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Novarre coast - I really don't like it


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Title. Anyone else feel cheated? I was really hoping for classic capture the flag where you have to have D for your flag and O for the enemies flag . I already feel like alderaan is a scaled down stupid simple version of capture the hill, than they gave us another one. The only difference is that you need to convince your teamates to click the node instead of zerging.
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Ya I love NC second only to huttball. It's fast paced and one side can very easily make a comeback. I love the fact that the range on capping a node is quite large, so a team can spread out cap a node. One aoe won't stop it, so a lone defender can't hold off multiple people trying to cap like they can in VS or CW.
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Novare coast is by far the least competitive war-zone currently probably because PUGs haven't settled on a strategy.


Premade vs. PUGs NC win rate is 100% since release other warzones hover around 5/6, though huttball also is about 100%


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I still like Alderaan most, but Novare Coast is also very nice... but maybe it's just me who love to stealth capture nodes from the enemy.


I love it too best map ever for me as a sniper, I love them hills. Also love orbital strike extremely usefull inside bunkers.

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I like huttball the most.

I hate voidstar the most.


Alderaan would be above NC if it would end as soon as one side needs a 3cap to win.

But since that's not the case NC is my second favourite WZ.

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