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Breach of trust and empty promises


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This has already happened, or did you miss all the "my server is dead" posts?


Yet they are still here posting on the forums of, as they have declared, a dead game. Let me fix it for the person you quote, go leave and play another game AND stop posting here :p.


On topic, what company doesn't falsely advertise. You always try a new product with caution, no matter how super awesome! their advertising looks. This is the way marketing and advertising works, this is the way the corporate world works, it's practically the way of life. They'll describe to you a product and make it sound like the greatest thing ever, but in actuality the experience varies on the person.


I know promises have been made, but a promise isn't a specific length of time. In the future some, if not all promises will be fulfilled. However, no one was misled, with the way our world is, nothing is as it seems, you always tread cautiously.

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On topic, what company doesn't falsely advertise. You always try a new product with caution, no matter how super awesome! their advertising looks. This is the way marketing and advertising works, this is the way the corporate world works, it's practically the way of life. They'll describe to you a product and make it sound like the greatest thing ever, but in actuality the experience varies on the person.


I know promises have been made, but a promise isn't a specific length of time. In the future some, if not all promises will be fulfilled. However, no one was misled, with the way our world is, nothing is as it seems, you always tread cautiously.


Why have we as gamers decided we can be treated like **** when every other form of consumer in the world won't tolerate it? If this was a car, there would be recalls followed by fixes or refunds. If this was a meal, we'd send it back. If it was a product, any product, we'd take it back and demand a refund. But since it's a video game, we suddenly deserved to get screwed?

This isn't like a bad book or movie that costs $20 or less. This game cost $60+ to buy depending on which addition you purchased. Why do you feel like BW should be allowed to engage in false advertising and steal from you? This, more than any other half-assed fanboi defense I've read, is the one that really troubles me. It's like you, and people like you, believe you're some sort of second-class citizen who does not deserve and should not expect : a) honest advertising and b) a decent product. We're all people here, and we all deserve decent customer service, honest marketing, and a quality product. I don't know why you feel you don't deserve these things, but it's seriously f'ed up.

Edited by RobNightfall
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Why have we as gamers decided we can be treated like **** when every other form of consumer in the world won't tolerate it? If this was a car, there would be recalls followed by fixes or refunds. If this was a meal, we'd send it back. If it was a product, any product, we'd take it back and demand a refund. But since it's a video game, we suddenly deserved to get screwed?

This isn't like a bad book or movie that costs $20 or less. This game cost $60+ to buy depending on which addition you purchased. Why do you feel like BW should be allowed to engage in false advertising and steal from you? This, more than any other half-assed fanboi defense I've read, is the one that really troubles me. It's like you, and people like you, believe you're some sort of second-class citizen who does not deserve and should not expect : a) honest advertising and b) a decent product. We're all people here, and we all deserve decent customer service, honest marketing, and a quality product. I don't know why you feel you don't deserve these things, but it's seriously f'ed up.



And people like you think you're a special snowflake.. This can actually be traced to 99% of the worlds issues as well. They let us have to much power and now we think we're special news flash we're not. Nothing we do as Individuals matters (unless your a person of celebrity.) You are not special nor do you deserve special treatment,


That's neither here nor there in this case. MMOs are not cars they are constantly being developed and evolved your car once you buy it.. it's pretty much only going to get worse and most likely will never run as good as day 1. MMOs and online Video games are the opposite they get better as they age. So stop comparing MMO's and Online Video Games to cares they are completely different beasts. here's an Idea for ya buddy.. Stop playing new MMOs. You clearly can't handle them.

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What I do not understand is why people will hate a game and continue to hang out on and post on said game's forums.


I was burned pretty hard by Aion. I left that game (and forum) and have not been back since. What drives people to stick around to rant and cry?

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Why have we as gamers decided we can be treated like **** when every other form of consumer in the world won't tolerate it? If this was a car, there would be recalls followed by fixes or refunds. If this was a meal, we'd send it back. If it was a product, any product, we'd take it back and demand a refund. But since it's a video game, we suddenly deserved to get screwed?

