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Best Companion?


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I'd recommend you give T7 a bit of work.

You'll only be able to use him in one of the last missions, and it's extremely difficult.


of course, you could vary between two companions, instead. Make one doc (because healing is sometimes required for certain bosses) and another a DPS or Tank, for easy clearing of trash mobs.

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For leveling past 44, definitely Doc. We are Sentinels. We kill fast enough when it comes to random trash mob. Doc will keep you rolling from fight to fight very quickly. When you get to Corellia the mob groups get a bit tougher and you will be glad to have Doc, and to have kept his gear up to date. And if you do what I did at level 42, switched from Watchman to Combat, you'll just make it harder on yourself. Even with Doc.


Once you hit 50 you can start getting that awesome gear to boost yourself and whichever companion you prefer using. Great gear on a companion makes a huge difference. This will enable you to use pretty much any companion with great effectiveness for doing things like dailies.


I also did the 2 companion thing, but that was only because I wanted Kira to be my primary storyline side kick.

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And if you do what I did at level 42, switched from Watchman to Combat, you'll just make it harder on yourself. Even with Doc.


Wait, are you saying that switching to combat makes it harder on yourself, or not switching makes it harder? Cause I've levelled all the way to 45 on my sentinel, via combat. Seems okay to me.

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Go with either Doc or Kira. Personally I went with Doc just because I liked having the ensurance of having a healer at my side and it made dying a lot harder. With Kira, you'll burn down enemies faster but there's always the chance that you could start getting low on health again an elite and you've already popped saber ward and your medpac.


Other than that, T7, Rusk, and Scrouge can just make themselves comfy in your ship since they really aren't useful. As it was said though T7 shows up later but there are plenty of other threads for that topic.

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Doc will give you the overall highest survivability of any companion because of his healing. Combined with the Sentinel's many great defensive skills, if you play your cards right, you can take most enemies on your own with no problem. It took me some time, but I was able to pretty easily solo a champion-level Gormak boss during the Voss Bonus Series with Doc on my back.


Kira and Rusk do great damage when they're geared out (and a recent buff to Kira made her even better) and T7 and Scourge can do some adequate tanking. Personally I think Scourge and T7 are the least useful. As long as you're not getting completely swamped by elites, YOU are a better tank than either of them. When I do use them (to try to get their affection up via quests), I always put them in their attack stance and not guard stance.

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Wait, are you saying that switching to combat makes it harder on yourself, or not switching makes it harder? Cause I've levelled all the way to 45 on my sentinel, via combat. Seems okay to me.


You answered it for me - ”seems okay to me.” I'm not saying combat is bad, or that you cannot level as Combat, it is just harder. You chose to level as Combat, but I guarantee you if you did it over again, with say a Marauder for a different story, you would see that Watchman is the easier way to go. Combat leveling is like going through life with one arm. Sure it's doable and you can live a full and happy life, but two arms are always better than one.


Having said that, Combat is great to play with. Been Combat for a while now on my Sentinel.

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For leveling past 44, definitely Doc. We are Sentinels. We kill fast enough when it comes to random trash mob. Doc will keep you rolling from fight to fight very quickly. .


Couldn't have said it better. I do massive dps and fights are quick even with Doc. And there's zero downtime. At 50 when I'm Op geared, maybe it'll be different. But not for now (I'm 47).

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I guarantee you if you did it over again, with say a Marauder for a different story, you would see that Watchman is the easier way to go. Combat leveling is like going through life with one arm.


Wow. I've already started a marauder, Annhilation spec, and I can tell from the a simple glance that it'll be easier, because I:

A) Get Quinn earlier than I got Doc

B) Have an 18% heal from running full Fury on a target

C) Get very high crit rate on bleeds


But I'll say this. There were a lot of combat benefits that I will miss. Transcendence being the same speed as a grade 1 speeder, extended range on pacify, and a root on crippling throw are some of them. All the rest are in the first 2 levels, so I can grab those on her.


It's pretty obvious that something needs to be done to the combat tree to make it viable. The fact that making Ataru form useful takes 15 skill points, in the late level range, doesn't help. But hey. I think I'll enjoy Annhilation as much as I enjoyed Combat.


(The equivelant of the Watchman tree is Annhilation, and the equivalent of Zen is Fury, right? Can't recall off the top of my head.)

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Once I got Doc I never looked back. He is a bit annoying though but helps you just keep tearing through mobs w/o stopping. Kira would be my 2nd choice there would just be a lot more downtime.
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I specced combat (because the underdog is always more interesting) and used my homeboy T7 99,9 % of the way. The only fight where I felt would be better of with Doc was that female pureblood obn Belsavis.


T7 tanked and I mopped up so fast that health never really became an issue.

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If its just generally soloing i used T7 and got him some nice gear, but make sure you turn off some of his abilities that cause aggro, that way you both can share the aggro resulting in less healing (and more importantly less death for him)


I find t7 so much more fun to have a around... but it does mean more downtime between fights. I only bring Doc out for harder fights with champions of the like. I find having a healer companion makes the game just too easy, makes me forget how squishy we Sentinels truly are. With Doc it sometimes it almost feels almost too easy, almost like cheating. id rather a challenge.

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You answered it for me - ”seems okay to me.” I'm not saying combat is bad, or that you cannot level as Combat, it is just harder. You chose to level as Combat, but I guarantee you if you did it over again, with say a Marauder for a different story, you would see that Watchman is the easier way to go. Combat leveling is like going through life with one arm. Sure it's doable and you can live a full and happy life, but two arms are always better than one.


Having said that, Combat is great to play with. Been Combat for a while now on my Sentinel.


U have to pick the right one for you. Try them both out. When i got to 47 I switched from Combat to Watchman. But that is just me. I think both are good as long as you have your gear and companions gear up to date.

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