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Title for Legacy Level 50


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having 10 days /played or killing 500 boars are not accomplishments. they will happen regardless in your career. sheer time spent should not be rewarded in that fashion.


Killing 500 boars would be a huge accomplishment considering I haven't seen not a one in this game.

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I just hit Legacy Level 50, and after the long journey, I felt a bit unsatisfied that there was little to show for it.


I think it would be wonderful if at the very least we got a Title for reaching this milestone. I was thinking "<Name> The Legendary," or "Ancestral <Name>," but I would even take something more humorous, like "<Name> Has No Life."



It would be nice to have this sense of accomplishment next to my name as I run around my Fleet.


At the moment I believe the highest legacy unlock is at lvl 25 there will be a title.

Anyone who is legacy 50 already has been playing at a unhealthy pace why would they reward that it sends a bad message. My point is give it time it's like all those people who hit 50 the first week and then complained they had nothing to do getting a title now is like painting a target on your self for trolls with go get a life comments and such by the way I'm not saying you don't have one but I do wonder.

Edited by Bigdaddygarlic
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At the moment I believe the highest legacy unlock is at lvl 25 there will be a title.

Anyone who is legacy 50 already has been playing at a unhealthy pace why would they reward that it sends a bad message. My point is give it time it's like all those people who hit 50 the first week and then complained they had nothing to do getting a title now is like painting a target on your self for trolls with go get a life comments and such by the way I'm not saying you don't have one but I do wonder.


Actually I have not played any at an "unhealthy pace" I just happen to work from home so when I'm between working I play, so I have a lot more play time period. Nothing unhealthy about that.

Edited by SGMRock
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Now got two characters at level fifty and feel somewhat let down, is it worth continuing as there doesn't seem to a feeling of making any more progress[?] , even more so as my Legacy level is over 20. Nothig to show for effort and no special fifty level solo player adventures. In fact there should be more single player + companion flashpoints, etc.. The game is too biased towards groups anyway - just mu opinion, not always able to meet up with like-minded players. Edited by Ceiticv
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ugh. /facepalm.


titles should be reserved for doing something of note. completing a story arc, or major point, slaying a rather nasty boss, doing an actual feat. something that is going to unlock purely from playing the game long enough is pretty dumb. i can sorta understand the pvp titles, as its one of the few ways to reward that activity, but with how pve is designed we dont need it, nor should we want it. giving away titles freely diminishes the accomplishment of getting them.


Does leveling a character on the PTS up to 10 and then finishing chapter 1 count as doing something of note? I did get titles for my real characters for that.


Besides, titles are just another way to customize our characters.

Edited by Sunleth
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Does leveling a character on the PTS up to 10 and then finishing chapter 1 count as doing something of note? I did get titles for my real characters for that.


Besides, titles are just another way to customize our characters.


no they dont, but they are a reward for doing something that you normally wouldnt do, in order to actually get bioware metrics on changes that they were implementing. you dont need an incentive to reach legacy 50, you will get there regardless.

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Hitting legacy rank 50 is something that takes effort. I hit it, and was disappointed there was no reward. It took me over 78 days of /played time though. As has been pointed out, there are titles for PvP ranks, and social ranks, and LS/DS ranks, might as well add one for hitting max legacy rank.
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I've no problem with a title for attaining Legacy 50. Maybe something different than what's put forth here, but something is called for.

As and aside, in the future do not bump your own thread. It violates the forum guidelines.


i think they remove it OR forum police dont give a darn about it

i see many threads with self bumps and nothing happens

Edited by Kissakias
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You get titles from the almost everything in-game, flashpoints, operations, pvp, light and darkside etc. But after hours spent playing you don't get a title from legacy lvl 50. It's not the end of the world, but it annoys me. And I never use titles... but still, give me an awesome one for doing something that is harder than completing Black Talon.
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