most I have seen maybe 80 people. There is nothing MASSIVELY multiplayer about that. I am basically throwing down $14.99 a month for a single player game in which I am not even able to experience any group content.


BIOWARE/EA please fix this soon!

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