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BioWare: Fix Matchmaking... Now!


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This has been angering me for months and now I am going to crusade if I have to in order to get BioWare to do something.


Look BioWare, I am not part of a large Guild, I don't always have 3 other guild members to PVP with, and on top of that I work a lot and only have a very short window of time I can play this game.


I like PVP.


I click "Solo Queue" and I expect to face other people who picked "Solo Queue" not karking premades of 4, or worse 6 members of the same guild.


I know the current matchmaking system looks for 4 solos then fills the other part with groups, but I don't want that. I want solos to face solos and groups to face groups and I'm more than willing to wait an extra 10 minutes to get a match that I don't get lopsidedly dominated by because my enemies are a large premade PVP group.


I urge everyone else to discuss this, to speak out, and maybe we can make a big enough stink to get BioWare to change this.

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I click "Solo Pueue" and I expect to face other people who picked "Solo Queue" not karking premades of 4, or worse 6 members of the same guild.


Bioware promised this in patch 1.2 BUT with ranked wz. As that didnt make it so didnt the queue system. Currently all the overgeared pvp'ers rip apart most soloers and casual in wz due to nothing else to do. Remember Ilum pvp is gone aswell for unforseen future.

What bioware should have done is simple. When you hit certain expertise level on your gear you cant join lower rating WZ's. That would work if ther wasnt ghost servers. Currently all you can do is to get farmed and farmed again and again and again unless you got yourself premade BM +WH geared premade. I talk here about mostly low server population issues.

Edited by Divona
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I agree. I don't mind losing, but when you have no chance, it's just not fun. I have 18K and about 5 pieces of battlemaster on my PvP main, I did what Bioware said and use Recruit for other pieces. But when you're up against a very good premade group who are coordinated it's just not fun.


It is interesting to watch though. The strategy and skill that some folks have developed in Huttball specifically is amazing. The only match that's even a bit competitive against a premade is Voidstar because the strategy isn't particularly difficult, the terrain is mostly flat and there aren't any environmental hazards.


I don't begrudge the premades their wins. They are better at PvP. It's not about an overpowered class or gear. Even in the same gear, a team with the level of skill and teamwork I see in these premades will win. But just because I'm a 'bad' doesn't mean I want to get farmed! :D

Edited by Master-Nala
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I don't begrudge the premades their wins. They are better at PvP.


I would only chime in to say that this is not always the case. Without a doubt, there are certain innate benefits to rolling a premade versus a pug. On servers where your opposing faction might not have as many PvP guilds or the like, you're not necessarily seeing these groups win because they have, for instance, a better grasp of their class.


This is something that you can actually see once some of these premade face an opposing team that is equally coordinated. When faced with a team that has the same base advantages, more often than not you see a lot of these groups fold. Of course, there's plenty of groups who are, no bones about it, just that damn good but I'd say there's plenty who are simply riding upon the waves of beneficial circumstance.

Edited by AlyxDinas
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I would only chime in to say that this is not always the case. Without a doubt, there are certain innate benefits to rolling a premade versus a pug. On servers where your opposing faction might not have as many PvP guilds or the like, you're not necessarily seeing these groups win because they have, for instance, a better grasp of their class.


This is something that you can actually see once some of these premade face an opposing team that is equally coordinated. When faced with a team that has the same base advantages, more often than not you see a lot of these groups fold. Of course, there's plenty of groups who are, no bones about it, just that damn good but I'd say there's plenty who are simply riding upon the waves of beneficial circumstance.


Yeah it isn't always about them being "Better" because when I can run with my guild and we are all in Voice Chat and we are coordinated and we have the right class makeup we can go against the other premades on an equal footing. The problem is that when you go Solo sometimes you simply don't have the right premade.


Here is an example from yesterday:


I solo queued, waiting 15 minutes or so, to get into a group.


We had:

1 Jedi Sentinel (me)

1 Jedi Guardian

1 Vanguard

2 Jedi Shadows

2 Gunslingers


(none of us in the same guild)




4 members of the Guild "Dominion" who were running:


Marauder (DPS)

Juggernaut (Tank)

Sorcerer (Healer)

Operative (DPS)


4 members of another guild (I don't recall the name, I've seen the premade before however):


Assassin (DPS)

Assassin (Tank)

Mercenary (Healer)

Sniper (DPS)




Not only was it 7 vs 8 the entire match, but it was 2 Guild premades vs literally a PUG.


Premade players aren't "better" by any stretch, everyone plays better when they are in a group of people and have communication and are all around the same Expertise.


(Yeah... We had people with 400 and 600 Expertise, they had nobody below 1,000.)


Now, I don't begrudge them their gear, they did earn it, but the problem here is that this was obviously two premades vs a PUG and of course we got hammered. Taking a turret and keeping a turret from them was virtually impossible.


This is the issue with matchmaking, it intentionally tries to put PUGs up against premades by design as in putting PUGs against premades is working as intended and that is what I have an issue with.

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