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Let's Get a fix to resolve


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No matter if it's broke or working fine that fact remains it's not a fun system. Just make it so players get a buff and can't be stunned again in a 30 second period.

It absolutely does matter. Those who know how it works understand it, and use it to their advantage, those who don't are constantly frustrated when they waste stuns on fully resolved targets and mistakenly think they get stunned after it fills.


You're piling ignorance on top of ignorance with a hint of immaturity...


The even sadder thing is it won't get better; people whining about resolve are like football fans who cuss at the quarterback when he gets sacked because the guard misses a block or rage at the receiver for not catching a ball that was thrown way behind him.


I'm imagining trying to teach one of you tools how to drive stick:


You: "This car is broken it doesn't go."

Me: "It works fine you just have to learn to drive stick let me show you."

You: "I don't care if it works I'm frustrated and I hate this car!"

Edited by MinguesDew
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Most who understand it like it, most who don't dislike it, the sad thing is it is pretty simple.



I don't know about all that. I know plenty of players who understand it and still thinks that it sucks. I hate when one person in the community tries to speak for everyone else.

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What I see most of the time is my resolve bar fading away from behind the barrier after I have died.


I need to fraps a few games so I can watch it. But it feels like it doesn't work well for me.


Even if it does. There is still to much CC in this game. And to much that doesn't break on damage.


Lag is bad to. At least for me it is. Does everyone else freeze and root in place about a 1/2 second before getting force leaped.... errr w/e the word...also I still have abilities and animation lag....everyone getting this or do I need to check out my vid card?

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I don't know about all that. I know plenty of players who understand it and still thinks that it sucks. I hate when one person in the community tries to speak for everyone else.

Fair enough I edited that out it was like the least substantial part of my post.

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Even if it does. There is still to much CC in this game. And to much that doesn't break on damage.


Lag is bad to. At least for me it is. Does everyone else freeze and root in place about a 1/2 second before getting force leaped.... errr w/e the word...also I still have abilities and animation lag....everyone getting this or do I need to check out my vid card?

I have been lately, the root prior to force leap, charge, etc is intended. Without it they would sometimes land outside melee range which is apparently not ok so it roots you during leap animation.

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