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Cross-Server Warzones Will End PvP for Me


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I'm fine with merging servers, because the OP is right. Cross server ques won't fix everything so that's why we need server merges.


However, it will lay the groundwork from never having to deal with crappy pvp ques ever again. Even if the game is on it's deathbed.


If you only do server merges, then this cycle will continue every once in a while and there will be a month where the game bleeds subs even faster than it would normally because of **** ques. If Xserver ques are in place then you never have that problem, even if the server's main population is screwed.


It's unrealistic to think that BW will be able to do merges with the speed neccessary to make sure this is not a reoccuring problem. They just can't move that fast. They've already shown that. To have to rely 100% on them to merge individual servers together whenever some servers have problems, and others don't? No thanks, just give me cross server ques so that way when they inevitably take forever to merge servers I can at least pvp.

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I'm fine with merging servers, because the OP is right. Cross server ques won't fix everything so that's why we need server merges.


However, it will lay the groundwork from never having to deal with crappy pvp ques ever again. Even if the game is on it's deathbed.


If you only do server merges, then this cycle will continue every once in a while and there will be a month where the game bleeds subs even faster than it would normally because of **** ques. If Xserver ques are in place then you never have that problem, even if the server's main population is screwed.


It's unrealistic to think that BW will be able to do merges with the speed neccessary to make sure this is not a reoccuring problem. They just can't move that fast. They've already shown that. To have to rely 100% on them to merge individual servers together whenever some servers have problems, and others don't? No thanks, just give me cross server ques so that way when they inevitably take forever to merge servers I can at least pvp.


And that's why a lot of people state Bioware failed with SWTOR.

Launched way too soon, launched without too many key features, they should have had a server-merge/cross-server plan to go from launch.

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Show me the spread sheets then of Activision budget plans for WoW.


I can tell you a game with 10 million subscribers is given more of a budget than a game with 1 million subscribers without having to offer any proof to you whatsoever. The same way I can tell you that a mouse is smaller than an elephant without having to break out a ruler.

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I can tell you a game with 10 million subscribers is given more of a budget than a game with 1 million subscribers without having to offer any proof to you whatsoever. The same way I can tell you that a mouse is smaller than an elephant without having to break out a ruler.


That game doesn't have 10 million subscribers. I knew you didn't know what you were talking about. Also, if Tera can implement cross-server queues/invites and they have 1/1000000000 of the "budget" SWTOR or WoW has. I'm sure SWTOR can do it. I don't think it takes millions of dollars in resource to write coding...


You - "Blizzards state they have 10 million people playing this game! So those 10 million must all pay $15/mo."

Edited by AMKSED
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It will be possible.


If X guild gets 2100 rating and your guild gets 2100 rating you WILL be put in a match against one another at some time. And if 1 of you don't make it to 2100 then you know which guild is better.


Or who went up against lesser opponents to get there. Or who has played more matches


I'm very doubtful that the rating system is fool proof. That those in a set ranking are there based purely on skill. With an unlimited amount of games per season, the ones who play more will always have the advantage even if they don't have the skill

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So anymore all I see is people saying they want Bioware to introduce cross-server PvP, like it's a good thing. I know I can't be the only one who will stop PvPing entirely if this comes about.


Now I understand you are on a low-pop realm with no sense of community. You wait hours for enough people to get online to pop a warzone and that isn't cool. But is cross-server warzones the answer to that problem? Or are server mergers? Is cross-server warzones going to suddenly make that fleet look any less barren? Are cross-server warzones going to get you in to see a new 4-man instance? Are cross-server warzones going to allow your guild to recruit players to see operation bosses?


Of course not. Server merges is the real answer to all those problems. What cross-server warzones will do is give people the anonymity to act like ******es to one another while simultaneously killing the sense of rivalry that emerges from being pitted against recognizable faces that same-server warzones offer.

You can say that the concept of servers is an arbitrary dividing of the player-base, and you are right... but having a system where some parts of the game ignore server boundaries while others don't is terrible. If a server can handle having everyone on one giant mega-server I'd be in favor of that over cross-server warzone queues. Cross-server battlegrounds in WoW is still one of the worst things to happen to the game's pvp. It fast tracks you into "just another face in the crowd" and achievements become even more meaningless than they already are.


What I would like to hear is one solid argument for why cross-server warzones should be implemented instead of server-merges on the smaller populated realms.


There wasnt any person on my old dead server that could beat me.

Now if there was some cross server PVP, i wouldnt have to start over on some full population server to compete with better ppl....


Also, ofc they need to merge servers too.

Dead servers arent only unplayable for PVP. But GTN on them is totally empty too. And new ppl that ding 50 cant find group for HMs.

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I don't see how so. Merging communities for every facet of the game > merging communities in only one facet of the game. If you merge servers you can actually start a pvp guild instead of being on a server of "Population: you" queuing up with people from other servers that you won't even be able to put on your friend's list.