This isn't like a bad book or movie that costs $20 or less. This game cost $60+ to buy depending on which addition you purchased. Why do you feel like BW should be allowed to engage in false advertising and steal from you? This, more than any other half-assed fanboi defense I've read, is the one that really troubles me. It's like you, and people like you, believe you're some sort of second-class citizen who does not deserve and should not expect : a) honest advertising and b) a decent product. We're all people here, and we all deserve decent customer service, honest marketing, and a quality product. I don't know why you feel you don't deserve these things, but it's seriously f'ed up.


Eh.. you bring up a good point. But because all the things you mentioned are tangible I suppose. If it were a car, sure fixes and refunds because cars are detrimental to a person's daily life. It's a means of transportation to school, to work, to any destination. A meal.. well it depends, if there is a fly in your soup, you got the right to have it taken back, even then food is a means of survival, so all the power to you.


Fact of the matter is, that this is how the business world works. Whether it's BioWare, Apple, Microsoft or the local mom and pop shop. Apple calls their work innovation when all they do is add a better camera to their devices woop-de-doo, but people go out in droves to buy their products.


We're talking about a game here, you can't march up to customer service and demand a refund for your subscription because the game didn't turn out to be what you would have hoped. I never said I didn't deserve to be given honest advertising lol. I just don't think the game is as bad as so many players make it seem, but that's because my preferences and yours are very different and that's fine, to each his own. However, you sound naive to think that the world should be honest and caring. If everyone were able to get refunds and returns for products they feel were "falsely advertised" the world would be in shambles, and we'd all live in boxes, because guess what, false advertisement is practically a business strategy. The world is a cruel place always has been and always will be, thats why, like I said, we tread carefully.

Edited by DjSnazzyduds
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"All in all, Instant Adventures is something Trion is very excited about and, in our opinion, has hit a home run on.


I left Rift BECAUSE of the limp way they handled the concept of instant adventuring.


To each their own I guess.


Personally, I found almost all of your complaintsabout SWTOR to be petty. But hey, as I said, to each their own.


Have fun with Rift.

Edited by Andryah
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What I do not understand is why people will hate a game and continue to hang out on and post on said game's forums.


I was burned pretty hard by Aion. I left that game (and forum) and have not been back since. What drives people to stick around to rant and cry?


If I had to guess I would say because they feel the need to express their opinion, exactly like you just did.

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What I do not understand is why people will hate a game and continue to hang out on and post on said game's forums.


I was burned pretty hard by Aion. I left that game (and forum) and have not been back since. What drives people to stick around to rant and cry?


"they quit because they'd stayed too long... the only way for them to escape was to demonize the game."

-Gordon Walton

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Here's an idea:

If the game is fun, play it.

If it is not, don't.

And if you want to discuss trust, backstabbing, and other such nonsense, watch Nickelodeon with my nine year old daughter. I'm sure she'd enjoy it, but I'm bored.

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Tickets disappear from customer services and fade into thin air, even when they regard serious issues like players being locked out of a raid, permastuck, or when the game is crashing their machine and burning up hardware due to optimization issues.


I think I read somewhere that support tickets that are "escalated" to the higher levels of support disappear from your view. I've had a few of mine disappear from view and later saw they had been fixed in future patches as opposed to the ones that still sat on my ticket view screen.

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MMO developers in general are the most secretive, sideways talking liars in the gaming industry. They are right up there with the US government.


I come to the forums in hopes of improving the game. I may come off as ************ most of the time, but I'm good at it. I started the largest thread about how ugly and not Starwarsy the end game gear looks. Now we have been promised better looking gear.


IMO the biggest slap in the face was the beta bait and switch. In beta the textures were even better then they are now. All armor was mod able, so you really could look the way you wanted. There was even more armor models then there are now. The game ran better and there was NO ability delay(which still isn't fixed).


The biggest false advertising to me was that all the videos had good textures and we were forced to play with textures worse then WoW for months. That is the definition of false advertising. No fanboy can defend that BS.

Edited by Toweleeeie
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MMO developers in general are the most secretive, sideways talking liars in the gaming industry. They are right up there with the US government.


That's not MMO gaming companies pal, that's how corporate cutlure is. It is by no means exclusive to MMO developers.

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I really do worry, about the gamers of today, I really do. Constructive feed back is one thing, but we are well past that point now.


How much worse can it get?




You act like gamers from the 80's/early 90's were any better. They screamed and kicked and threw tantrums as well. They just didn't have a forum to do it in. Instead they yelled at their tv's and threw controllers at their siblings.

