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Am I the only one who actually likes this game?


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No you are not. In fact, you are among the vast majority.


What you see here is a very tiny percentage of players starting thread after thread with the reason they are dissatisfied (most of which is conjecture). The entirety of this board is in the range of .01 percent of the player population.


The rest of us are enjoying the game, the content, the stories very much.


If thats true why are servers dead? Why do planets have 10 or less people on them? WHy is when you get to 50 it takes 30 to 40 minutes to get into pvp? oh right its because your probably on a server like fatman which is 2 or 3 out of the 30 servers that actually have people. Tiny percentage yet you have no FACTS, yes FACTS to back it up. Your being as bad as the ones saying there arnt any FPS problems, which is why most servers are dead people are tired of people like you trying to make it seem as there still arnt major problems with the game.

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I'd like to see this on *any* forum, about any topic. There's always *that guy* who pronounces the worst of whatever, & everyone else is stupid.


And yup, I like the game.


lol yes you hit the truth there.. always in every game forum there's whiner and QQer.. i dunno, some ppl loves to post QQ doom n gloom repeatedly wihtout any reason or rhyme. they dont even care to auggest improvement to the game (if they really care they will put the post in suggestion forum)


and with the upcoming release of. other games you will see More doom n gloom post thats also advertise other games.. we got that threads already, saying SWTOR doomed while promoting GW2.. i have seen the worst in GW2 fanboies, they even visit other blogs/forums that dares to criticize GW2. thats borders on fanatical devotion thats strange considering GW2 is not out yet. These same fanatical GW2 fanbois also post in SWTOR with their personal agenda of denigrating SWTOR and selling GW2


TLDR : i love SWTOR

Edited by dprijadi
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If thats true why are servers dead? Why do planets have 10 or less people on them? WHy is when you get to 50 it takes 30 to 40 minutes to get into pvp? oh right its because your probably on a server like fatman which is 2 or 3 out of the 30 servers that actually have people. Tiny percentage yet you have no FACTS, yes FACTS to back it up. Your being as bad as the ones saying there arnt any FPS problems, which is why most servers are dead people are tired of people like you trying to make it seem as there still arnt major problems with the game.



No... I'm actually really tired of people like *you* trying to make it seem as if your opinion is fact. (sorry... FACT)


I picked a small server specifically to avoid masses of annoying people. Yours is not the only perspective. Oh... and btw? I don't have any FPS problems.

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i love this game.. definitely best mmo for me,.. my fav stoey based mmo since lotro


i think bioware's current focus on casual players are right on the money. catering for hardcore that just eat content in a week is wrong way to go, catering to trolls and qqer in forum also wrong..


bioware got their metrics, and i thnk they are well aware of the up n down of server population.


having said that, i would,like to see bioware add contents for everyone including casuals, roleplayers, pvper, raiders and whatnot.


so here's to bioware swtor dev team for making a great story based mmo.. now i cant play other mmo without expectng such involved storyline.. the current and near future mmo like tera, gw2 and secretworld are all pathetic compared to swtor. only diablo iii got me interested inntheir story and they are not even mmo.

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Just curious, and I want to add your talking to one of the most critical people, like, ever. What does it for me is the..how could you not..story. You have class stories, world arcs and episodic flashpoints and operations that develop your role in the galaxy.


I still like this game in theory only.


I enjoy levelling different toons to enjoy the differring story arcs etc, and I love the atmospheric graphics.


The sound used to be great before 1.2, now it is an annoying shambles which makes me logoff every hour to reset it.


At 50 however, I only want to PVP. I am not interested in the sanitised button pressing that is PVE Ops in this game. You can train a monkey to beat NPCs. Unfortunately, PVP is, on the whole a mess, with no indication from the developers that they intend to address the prevailing issues.


I came from playing Lord of the Rings Online, 5 years of it, so am not a player that regularly jumps ship, and have no desire to go back to Lotro, I stopped playing for a very good reason, I was simply not having fun anymore, and even with a lifetime sub, I see no reason to waste my valuable leisure time doing anything that is not fun.


So, SWTOR, for which I pay a monthly fee, can you keep me enjoying myself ? In essence, yes, but that is sadly only down to the fact that there is currently no credible alternative.


Without cross server warzone queues, or server transfers, I give myself 2 more months at the most before the boredom factor outweighs the fun factor.


Devs, put your fluffy legacy ideas on the backburner, people do not care, fix what is broken, and allow people to play this online game, with other people.


Do I hate Bioware? No, they are simply a company who takes my £ for the service they provide, they are no different than my local ASDA, B+Q or Macdonalds, I couldn't care less about them or their feelings, it's only business afterall. When they can only sell me out of date apples and oranges I will stop buying from them.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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Just curious, and I want to add your talking to one of the most critical people, like, ever. What does it for me is the..how could you not..story. You have class stories, world arcs and episodic flashpoints and operations that develop your role in the galaxy.


I really enjoy the game. That said I am mostly a Solo player so I enjoyed the story alot. I have one 50 and several high 20 toons also. I actually do like the PVP myself, but I am looking forward to Cross-server PVP. If they implemeted a WOWesque Flashpoint finder that was cross server I would probably do those too. I didn't do many dungeons in WOW until they did that.


Is it the greatest game ever? No, but I enjoy it and will probably subscribe for awhile. That said with guild Wars 2 coming and Diablo III, I will be splitting time probably between this and those others.