What about players with the same names? How do you handle that? It's one thing if you are paying for a transfer, another if you are being forced. Also, what happens if BIOWARE, fixes everything and the game becomes popular again? What happens when people re-sub for the game and go back to those merged servers? Now you have Over-Population, and really long que times just to even log into the game. Think about what kind of problems that could cause. What are you going to do...split the servers up again? Not sure that would be a good idea.


Anyway, You'll still have "OPEN WORLD PVP" on your server if they do Cross Server Warzones. You can have all the PVP with "friends" as you want. If your community is as tight knit as you claim, you'll have all the PVP you can handle, right?


Besides, the CROSS-SERVER option is only going to be for "RANKED" warzones. You can still have PVP within your own server Community, although you may have to wait 45 mins to get a match.

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And if Bioware had it where you geared up to full War Hero in a weekend people would still be crying that gearing up in pvp is "too easy" and that it leaves nothing for pvpers to "shoot for". Then they would be crying about long they have to wait until the next tier comes out.


You can complain and whine about gear grinds all you want, but most people actually enjoy the thrill of working towards the next piece in their set. Having goals that you can slowly work towards is one of the cheapest forms of happiness you can find.


Anyway that is all off topic.


There are grinds and there are grinds.


We have zero choise to grind in a different way, we are limited to 4 very small WZs. 8vs8 people is not my idea of fun. The only warzone standing out is huttball. The other 3 are the same concept, not very fun at all after a while.


If there was the option for world pvp in say ilum it would be different. But currently the grind is so boring.


80 games per major piece/weapon/off hand. Thats alot of mindless grinding seeing the same 4 worn out WZs over and over and over.


I dont mind the grind for being a grind, I dislike it for its monotonic state and limited ways of achievment.

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The OP is clearly on one of the servers that has plenty of people on it. I however am on a server where having 20 people on the fleet is a big deal. The only time a planet has more than 20 people on it since Tatooine and the Rakghoul event is when people form an ops group to kill one of the world bosses.


Now you might think that based on that comment above, I'd be in favor of server merges. I would MUCH rather have cross-server quing than server mergers. I like my server, most specifically my guild, and I don't want to have to start that over. As others have said, server mergers don't actually solve any problems and instead create new ones. I can promise you a server merge is going to damage your "community" WAY more than cross server ques.


The other reason I'm all about cross server ques is directly related to this "community." Pretty much the way Warzones go on my server is that if the 1 republic pvp guild on the server is playing, things go fine. We win some, we lose some, ques pop fast. However, during off times, you can never get a WZ to pop, and when you do, it's likely against the 1 Imp pvp guild on the server so you know you're going to lose. I've been in several WZ's where we even had an equal number of players, but the Rep side just gave up because it was the same Imps that steamrolled us 15 min ago.


Single server ques just can't be sustained. This idea that people have about "community" on a server is a pipe dream and usually boils down to situations similar to the one I described above. The best thing for the health of the game is to make it so that you can play on ANY server you want and still have access to all the game's features. This is what cross server ques allow us to do.


Please give us cross server ques.

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And that's why a lot of people state Bioware failed with SWTOR.

Launched way too soon, launched without too many key features, they should have had a server-merge/cross-server plan to go from launch.


Oh definitely, no arguement from me.

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There are grinds and there are grinds.


We have zero choise to grind in a different way, we are limited to 4 very small WZs. 8vs8 people is not my idea of fun. The only warzone standing out is huttball. The other 3 are the same concept, not very fun at all after a while.


If there was the option for world pvp in say ilum it would be different. But currently the grind is so boring.


80 games per major piece/weapon/off hand. Thats alot of mindless grinding seeing the same 4 worn out WZs over and over and over.


I dont mind the grind for being a grind, I dislike it for its monotonic state and limited ways of achievment.




We need atleast 4 more Warzones and OPEN WORLD PVP needs to have some grand incentive to make it a viable option. All I do is PVP. I don't Raid or Craft or anything else. I play this game to kill other players. I need a way to do that consistantly without having to wait an hour.


So yeah, more Warzones, Better OPEN WORLD options, and Cross Server PVP and I'll be a very happy player.

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With the low amount of Guilds per server that can field a full 8vs8 for ranked warzones on a consistent basis, you NEED to have X-server queues or this will never work as intended. They already said that if a 8 man premade is queued for X amount of time with no match against another ranked 8 man, then they will pop against pugs instead. This would be even more imbalenced then it already is with good 4 man teams queing against pugs. it would be a disaster.


As far as recognizing players from the other side, I could care less. The only time I even really look at the names is when im getting facerolled to see if its one of the 2 good Premades on my server so I can know what to expect. Outside of that warzone I cant talk to the opposing faction anyways so how is seeing the same group of cross faction players building community again? Not to mention that 3/4's of the time the other team is a premade fromy MY faction to begin with. I would rather play a group of cross server Repub's then go against the same Imp guilds who queue premades over and over on my server. If I wanted to fight Imp's I would have rolled Rebulic.

