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Marauders - Phantom Damage Numbers - Explain

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Above is the link to a short Fraps of my friend and I testing out the big numbers from post-ravage. Right after using ravage I use battering assault. The numbers, sound, cooldown etc. are clearly there, but no damage occurs to Giviord.


Can someone explain this, please. I'm assuming there is a technical explanation for these stray numbers that happen after using ravage and other abilities.



[00:55:33.117] [@Devasta] [@Devasta] [Ravage {1261367470325760}] [Event {836045448945472}: AbilityActivate {836045448945479}] ()

[00:55:33.117] [@Devasta] [@Devasta] [Ravage {1261367470325760}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Unshakable {1261367470326274}] ()

[00:55:33.514] [@Devasta] [@Giviord] [Ravage {1261367470325760}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (1031 energy {836045448940874}) <1031>

[00:55:33.515] [@Devasta] [@Giviord] [Ravage {1261367470325760}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (236 energy {836045448940874}) <236>

[00:55:33.812] [@Devasta] [@Giviord] [Ravage {1261367470325760}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (1064 energy {836045448940874}) <1064>

[00:55:33.812] [@Devasta] [@Giviord] [Ravage {1261367470325760}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (236 energy {836045448940874}) <236>

[00:55:35.914] [@Devasta] [@Giviord] [Ravage {1261367470325760}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (2141 energy {836045448940874}) <2141>

[00:55:35.915] [@Devasta] [@Giviord] [Grav Wave {2785569759297536}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (172 kinetic {836045448940873}) <172>

[00:55:35.915] [@Devasta] [@Giviord] [Ravage {1261367470325760}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (660 energy {836045448940874}) <660>

[00:55:36.217] [@Devasta] [@Devasta] [Ravage {1261367470325760}] [RemoveEffect {836045448945478}: Unshakable {1261367470326274}] ()

[00:55:36.218] [@Devasta] [@Devasta] [battering Assault {807720139620352}] [Event {836045448945472}: AbilityActivate {836045448945479}] ()

[00:55:36.715] [@Devasta] [@Giviord] [battering Assault {807720139620352}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (292 energy {836045448940874}) <292>

[00:55:36.830] [@Devasta] [@Giviord] [battering Assault {807720139620352}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (128 energy {836045448940874}) <128>

[00:55:37.031] [@Devasta] [@Giviord] [battering Assault {807720139620352}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (309 energy {836045448940874}) <309>

[00:55:47.324] [@Devasta] [@Devasta] [] [Event {836045448945472}: ExitCombat {836045448945490}] ()


Edited by TenderDeath
added combat log in spoiler
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Above is the link to a short Fraps of my friend and I testing out the big numbers from post-ravage. Right after using ravage I use battering assault. The numbers, sound, cooldown etc. are clearly there, but no damage occurs to Giviord.


Can someone explain this, please. I'm assuming there is a technical explanation for these stray numbers that happen after using ravage and other abilities.


You should type /bug and submit a bug report.

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I did the best I could to add the combat log relatively synced to the video, just now.


Also, added a spoiler on the original post with a combat log. I will see about getting my friend to send me his end of the log.

Edited by TenderDeath
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I did the best I could to add the combat log relatively synced to the video, just now.


Also, added a spoiler on the original post with a combat log. I will see about getting my friend to send me his end of the log.


Ugh... There is such huge disconnect between flying text and combat log, probably due to BW doing roll-up (adding damage to the same flying number). I'd rather to see distinct numbers for distinct damage ticks.

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The Battering Assault damage is there, it's just getting rolled into your third ravage strike. Watch the numbers above his head. You'l see the the Battering Assault damage get added into the Ravage third strike as you hit him.


Hey, thanks for clearing that up. I didn't realize how the fly-text displayed that "rolling" damage. The battering assault did 731 damage, which was added to the 2802 from the last ravage hit. It was confusing/misleading to show it as a fade-away crit on top of ravage unless it's doing that to show that an action happened within a super narrow time frame. To me, it would seem easier to understand if the number never disappeared/flickered, but rather, just changed cumulatively as it faded.

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Hey, thanks for clearing that up. I didn't realize how the fly-text displayed that "rolling" damage. The battering assault did 731 damage, which was added to the 2802 from the last ravage hit. It was confusing/misleading to show it as a fade-away crit on top of ravage unless it's doing that to show that an action happened within a super narrow time frame. To me, it would seem easier to understand if the number never disappeared/flickered, but rather, just changed cumulatively as it faded.


As I was leveling I had the same thoughts as you. It wasn't until my late 40's that I figured out the way their scrolling combat text works. It's just a 'neatness' thing, instead of having a dozen different numbers floating above the mobs head, it instead adds most of them together to save on screen clutter. This most often happens to multiple attacks that land at the same time, i.e. Ravage 3rd strike + Annihilate.

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