Edited by Delphian
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Yup, i love the story too, of all three classes ive leveled to 50 and like most everyone else in this thread it is only the mishandling of the mmo parts of the game that i do not care for.


But it is bioware , they make really great single player games, and i think they will eventualy get a handle on how to run an mmo, i just wish they would do it alot faster.

Edited by Mallorik
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Love the stories and the questing


Even the crafting just for the fun of making items I can use on companions


Although I am in a large guild - it seems to me that people don't group as much or socialise to the extent of other mmos I have played


Suggestion: transport seems a major issue - be able to quick travel to any point in the game! provided you have been there


Automatically transported into an instance as your group goes in (like Rift has it)


And yes - a cross server lfg - and no it did not mess up wow - people were like that anyway

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Love the stories and the questing


Even the crafting just for the fun of making items I can use on companions


Although I am in a large guild - it seems to me that people don't group as much or socialise to the extent of other mmos I have played


Suggestion: transport seems a major issue - be able to quick travel to any point in the game! provided you have been there


Automatically transported into an instance as your group goes in (like Rift has it)


And yes - a cross server lfg - and no it did not mess up wow - people were like that anyway


Transport could use some polishing, definitely.


Personally, I did think LFG messed up wow, but you're right, people do seem to be like that. Actually, I think it's a percentage of people, who cause more pain & misery than their numbers indicate. (I have it figured at 4%, which coincidentally, is supposedly the number of sociopaths in any society, which equates with the percentage of forum trolls on any given subject...) If WoW's hadn't been so anonymous - if you could have friended people & deliberately regrouped with them x-server, I would have liked it a lot more.

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I LOVE the game, have been playing it non stop since launch and im not quitting! Bioware has made mistakes true, but so has every other MMORPG at its release,Bioware are Fully aware of all the problems with the GTN, PVP, PVE, Ambience in the Worlds, Prioritising all the fixes is hard and takes time to get all changes out, give Bioware a break, They gave us an Event from outta freakin nowhere, thats pretty damn cool:rak_01:
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I really love this game because I'm on Jedi Covenant. Here's what happened today: I was on Taris and someone was looking for players for some heroic (I think it was Fallent Locust). It took him like 10 seconds to form his group, I thought I'd have the time to go repair and sell some stuffs before sending a tell! The beautiful thing is some minutes later, another group was formed for the same heroic and I was able to join them. Some players are playing this game since December 2011 and barely completed the Taris heroics.


Another example was a sentence I read in the general chat. Some republic player said something like "I think I'll take a break, I just completed 20 pvp matches in a row and I just won 12 of them". On some servers, pvpers have to wait for about an hour or two before joining their 1st pvp session of the day!


Imo, the server where you are plays a huge role in your enjoyment of SWTOR.


Now, imagine if we had about 40 North American servers instead of 124. For many players, it'd be like playing a whole new game.

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Im completely enjoying the game!


The storylines are good, and theres a couple nifty twists and turns in the Sith Warrior line that make it interesting. I like the fact that its full voice acting on the quest givers, rather than some wall O' text. Something about that is just....boring...now. I haven't tried much of the PvP, but thats my choice. Im more the PvE type. Getting me to PvP is like trying to get a goat to tap dance....its probably never going to happen, and wouldn't turn out well even if it did.

I will admit, there is a bit of a 'now what?' moment when you hit level 50. Thats easily remedied...Heroic flashpoints and Operations. I know a lot of people will get to level 50 and have no clue what to do without their precious LFG and LFR tools. It means you have to find flashpoints and operations the old fashioned way... "Hello, general chat...LFG..." Yeah, it may take a while, but Ive had hour long waits in the WoW LFG.


Im waiting to see what they roll out next. Ive heard rumors on the board that theres more 'chapters' being worked on for the classes. And I saw a thread the other day, asking which planet that players would like to see next.


As far as issues and glitches and crashes, im kind of ambivalent about them. They happen, no matter what game you have... The Burning Crusade for WoW was getting patches every other week...and those patches would often need hotfixes or emergency .a and .b patches for the next couple days. Anyone here ever play Dark Castle DIKU MUD? One little oops and that thing crashed FOR TWO YEARS! Glitches happen, they get worked on, theyll be fixed. If the issue is on my end, I can fix it. If its on the games end, blowing up the message boards probably wont help.


Am I going to keep playing? Hells yes! Im interested to see where the storylines and the game goes. In my experience, does the game play and style outweigh the rough patches? Yes. Is there room for improvement? Always, but that can be said of any game.

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I'm pretty happy right now. taking my sweet time on the leveling process. I love the journey not worried about the end since that's all gear jockeys worry about.


Having to much fun even started a 2nd toon on empire for future fun.


Also being on jedi covenant is pretty awesome. so many people all the time. place is packed.

Edited by nartiuslightlord
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They will never be able to create enough story content anywhere near as quickly as we can clear it.

The future of the game will be release a new OP, WZ and story quest every 2 months, people(even casuals) will clear in a week, then wait a month or 2 for a new patch.


Where I come this is just called being impatient. Gimme NOW NOW NOW! Quality content takes time to create. If they released new content every week it would be buggy as hell and guess what... All those people who complain about lack of content would be straight back here complainimg about how buggy the new stuff is.

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