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Anyone else came to the conclusion we just expected to much?


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It's not that we expected to much. The game delivered to little...



The game is still not where it should have been for launch, 6 to 9 months from now, maybe. But this is what happens when EA gets it's fingers into an MMO. They have a singular track record of destroying MMO's before they launch and they are living up to that expectation with SWTOR.

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If expecting a little more than a blatant and deliberate copy of wow with zero new or unique features other than voice acting to be included in swtor is considered expecting too much...Then I don't know what to tell you.


Bioware can't even provide the star wars feel to the game. Instead they give us ugly *** armor that looks nothing like star wars and *********** space zombies. I thought I was playing a Star Wars game...not Left 4 Dead.

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Anyone else came to the conclusion we just expected to much?


To a little time to read up on it and it proved to be what I expected to date. Beyond that talking about final expectation for an MMORPG that has only been out three months is rather silly. It won't even hit its stride until around the six month mark.

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So much went to voice acting and cutscenes. And no one gives a **** about that after level 15-20ish.. at that point.. the only thing people are even remotely interested in (in terms of story) would be their class quest and maybe the planet story chains.

Having 2-3 minutes of UNIQUE voice acting to tell you to go kill some random **** and then come back is ridiculous. A lot of money could have been saved by turning a great deal of the minor side-quests into just text. It would have saved on my spacebars wear and tear.


Unfourtunately, a great deal of the resources for this game went to novelties instead of necessities.


Couldn't agree more with this statement, I have already cancelled my subscription, just waiting out the 30 days of free play. I have logged in maybe 5 times last 3 weeks, only to see if peeps were on that wanted my name, Vapor on Swiftsure, anyone want it send me a pm soon, have it for free, I will not play this game again. Starting from the misleading Collectors edition with the in game items that absolutely suck, with the exception of the mount, the game lacks in so many areas. Load times are horrendous, that alone makes me bitter, let alone every other flaw.

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Star Wars: Battlefront was released in 2004. It had better space missions than a 300 million dollar game released 7 years later. The regular battle missions were better than war-zones on this game. They felt more epic with tons of storm-troopers and rebels fighting everywhere. SWG was released in in 2003. Its crafting and space missions were more advanced than this game. I was expecting a game that built on those two games. Illum should have been one big Battlefront type invasion, fighting everywhere. Supply camps, forward bases, heavy bases, etc. (see WvW in gw2 for an example). I expected to be able control a fighter and attack other players while attacking star bases and capital ships. I did not expect a wow clone that copied all the bad parts of a MMO. You do realize that people that like WoW...play WoW. They aren't going to give up 7 years of building a character to come to a game with less content and more bugs.
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