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Cross-Server Warzones Will End PvP for Me


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Cross-server ques is a band-aid. A server merge would benefit more people all around. The people that quit and may comeback will walk into a lively server with alot of people on it. For the people that are still playing right now the ques will give them a chance to actually play the game as an MMO is intended to be played.
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What is killing pvp for me is always facing the same players, with increasingly long queue times. X-Server PvP will help pvp. It won't help Pve, but then - we care for pvp before pve.


Exactly....in fact if I could clarify X-server will hurt premades because they can no longer control the outcome..thus the threat to stop pvping I suspect. If you increase the pool of players, you decrease the chance of meeting the same players over and over, which has been driving players away..Dont give me this line about "community"..i dont care if the OP premade is from my server or another one..I just want a chance to be able to win a frickin match! If this actually drives the premades away GOOOOOD!

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Exactly....in fact if I could clarify X-server will hurt premades because they can no longer control the outcome..thus the threat to stop pvping I suspect. If you increase the pool of players, you decrease the chance of meeting the same players over and over, which has been driving players away..Dont give me this line about "community"..i dont care if the OP premade is from my server or another one..I just want a chance to be able to win a frickin match! If this actually drives the premades away GOOOOOD!


If anything it would further increase the effectiveness of premades. At least if you are pugging with people from your server you kind of have an idea of who they are, how they play, whether they are competent enough to be trusted with the ball or if you should even bother healing them. At least some semblance of knowledge that can help put you on a closer level to the 4 people running strats over mumble and coordinating with one another.


But even if that isn't true, things would just stay the same. Why should a premade team be any less effective against pugs from another server than they are against pugs from their own server?


Not to mention the whole "Premades stomp me" complaint is a bit stupid. There is absolutely nothing stopping anyone from making a premade in this game other than their anti-social attitude.

Edited by mechintel
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So anymore all I see is people saying they want Bioware to introduce cross-server PvP, like it's a good thing. I know I can't be the only one who will stop PvPing entirely if this comes about.


Now I understand you are on a low-pop realm with no sense of community. You wait hours for enough people to get online to pop a warzone and that isn't cool. But is cross-server warzones the answer to that problem? Or are server mergers? Is cross-server warzones going to suddenly make that fleet look any less barren? Are cross-server warzones going to get you in to see a new 4-man instance? Are cross-server warzones going to allow your guild to recruit players to see operation bosses?


Of course not. Server merges is the real answer to all those problems. What cross-server warzones will do is give people the anonymity to act like ******es to one another while simultaneously killing the sense of rivalry that emerges from being pitted against recognizable faces that same-server warzones offer.


You can say that the concept of servers is an arbitrary dividing of the player-base, and you are right... but having a system where some parts of the game ignore server boundaries while others don't is terrible. If a server can handle having everyone on one giant mega-server I'd be in favor of that over cross-server warzone queues. Cross-server battlegrounds in WoW is still one of the worst things to happen to the game's pvp. It fast tracks you into "just another face in the crowd" and achievements become even more meaningless than they already are.


What I would like to hear is one solid argument for why cross-server warzones should be implemented instead of server-merges on the smaller populated realms.

The so called slow pop server is just a way for Bioware to slow game play to milk a sub.

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TBH...what I really want is a way to have Cross-Server Illum / Open world PVP. It would be cool to allow large scale "Server-VS-Server" battles. At the very least we need a couple more Warzones on top of what we have now. But that's just a dream I suppose.


ANYWAY....My take on "Cross-Server Warzones",


All I do is PVP in this game. I DON'T do CRAFTING, RAIDING, EXPLORING, NPC WEDDINGS or STORY. All I want to do is kill other players from level 10 to 50, and beyond. That said, if takes me 15 to 45 to find a single WARZONE match, then I'm not having a good time. I'm left sitting there watching TV until I hit a que. I should never have to wait more than 5 minutes to get into a Warzone, regardless of the hour of day. I should be able to PVP when I want to. If I have an hour to kill, I should be able to login and play at least 3 matches. As it is now, I'm lucky to find even 1 match in that time. I'll admit, I play till the weeeeeee hours of the morning, but that shouldn't matter.


