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Pod Racing


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or we can leave the racing games where they belong and not stuff them into this setting.


Swoop racing was a part of the KOTOR games, of which SWTOR is a continuation. In fact, you visit the remains of a swoop track in the Taris Bonus Series. To be honest, I was surprised that it and Pazaak weren't already included in the game.


Personally, I'd enjoy being able to "tinker" with a swoop racer or build a Pazaak deck. My main doesn't have a whole lot else to do other than doing a few dailies so he's got money for repairs for the few occasions enough of my guild is around to do FPs or Ops.


Apologies for the run on sentence...

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Swoop racing was a part of the KOTOR games, of which SWTOR is a continuation. In fact, you visit the remains of a swoop track in the Taris Bonus Series. To be honest, I was surprised that it and Pazaak weren't already included in the game.


Personally, I'd enjoy being able to "tinker" with a swoop racer or build a Pazaak deck. My main doesn't have a whole lot else to do other than doing a few dailies so he's got money for repairs for the few occasions enough of my guild is around to do FPs or Ops.


Apologies for the run on sentence...


bioware has already stated that swoop racing and pazaak are coming, and that they are a low priority. that doesnt change the fact that based on previous games, and on the devtime/budget available here, i can log out and find a much better experience of that same kind elsewhere. heck i can load up the last wipeout on my ps2 emulator and likely be playing a much better game than will be implemented here. same with pretty much any of the available card games, or flight sims, or pretty much anything that the masses can whine for.


i hate how mmo has come to mean spend all of your time here, which by todays gamer seems to mean "include every playstyle ever, because we all work and play so well together. heck, look at pvp vs pve (dungeons) vs pve (raiding) vs pve (solo). so many issues would be solved if these were all games made separately instead of being smashed together. raiding for example requires raid tiers for gates progression. pvp however works best when there is no real gear progression and everyone can compete on a level playing field. the two dont mix. at all. this major push to combine every star wars title (therefore genre, since its touched on everywhere) is not only a recipe for a truly muddles mediocre game, but a true recipe for failure.


as i have stated many times before, i would much rather have a good, focused, deep game, then a poorly implemented neo geo on crack.

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  • 1 month later...

I read all the other posts here and.... I still want pod racing. *shrug*


For those of you saying that "not every MMO has to offer every kind of playstyle available", pause and think for a second: this game deals with various races, different classes, living in different planets, across GALAXIES. It's such a wide realm, OF COURSE there would be tons of playstyle available. There should be. You're not dealing with one race of creatures in a single planet doing the same thing everyday. There will be a huttball match going on somewhere, there are dungeons being explored somewhere else, and there's sith and jedi fighting yet again somewhere else. Is it so impossible to imagine pod racing happening in, say, Tattoine?


Not a lot of people would be willing to spend time in racing anyway: really? How would you know? I've tried the arcade version of pod racing, it's addicting as hell, and more fun than huttball at least. a 4-person race, 8-person, or even a free for all, first to finish line race would be awesome and terrifying. And in the end, you get-- warzone commendations!


I'm glad to hear that they're planning to include it in the game. Imma wait for it.

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  • 3 months later...
you mean that really long poorly thought out podrace that had absolutely nothing to do with the story...


I beg to differ. That pod race was the only thing that got Anakin out of slavery. If they didnt have the pod race in the story then they would have had to added a whole other way to free Anakin.

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