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Why ar PvP Levels so uneven?


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Played only a few warzones so far (Level 11 - 14). It really feels odd to see your character suddenly deal damage or heal incredible amounts due to the scaling. The feeling of disconnectedness someone described is quite ruining the fun for me. It`s like playing someones elses character. I do not say that brackets are the answer to everything, but neither ist this scaling system, which pretty much sucks (personal opinon). The motivation to get better and improve ones pvp skills while at the same time obtaining better gear is absolutely lacking.
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This I am sure has been brought up, but the big issue I have, is at level 10 you have less ablities and talants than a 50. Please exsplain how this is fair.


Why do you people whine so much over this? It kind of safeguards the game from QQers that would whine all over forum to balance the game for low lvl PVP.


There are so many people that do not understand how hard it is to balance out any RPG game for PVP, let alone do it for every level there is. So they come calling for nerfs because they get killed by some class and don't even know how that fight would play out at max level.


You can test a bit your class in PVP early to get a glimpse of how it will feel at max level.


Yeah you lack some skills and talents and are in slight disadvantage, so what? If it's not fun to you then level up first and then focus on warzones later when you have it all.

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Why do you people whine so much over this? It kind of safeguards the game from QQers that would whine all over forum to balance the game for low lvl PVP.


There are so many people that do not understand how hard it is to balance out any RPG game for PVP, let alone do it for every level there is. So they come calling for nerfs because they get killed by some class and don't even know how that fight would play out at max level.


You can test a bit your class in PVP early to get a glimpse of how it will feel at max level.


Yeah you lack some skills and talents and are in slight disadvantage, so what? If it's not fun to you then level up first and then focus on warzones later when you have it all.




Yes higher levels have a slight advantage, its not too much.

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The scaling needs to be fixed. Higher levels do more damage, and crit far more often than lower levels. There's actually quite a disparity there.


As the game goes on and people begin to max out and acquire better PvP gear, the new players will want to play less and less, eventually leading to what's trying to be avoided, which is long queues.


It's like putting together a puzzle, but your missing one piece in the middle. The people that say, "it's fine," have no problem with missing a piece, they enjoy the puzzle anyways.


I would be rather upset with missing a piece.

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Higher levels have more abilites then lower levels thats broken, period.


If you enjoy facerolling pvp then you enjoy this broken system.


Make brackets!!!!!!! Over-populated empire will quest while they sit in Q. Who in their right mind thinks warzones are remotely balanced atm? Its still early release and all, but I cant see my fkn char on the warzone mini map, and a level 30ish guy seems to be doing way more things then my level 13.

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I am also baffled by this system of buffing people to "scale" their abilities and stats to that of others in the warzone.


I'm level 14 trying to enjoy pvp and get the hang of combat with other players on this new mmo ( not my 1st mmo by far ) and a level 50 trroper comes up and blows 10 moves on me while im stunned and im dead.


Also my gear and stats seem pointless when I enter a PvP situation because my stats are boosted and I have no where near normal stats, it's also hard to tell what piece of gear is better to use in PvP when your stats are boosted. How am I supposed to tell if stacking cunning will due better burst PvP than stacking aim for instance if my stats are whacko?


The whole Idead makes me never want to enter a warzone and I hope to GOD that they dont have this stat boosting and scaling on Ilum an other PvP planets.


Some people only play for PvP and unfair advantages (i.e. lvl 50 vs lvl 14 in warzone) are not fun to be apart of when doing those events.


So far PvP is Trash in my mind. although im only level 28


Higher levels have more abilites then lower levels thats broken, period.


If you enjoy facerolling pvp then you enjoy this broken system.


Make brackets!!!!!!! Over-populated empire will quest while they sit in Q. Who in their right mind thinks warzones are remotely balanced atm? Its still early release and all, but I cant see my fkn char on the warzone mini map, and a level 30ish guy seems to be doing way more things then my level 13.





So these are the people on my team in huttball... who have no idea what their doing or whats going on.


PvP boosting stats, is fine, use whatever gear makes your character stronger outside of the warzone and it will also be fine in the warzone.


The commando hitting you with 10 abilities whal your stunned would happen at every level not just because hes higher level then you, the levels only dictate what abilities he has.


The pvp is actuialy quite balanced, outside of ability delay before activation in warzones ive been taking out level 30-50 people since I was level 20.


Battlegrounds make alot of things seem imbalanced because its hard to tell if that 3k burst came form the inquisitor or if theres a smuggler / sniper somewhere who just bursted you, and if you dont see him something can seem alot more powerful then it really is.