Cross-Server Warzones Solves this problem. Even if you merge the servers, there is still a chance I won't have enough folks to play with. This is because, when I play it's 2 or 3 in the morning and most people on the east and west coast are either in bed or winding down for the night. The way I see it, if you select players from all servers, you stand a much greater chance of finding a match.


We really do need CROSS-SERVER Warzones.

Edited by REDLION
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So anymore all I see is people saying they want Bioware to introduce cross-server PvP, like it's a good thing. I know I can't be the only one who will stop PvPing entirely if this comes about.


Now I understand you are on a low-pop realm with no sense of community. You wait hours for enough people to get online to pop a warzone and that isn't cool. But is cross-server warzones the answer to that problem? Or are server mergers? Is cross-server warzones going to suddenly make that fleet look any less barren? Are cross-server warzones going to get you in to see a new 4-man instance? Are cross-server warzones going to allow your guild to recruit players to see operation bosses?


Of course not. Server merges is the real answer to all those problems. What cross-server warzones will do is give people the anonymity to act like ******es to one another while simultaneously killing the sense of rivalry that emerges from being pitted against recognizable faces that same-server warzones offer.


You can say that the concept of servers is an arbitrary dividing of the player-base, and you are right... but having a system where some parts of the game ignore server boundaries while others don't is terrible. If a server can handle having everyone on one giant mega-server I'd be in favor of that over cross-server warzone queues. Cross-server battlegrounds in WoW is still one of the worst things to happen to the game's pvp. It fast tracks you into "just another face in the crowd" and achievements become even more meaningless than they already are.


What I would like to hear is one solid argument for why cross-server warzones should be implemented instead of server-merges on the smaller populated realms.


People with your attitude are the reason that we're in this ****-circle. Well, not you, but BW listening to you.


For those of you who don't remember WoW getting cross server battlegrounds, that was actually one of the best things to happen in vanilla WoW. Across all servers people had hour long ques until that was implimented and it dropped down to 2 minute ques. That was easily one of the best days in WoW PVP for me.


Also, the "just another face in the crowd" thing is one of the most stupid arguements I've heard in a videogame. The only reason I know who anyone is on my server is because I play the same 5 people over and over again. No one knows who you are, and if they do it's simply because they play you all the time.


Playing the same 5 people is boring. It also leads to stupid things, like patterened behavior (like quitting when you see what the other team is) que dodging and win trading. There are so many reasons NOT to have artificially divided player pools like this, all of which I laid out the first time this arguement went down, that the fact that they sided with you guys is absolutely mindboggling. There is no PVP community, no one knows who you are, get over yourself and let them fix the game.

Edited by Scoobings
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Ok, go ahead keep you stupid 2 hour que times. Cross-server Warzones are extremely needed. Its absolutely stupid that people have to wait more than an hour for a battleground. You like it because u can play with ppl u know on imp side, i like it because it actually lets u i don't know what's that word? oh ya pvp.
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I've just been grinding Warzones the last 2 weeks on my second fave toon and I can tell you -

"Cross-Server Warzones Will End PvP for Me"
could not be further than the truth. I will EMBRACE X-Server PvP because over 60% of the players on my server/faction are complete PvP muppets. No teamwork. No communication in chat. Quitters. No objectives followed. No watching each others backs or protecting their healers. For many of them every Warzone is a solo Death Match arena, nothing more. Most of them don't even know there is actually a ball in Hutball. Many of them dont know you can click the Encampment consoles in Novare Coast from 25 metres out (near enough) AND, the more that click the quicker you take the Encampment. They'd rather just pewpew and show off their "leet PvP skillzor" right at the emcampment and totally ignore the consoles. Just a couple of examples but every dedicated, competitive PvP'er knows exactly what I mean.