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I personally believe your right and your wrong. I think server merges at the very least transfers would be a positive for the Player vs Environment aspect of the game giving a greater pool of players for Ops. But I also want to see cross server war zones implemented sooner rather than later.


One of the major flaws of the current warzone implementation is the Sub 50 bracket including all level 10-49 players.


Cross server ques will be a huge step towards bracketing out the sub50 pvp into several smaller brackets making the sub 50 pvp fairer in general.


Additionally it will also help create a more dynamic competitive atmosphere at 50. You wont be forced to face the same team over and over and over. At least on my server it's not just about queue times but when you can get in - 90% of the time its the same players on both sides of the match. The outcome is consistent 85% of the time. Having cross server queus should provide a much more dynamic team thus making strategic game play more important legacy name recognition.


Lets also not forget that the point of ranked matches is to play teams ranked similarly. Without a diverse pool of teams that isn't possible. Even with merged servers you'd only be about a quarter of the way to making a ranked community work. You'd need5 to 10 times as many players pvping as there are currently to even remotely consider ranked play.

Edited by sonickat
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this thread is just FOOLISH!! there can be NO RATED WZs without xserver queing. or else you are going to be rated on only one server. what they hell would that matter other than be able to brag you are the highest rated on the lowest pop server cause the group of 8 other people cant beat you. BIG DEAL!!


if you want your single player game then go play one OP. you come on here crying that Bioware is going to improve que times and add in a system that has thrived in other games like WoW. if you dont like it then for real GO PLAY A SINGLE PLAYER GAME. this is a MMO and your server and the people on it are not the only ones playing this game. if you want your stupid so called community feel to the game. then by all means go find a game that is not played by a mass amount of people and you can have your little group of people play together the way you want them too.


xservers are coming they wont kill the gaem at all in fact it will bring more people to the game. if you dont like it then please don't let the door hit your *** on the way out. this is not KoTor and it will never be.


sick of threads on here with people crying about things they feel is going to ruin a game cause it dose not fit what they want. stop playing!!! most of us would be happy to never listen to your crap again. its just ROFL to me this guy says xserver woudl ruin the game. the OP is a JOKE!!!! there is no such thing as a community in MMOs. most MMO palyers could care less about the other people on thier server unless they are in the same guild. again this is not KoToR if that is what you want then go find another game.

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The original poster is from BIOWARE. This thread is going to be used by bioware as an excuss for the delay in cross server queuing. Do not fall for it.
How do you know that the original poster was from Bioware? Please tell I'm curious.
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is this post a joke? pretty much everyone ive talked to about it is in favor of having cross server ques for pvp. "I can understand the reluctance of a cross server lfg for pve EG Flash points." but with pvp there really isnt any reason not to. there will always be rivalry's, trash talking in pvp, and just unsportsman like behaviour, no mater if its same server or not. so there really is no reason not to have it.


on my server mostly everyone were nice to one another after the match saying nice game, but..... there were also mean people that would also trash talk. having a cross server pvp que is not going to somehow destroy the pvp in this game. in my opinion what will is pugs going up against premades, that is going to destroy the pvp in this game.

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So anymore all I see is people saying they want Bioware to introduce cross-server PvP, like it's a good thing. I know I can't be the only one who will stop PvPing entirely if this comes about.


Now I understand you are on a low-pop realm with no sense of community. You wait hours for enough people to get online to pop a warzone and that isn't cool. But is cross-server warzones the answer to that problem? Or are server mergers? Is cross-server warzones going to suddenly make that fleet look any less barren? Are cross-server warzones going to get you in to see a new 4-man instance? Are cross-server warzones going to allow your guild to recruit players to see operation bosses?


Of course not. Server merges is the real answer to all those problems. What cross-server warzones will do is give people the anonymity to act like ******es to one another while simultaneously killing the sense of rivalry that emerges from being pitted against recognizable faces that same-server warzones offer.


You can say that the concept of servers is an arbitrary dividing of the player-base, and you are right... but having a system where some parts of the game ignore server boundaries while others don't is terrible. If a server can handle having everyone on one giant mega-server I'd be in favor of that over cross-server warzone queues. Cross-server battlegrounds in WoW is still one of the worst things to happen to the game's pvp. It fast tracks you into "just another face in the crowd" and achievements become even more meaningless than they already are.


What I would like to hear is one solid argument for why cross-server warzones should be implemented instead of server-merges on the smaller populated realms.


BW needs to implement both server merges and x-server Qs.

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lol sad to say 90% of us who cant PvP due to server populations & non prime time playing hours, our pVp IS ALREADY DEAD so we dont really care if you have to learn more names!


This. Sorry, but knowing names of other players isn't important to me. I just want to pvp, and with the current state of my server i have to wait 30 minutes in between every war zone. Standing in the fleet with 20 other players waiting for a queue JUST TO PVP in an mmo...tell me again why cross server queue is a bad thing? * LOOOOL face*

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