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CEO says TOR is just little more important than Tiger Woods PGA Golf

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Look at all the super sensitive MMO players in this thread. lol


Cross platform games ARE more important to a game publishers bottom line. You, the MMO gamer, are a small niche in the corner of the video game entertainment world and a re dwarfed by the rest of the industry as far as revenues and players.


No-just a small niche to EA. The same can't be said about WOW or GW2 when it comes out.

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Sarcasm aside-the vast majority of their investors wanted to know how SWTOR was doing-and it was not doing well which is why the stock had a substantial drop today. The fact that the CEO tried to downplay it's importance is a very bad sign and demonstrates a lack of committment to this MMO. MMO's, and particular Old Republic, can't be treated like another build-it then ship-it title or it will die.


Exactly. I found his attempts to side-step the decline and gloss over its impact as insulting. It's clear SWTOR was only meant to pad pockets, not necessarily be a great game.

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