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how many of you just hate this resolve system?


is the system broken?


do you feel that your being chain locked and resolve is not working?


have you seen people with no resolve built up, yet you are unable to CC/stun/snare them?


have you had full resolve and still been CC/stun/snared?


why can't Bioware just notice that this system is terrible? should they go to a diminishing returns system?


just a few questions i have cause this resolve system has some major flaws and is not working the way i believe Bioware wanted it too.

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how many of you just hate this resolve system?


is the system broken?


do you feel that your being chain locked and resolve is not working?


have you seen people with no resolve built up, yet you are unable to CC/stun/snare them?


have you had full resolve and still been CC/stun/snared?


why can't Bioware just notice that this system is terrible? should they go to a diminishing returns system?


just a few questions i have cause this resolve system has some major flaws and is not working the way i believe Bioware wanted it too.


Unless you have a healer, resolve is pointless. By the time it kicks in (after multiple CCs from multiple players) to "save you" you're already dead; no it doesn't apply to snares.


SWTOR is soooo Warhammer Online it's not even funny. WAR had some great ideas but the implementation was bad bad bad.

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Unless you have a healer, resolve is pointless. By the time it kicks in (after multiple CCs from multiple players) to "save you" you're already dead; no it doesn't apply to snares.


SWTOR is soooo Warhammer Online it's not even funny. WAR had some great ideas but the implementation was bad bad bad.


I play Warhammer online daily, and i gotta say me and most of my friends that still play it thinks that SWTOR's CC is worse. I know.. It's crazy. But in SWTOR you can get chain locked, stunned, etc etc for a very long time.


In warhammer online i don't think there is one CC that doesn't break on dmg, but in SWTOR you have CC that just doesnt break when someone hits you, that's the difference.

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how many of you just hate this resolve system?

Not me.


is the system broken?

No. It functions exactly as intended in all testing environments.


do you feel that your being chain locked and resolve is not working?

Again, Resolve functions correctly. Also, unless you consider 2 stuns, 2 mezzes, or a stun and a mezz a "chain", you can't be chain locked. Any combination of the two will always result in CC Immunity preventing a 3rd stun/mezz/knockback.


have you seen people with no resolve built up, yet you are unable to CC/stun/snare them?

There are some abilities that grant CC immunity. Marauders/Sentinels have one. You may have client-side lag (though that would be pretty severe). I have heard that the Resolve bar indicator on a selected target can sometimes have a delay. I have not experienced this, however the Resolve bar indicator around the portrait always works so if you find yourself dealing with a delay on the selector, start looking at the portrait instead.


have you had full resolve and still been CC/stun/snared?

No, but anecdotes are useless. All testing shows Resolve is working correctly. No one has ever posted a single video of a stun working on a full resolve target.


why can't Bioware just notice that this system is terrible? should they go to a diminishing returns system?

Resolve IS a diminishing returns system, though one that is much more intelligently presented and allows actual player skill in the management of it. When used correctly, Resolve allows significantly less CC than the DR system from WoW. When used incorrectly, it still allows less CC than WoW (though not a very significant difference).


just a few questions i have cause this resolve system has some major flaws and is not working the way i believe Bioware wanted it too.

There are no known flaws with Resolve. It IS working as intended.

If you have actual evidence suggesting that it does not work, please submit it to BW for correction. Asking for the opinions of other players on a bug is not going to get a bug (if it exists) fixed.

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how many of you just hate this resolve system?

A lot of people, mostly because it is poorly understood


is the system broken?

Nope, sorry.


do you feel that your being chain locked and resolve is not working?

Sometimes you can be stunned to death if you get stunned while being focused. As it should be.


have you seen people with no resolve built up, yet you are unable to CC/stun/snare them?

Are you aware that many classes have temporary cc immunity?


have you had full resolve and still been CC/stun/snared?

We all have, because, ahem, snares and roots are not affected by resolve! This is intended. Sucks if you are melee. Also unfair that consulars can speed out of those but Knights can't leap out.


I think a huge portion of the complaints re: Resolve come from lack of understanding the mechanics.

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Prior to 1.2 i was fine with the resolve system. It was a different route to take compared to diminishing returns but it seemed appropriate to make cc powerful in a game that had a very long TTK. It was important to coordinate CC to set up kills. Notice the passed tense...


Post 1.2 TTK has dropped dramatically but CC durations are still the same, meaning it is fully possible for someone to be burst down inside a stun long before resolve has a chance to kick in.


Hopefully the overwhelming negative feedback regarding the ttk issues with 1,2 will result in some sort of roll-back or fix, if not: the resolve mechanic most definitely needs to be revamped to better suit a more burst centric and fast paced pvp.

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