Its for these reasons I'll embrace X-Server PvP. I am sick to the back teeth of PvP fail nabs that I cannot get away from on my own server, nor can I encourage them to play better (tried it, got abuse, gave up) so I'll welcome a bigger melting pot and hope these PvP fail nabs get diluted in the sheer scale of it all where I see much, much, much less of their ugly mugs ruining and spoiling my PvP. It will become a lottery no doubt but one that I welcome with open arms.

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How are cross-server queues the band-aid solution?


What if you get merged into a server and a month later everyone quits and that server becomes dead?


Cross-server PvP is what every MMO should launch with. It solves ALL population problems PvP queue wise. Don't listen to stupid people Bioware. Which 99% of this game consists of and is bringing your game down.

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How are cross-server queues the band-aid solution?


What if you get merged into a server and a month later everyone quits and that server becomes dead?


Cross-server PvP is what every MMO should launch with. It solves ALL population problems PvP queue wise. Don't listen to stupid people Bioware. Which 99% of this game consists of and is bringing your game down.


This. If they make the same mistake (listening to these clowns) a second time I'm going to be very disappointed.


I got a beta invite to a game this week, so at least I'll have something to do between my pvp ques until they fix the damned thing. :rolleyes:

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How are cross-server queues the band-aid solution?


What if you get merged into a server and a month later everyone quits and that server becomes dead?


You merge servers again. Allowing dead-servers to exist is moronic.

Edited by mechintel
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I'd like to see cross server for rating purposes but also a "practice" que where you can go against people on your own server. There are several 8 mans that id like to have my 8 man against but the cross server that might not be possible. Plus our guild has two to three 8 mans and it would be cool to have a scrimmage option
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lol...kinda defeats your "community" argument don't ya think?


I don't see how so. Merging communities for every facet of the game > merging communities in only one facet of the game. If you merge servers you can actually start a pvp guild instead of being on a server of "Population: you" queuing up with people from other servers that you won't even be able to put on your friend's list.

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You merge servers again. Allowing dead-servers to exist is moronic.


LOL. So there goes the community again?


In the end if you're going to end up playing with every single person in the game due to servers dying, why not just do the better option and implement cross-server queues?


LOL @ Casuals trying to run an MMO.

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I don't see how so. Merging communities for every facet of the game > merging communities in only one facet of the game. If you merge servers you can actually start a pvp guild instead of being on a server of "Population: you" queuing up with people from other servers that you won't even be able to put on your friend's list.


Pretty sure there's way to invite people from other servers to queue up with in a certain game.

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LOL. So there goes the community again?


In the end if you're going to end up playing with every single person in the game due to servers dying, why not just do the better option and implement cross-server queues?


LOL @ Casuals trying to run an MMO.


How about we just give everyone their own server then? Make as much sense as what you just said.

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Pretty sure there's way to invite people from other servers to queue up with in a certain game.


It took Blizzard 3 years to write the code to do it. How long do you think it will take Bioware with a fraction of a budget?

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I'd like to see cross server for rating purposes but also a "practice" que where you can go against people on your own server. There are several 8 mans that id like to have my 8 man against but the cross server that might not be possible. Plus our guild has two to three 8 mans and it would be cool to have a scrimmage option


It will be possible.


If X guild gets 2100 rating and your guild gets 2100 rating you WILL be put in a match against one another at some time. And if 1 of you don't make it to 2100 then you know which guild is better.

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It took Blizzard 3 years to write the code to do it. How long do you think it will take Bioware with a fraction of a budget?


EA makes more money than Activision.


And with that signature, why are you even on these PvP boards? You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

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How much money a company makes from the sum of all its titles has NOTHING to do with how big of a budget a game gets.


Show me the spread sheets then of Activision budget plans for WoW.

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