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So I got my Merc to level 22 which is still a pretty low level. I noticed that in an elite or strong mob fight my steam built at a ridiculous rate so I was standing there with full health in no danger but unable to do anything until it clicked down. Does this get better at higher levels? Judging by playing as a level 38 Sage the fights at that level get longer, so will I be standing around waiting on my steam to release?
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Steam? I know you meant heat, but I'm just curious why you said steam.


Sage and mercenary are two different classes with different resource mechanics. It's very, very easy as a BH to get your heat too high. You can not just spam abilities as a BH you need to plan them out or at least space them out so that your heat stays low. As a rule of thumb keep your heat 39 and under, as it regenerates quicker if it's under 40.

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I have no idea where steam came from maybe I was thinking of the vent heat skill. I guess that is my problem I am going to have to overcome. On my vanguard I have to watch ammo in pvp but it hasn't been an issue in pve like heat is.

I noticed it in a WZ earlier where my team was dominating with good heals. There came a point where I was literally out of the fight with full health and full heat. It kind of makes me feel worthless, which I never have on other classes.

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