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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bout to roll a DS Knight, but Guardian or Sent?


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sentinels will do more damage.

guardians do respectable damage, but can also tank so they have more options available to you.

seems to be a flood of sentinels lately if that makes a difference.

sentinels are more complex to play, which can be a good or a bad thing. personally i like guardians more because they're very "stompy"


you could pick up a red crystal the moment you hit the fleet, grabbing it off the GTN. if the saber crystal is important to you from an RP perspective, or just preference, then i'd recommend picking up artifice (and its supporting skills) so you can keep your lightsaber in top shape, and make your own red crystals.

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sentinels will do more damage.

guardians do respectable damage, but can also tank so they have more options available to you.

seems to be a flood of sentinels lately if that makes a difference.

sentinels are more complex to play, which can be a good or a bad thing. personally i like guardians more because they're very "stompy"


you could pick up a red crystal the moment you hit the fleet, grabbing it off the GTN. if the saber crystal is important to you from an RP perspective, or just preference, then i'd recommend picking up artifice (and its supporting skills) so you can keep your lightsaber in top shape, and make your own red crystals.


Can they both dual wield? What's the main difference? I also never really bothered with artifice before when I had it trained. I found plenty of red crystal from other lightsaber drops before with stat + so yea. But yea, I wanna roll a DS Knight, with a slight Anakin feel to his turning to the DS.

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Honestly when you get right down to it leveling a tank spec of a Guardian is less stressful. You basically outlive almost everything and depend on well geared companions for your speed of kill. In end-game Guardian DPS is squishy (and Focus Defense rarely helps). Sentinels have more role-specific benefits. AOE damage reduction is available to all specs. Watchman damage seems to be leading the charts for all the Knight specs (damage wise) and Vigilance DPS doesn't honestly come into it's own until Columni gear.


However if you like being a Guardian (I do) you make it work. I wouldn't change to Sentinel, but I'd pay for a few of their skill points to off-set some of the misplaced tank talents in the Vig tree. Just an AOE damage reduction alone would make me feel less squishy as I'm often out of melee range waiting for a healer to get to me because AOE burst damage hits me harder than the Sentinel and I wouldn't get anything useful from Focus Defense to heal myself.

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Honestly when you get right down to it leveling a tank spec of a Guardian is less stressful. You basically outlive almost everything and depend on well geared companions for your speed of kill. In end-game Guardian DPS is squishy (and Focus Defense rarely helps). Sentinels have more role-specific benefits. AOE damage reduction is available to all specs. Watchman damage seems to be leading the charts for all the Knight specs (damage wise) and Vigilance DPS doesn't honestly come into it's own until Columni gear.


However if you like being a Guardian (I do) you make it work. I wouldn't change to Sentinel, but I'd pay for a few of their skill points to off-set some of the misplaced tank talents in the Vig tree. Just an AOE damage reduction alone would make me feel less squishy as I'm often out of melee range waiting for a healer to get to me because AOE burst damage hits me harder than the Sentinel and I wouldn't get anything useful from Focus Defense to heal myself.


.........So which is easier to play through? Can duel wield? Better melee abilities. This is what I wanna know?

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I'd say the gaurderian is easier to play.


I like the gaurdian cause of throw saber (30 M attack that can be used while immobile) and force push (best push imo and sents don't get one at all).


Ultimately though it's a matter of preference.

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here is the Thing... there is No Better Or worse class.. Its all about style.


basically this is how it breaks down.


Guardian: Single Saber, Heavy Armor, Two Damage trees, 1 tanking Skill tree, Very High Survivabilty(even non tanking),,, But a DPS guard will Not Do as Much damage as a Sent.


Sent: Dual Sabers, Medium Armor, All Skill trees are DPS, Good Survivabilty But not as Good as a Guard, has some Good Defensive cool downs and a self heal, But still is a little Squishy compared To Guard... But Does A LOT more DPS so its a fair trade off.


So If you want The Option to Tank OR If you want a mix of solid damage But heavy Armor Guard is for you , If you just want to be a dual wielding Damage Machine Go sent....


DS or LS really doesn't matter For AC choice... But If you're Really Looking For the FULL RP experience... Guardians are Considered The "Protectors" of the republic, where as Sents are Considered More of a Weapon... SO a DS "protector of innocent" seems Sort of out of place. Where as a Weapon who goes a little rouge Seems to make sense.... But Honestly Unless Your really getting deep into RP Who cares Just Play the JK you Want to play.

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Sent: Dual Sabers...has some Good Defensive cool downs and a self heal..

Yoda voice: What is this self-heal of which you speak?


I'm a Combat spec'd Sentinel. I love playing the character, but "self heals" for me are eating health packs like candy.


If you can enlighten me about a self-heal I've overlooked, I'll be tons more delighted to find it than embarrassed about being stupid. ;)

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Yoda voice: What is this self-heal of which you speak?


I'm a Combat spec'd Sentinel. I love playing the character, but "self heals" for me are eating health packs like candy.


If you can enlighten me about a self-heal I've overlooked, I'll be tons more delighted to find it than embarrassed about being stupid. ;)


I have not played A sent.... So its possible, I Read some bad information On the Forums... But it was my understanding they had a SMALL self heal ability, Which Most players Felt was more of Damage mitigation Pretending to be heals.... I would have to do a little looking for the original post i read, So maybe I'll just see if i can find it on the skill calculator at torhead.


edit: Ok just did a Quick check of the skill calculator, Not a great heal... BUT In the watchman merciless Zeal heals For 1%(or 2% depending on points) For every Critical Hit on Attacks with burn effects.... I'll look over the other trees to see if thats the only one... but its there.

Edited by Djspyder
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...In the watchman merciless Zeal heals For 1%(or 2% depending on points) For every Critical Hit on Attacks with burn effects.... I'll look over the other trees to see if thats the only one... but its there.

Didn't mean to send you off on a scavenger hunt; I was hoping you knew off the top of your head. But thanks! :)

Edited by SweetOldBob
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I play a watchman sentinel and a immortal (tank) juggernaut which is the equivalent of a guardian.


Watchman Sent has a 2% self heal whenever your dot crits. Basically unnoticeable except for dmg mitigation. Sentinel is A blast to play if u can master it. U will tear through mobs especially once u get Doc. But be warned.. It has an insane Amount of skills.. It can be abit overwhelming and frantic to play.


The jugg/guardian is easier to play. U can't kill as fast but u are more sturdy. Also not so many skill to manage. It's a less frantic pace of play than sentinel. Guardian armor also looks much better..

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If you want to watch what is going on...play a Guardian, If you like to pay attention to which keys you hit at which times, spend most of your time watching cool down timers and dealing insane amounts of damage, play a sentinel. Sentinel + artifice allows you to upgrade your sabers (hilts, crystals and enhancements) but buy mods and armoring. Can play a bit like a glass cannon where kill or be killed. I tend to play a bit frantically if your skills are not laid out well. And spend more time looking at keys and cool downs waiting for skills to cool off or focus to recharge while "walking the keyboard" (going from 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,3,4,3,4,8,7,6...etc) until one of us dies.
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Yoda voice: What is this self-heal of which you speak?


I'm a Combat spec'd Sentinel. I love playing the character, but "self heals" for me are eating health packs like candy.


If you can enlighten me about a self-heal I've overlooked, I'll be tons more delighted to find it than embarrassed about being stupid. ;)


I believe the JK equivalent of Annihilation spec (SW Marauder) has one where Rupture heals when a buff (can't remember the name, sorry) is active. Also, some of the passive skills cause all critted bleed/burn effects to heal you.

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