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Family Tree


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After looking forward to the legacy system for many weeks, i was slightly disappointed at the very unilateral family tree system... I had created this entire canon for my characters, nuances, interrelations that completely excited me. i.e. my imperial agent's sister is his former friend, current rival's wife. and yet i can only have at most, two of those relationships show.


Anyone else wish this system could be a little more complex and fleshed out?


Also, i would looove an apprentice option. or something similar, but less familial than "adopted child".

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Yeah you can only have 2 "lateral" connections with those being defined as sibling, associate, rival, spouse. I had originally envisioned a much more complex legacy arrangement with everything hanging off of a central character (he has three children, one of his children had a friend who was a chiss hunter, the hunter had a cousin that was an agent, etc.) Unfortunately I couldn't really pull it off the way I wanted.


I'd like to have the ability to connect more than just 2 "lateral" characters and more types than the four listed above. Hopefully that comes in the next iteration.

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After looking forward to the legacy system for many weeks, i was slightly disappointed at the very unilateral family tree system... I had created this entire canon for my characters, nuances, interrelations that completely excited me. i.e. my imperial agent's sister is his former friend, current rival's wife. and yet i can only have at most, two of those relationships show.


Anyone else wish this system could be a little more complex and fleshed out?


Also, i would looove an apprentice option. or something similar, but less familial than "adopted child".


i agree with you

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