Your whole post though proved that you know nothign about pvp in any game really and you should try to learn more about battlegrounds before complaining. The stat boost is completely fine, higher levels have such a slight advantage that is almost unnoticeable if your a better player then they are.


Edit - Whats next? Complaining that someone has better gear then you and that's overpowered and unfair? Even though you could get the gear by putting in the same amount of work they did, you'd rather just cry imbalance. Please don't que for Warzones if your going to complain like this, I'll win more games that way :D


Edit 2 - If you dont know if aim or cunning is better for your character... please PLEASE just dont que up.

Edited by BladeDArk
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If you notice, you all get a buff that balances everyones specs to be pretty much even. They are getting queue times to be faster.


It doesn't account for the talents, abilities, and gear that higher levels have.

Edited by Paradosi
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Right now it's fine to to not being to many high lvl palyers. later on a 10-49 and then a 50 bracekt. That should do it tbh, the lvl 50 people will get their pvp gear so they would be to good in the 1-49. And the 1-49 is so you won't have to sit and wait 1 hour to join a battle.
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Bolstering wouldn't be needed if they had all the servers connected for the warzones. But since each warzone appears to be limited to each server they have to do it like this or a few months down the line there will be too few people at lower levels and the queues would be horrendous until you're 50.


The problem with doing it the multi-server way is that a lot of people are against it since it doesn't "build community" since then you're always competing against different people.


Personally though I'm for the multi-server route.

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Warzones are **** made worse due to the head start the staggered launch gave some people. The ppl in this thread saying that it is ok will be the higher level players who abused the wz to level and are now face rolling the rest who did not get the chancr to abuse the system.
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it's fun. if you don't like it then finish leveling up?


This is flawed logic. Some of us cannot or do not want to speed through the levels. We would like to enjoy the game and know for certain I will never be able to level as fast as someone who can play 24-7 when a new game comes out.


So instead we are forced to be in the same Warzone as the people who are already 30+? It is a problem now and it was a problem in beta when I posted about it. George Zoeller responded to my post then re-assuring me that it was only beta and that on release there would be level brackets.


Well there are not brackets. The Warzones are not fair and it is game breaking for me. Bolster can only do so much because of the actual talent and gear disparity between low and high levels. I do not want to have to level up to max to participate in Warzones on equal footing.

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World PVP isn't like this.


The point was to make BG balanced as possible and to keep que times low.


A level 50 vs a level 14+ will have about the same edge. The level 50 will have more skills no doubt about it. But as long as the level 14+ can get his moves off its no difference his damage is deadly due to everything being boosted to a level 50 point.



I do expect a lot of guild who thought they were coming over to compete the BGs within brackets to be pissed off and the other guilds who simply wanted to "Reck" with their chars stats against low levels to be even more pissed off.



But as of right now I can happily say i'm glad they did it this way. Even If I get stuck with a bunch of baddies we still have a chance. I don't have to say "hey man your wearing level 5 gear in this level 50 match." Over and over and over again.



Thanks bio.


Sorry, but reality and theory are two different things. If both players are equally good the level 50 will blow the level 14 apart. I have also seen a level 38 assassin giving 5 newbies a hard time.


You can kill a higher level player but with higher level difference an equal difference in skill is needed.


The idea in general is good but does not reflect what I have seen and experienced within the last few days. If one PvP pool for all is the way it is meant to be, then there is a lot of tweaking to the scaling to be done.

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it appears to me that you guys base a number (or the characters level) on any given players skill... Just because they are a higher level doesnt mean all hope is gone... some ppl play poor and can be stomped no matter the level.... some ppl play well and will stomp no matter the level... this system (while having minor flaws such as talent difference) is perfectly fine, and i feel as if you guys just need something to whine about. Btw im only lvl 19 going against those 30+ lvl characters, sometimes i die, sometimes they die... sounds balanced to me.
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I am a huge PVP'er in Wow and so I am not new to it. When I go 1 v 1 in a Warzone with a player the same level we have a fight, sometimes I win sometime not. If I go against a 40 I lose every time. Also it isn't fair to have a 40 with PVP gear on and I am 15 and still in quest blues. Edited by JoJoTIMB
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Mythic are the ones handling pvp in this game, they actually know what they are doing. If you bracket warzones you will get twinks. When the server populations die down in a few months you will have barely any pops until you hit 50. All of this crap happened in warhammer and they learnt their lesson. What they have done in SWTOR really is the best way of doing it.


This. I've experienced this first hand. The way Bioeware has done things is perfect. And if you think you have no chance in a warzone because someone is much higher leveln then you probably just suck anyway and are blaming the system for your own problems.

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