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First War Hero Piece?


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I dont have full BM quite yet, but I think the best way to decide what piece to purchase is always to check which one gives the biggest boost, especially in the stat base that you are concentrating on. Just because something could be expensive doesn't mean it will be the biggest boost. When I started getting PvP gear the biggest boost piece for me to get was the bracers, then chest, boots and so on.


But im sure, someone who has already replaced some of there BM with WH could probably tell you better then me with actual stat changes and what not.


Hope this helps.

Edited by BPWyndon
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So, what's the consensus on first war hero piece? Assuming full BM... stat-wise, what is best? I was thinking chest or blaster... probably blaster... I just hate to give up more power.


Blaster Weapon for the weapon damage, hands down.

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So here's the deal, I have BM Eliminators Blaster so in order to pick up War Hero Combat Medic I have to grind an additional 1150 WZ commendations to buy the BM Combat Medic Blaster to trade in. Same for offhand. That sucks. :\ The BM Combat Medic Blaster has Alacrity, which is why I didn't even think to pick it up prior.
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