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Here's an idea:

If the game is fun, play it.

If it is not, don't.

And if you want to discuss trust, backstabbing, and other such nonsense, watch Nickelodeon with my nine year old daughter. I'm sure she'd enjoy it, but I'm bored.


So I’m going to try this one again, since the first time I replied to this post it was flagged as being rude/and or disrespectful.


If you are bored why are you reading the thread, not to mention posting in it. Clearly you are interested enough to post.


No one is forcing you to read threads you don’t like or agree with, if you don’t like it, don’t read it.


Is that really so hard to grasp?


I may not agree with either the fanbois or the haterz but I don’t get upset when they make threads I disagree with, if it really bothers me I stop reading it.


When I don’t like a TV show I turn it off, am I the only one who does that?


Now I don’t know how suggesting someone needs to watch Nickelodeon with your nine year old daughter because you don’t agree with what they have to say isn’t kind of disrespectful but since you have gone there I would bet that anyone that spends time watching Nickelodeon knows that if something they read upsets them that they can stop reading it.


So was that respectful enough?

Or is the fact that I am pointing out that people can choose not to read things they don’t like instead of getting upset about it somehow rude?

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If you want to get back together with your ex girlfriend (rift) then go ahead. their are plenty of people who think your current girlfriend (swtor) is awsome.


I swear these dear john letters on the forums crack me up every time.

Edited by superpeanuts
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Hey folks,


We get that people can get passionate about a topic and disagree with each other. However, we'd like to remind people to to be understanding and respectful of each other's opinions.


This goes for posts in general as well. We do read feedback, regardless of whether it is positive or negative, as long as it is constructive. This post has some guidelines on how to do so.


All this being said, let's continue the discussion constructively from here. Please note that threads that insist on continuing with non-constructive posting are closed. Thanks for your understanding.

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If you want to get back together with your ex girlfriend (rift) then go ahead. their are plenty of people who think your current girlfriend (swtor) is awsome.


I swear these dear john letters on the forums crack me up every time.


Grass is always greener?

I wonder how many people who go back to their ex then post the same kind of threads on that forum?

I suppose there is no way to get an answer to that question that isn’t pure supposition…


+1 for the girlfriend analogy by the way.



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MMO developers in general are the most secretive, sideways talking liars in the gaming industry. They are right up there with the US government.


I come to the forums in hopes of improving the game. I may come off as ************ most of the time, but I'm good at it. I started the largest thread about how ugly and not Starwarsy the end game gear looks. Now we have been promised better looking gear.


IMO the biggest slap in the face was the beta bait and switch. In beta the textures were even better then they are now. All armor was mod able, so you really could look the way you wanted. There was even more armor models then there are now. The game ran better and there was NO ability delay(which still isn't fixed).


The biggest false advertising to me was that all the videos had good textures and we were forced to play with textures worse then WoW for months. That is the definition of false advertising. No fanboy can defend that BS.


Its not that they are liars, in most cases mmos developers put out ideas to see how they work with the community, have every intention of doing it but either time constraints or something further down the line makes it either impossible, a waste of dev time or simply not workable within the game and has to be pulled.


They are secretive simply for 2 facts, 1st they dont want the competition to get a sniff of whats coming and then the comp to possible make that content idea for another mmo before them or 2nd they have no idea on a timeframe of when something can go from a thought in the head to pen to paper to actual programing and implemented into the game so saying X is coming and no eta creates people going but they said X is coming and why isnt it here yet.


MMO's unlike single player games are forever moving forwards, what is in a game year on year is always changing, so what swtor looks like now will be totaly different in many many aspect to what it will look like when the 1st expantion hits. Single player games have a set date for release so what they say is in game has to be ingame for retail release so everything they say is going to be in the game has to be in on day one and that is the difference.

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You act like gamers from the 80's/early 90's were any better. They screamed and kicked and threw tantrums as well. They just didn't have a forum to do it in. Instead they yelled at their tv's and threw controllers at their siblings.


Wow. Who did this? That is not normal or rational behavior by any stretch.

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"All in all, Instant Adventures is something Trion is very excited about and, in our opinion, has hit a home run on.


yet you are still here. Why is that? There has to be a reason why you love that game yet play this one. I honestly would like to understand that.

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