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Sith Warrior romances suck.


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Now, as far as the male options are concerned... I haven't played as a female Sith Warrior, but I can understand how the romance would seem not so good here. Personally, I find Quinn to be repulsive and his lack of backbone is a character trait that I can never look by. Pierce, on the other hand, is a man whose personality I like, but other than that... I don't see what he brings on the table since he's kind of shallow.


I think it's another huge credit to the Bioware writing team that they managed to crate a male character that is wholly unique in his personalty, and really divides people into loving him, or hating him completely. I like him (like being a huuuge understatement :D ) but, it's interesting to hear why others do not.


In a weird way Quinn kinda reminds me of a mix of Arnold Rimmer (from Red Dwarf 1st season), and Anomen (from Baulders Gate 2).

Edited by JediElf
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I think it's another huge credit to the Bioware writing team that they managed to crate a male character that is wholly unique in his personalty, and really divides people into loving him, or hating him completely. I like him (like being a huuuge understatement :D ) but, it's interesting to hear why others do not.


In a weird way Quinn kinda reminds me of a mix of Arnold Rimmer (from Red Dwarf 1st season), and Anomen (from Baulders Gate 2).


Personally, I love Pierce and have since my SW girl got him. He's not a tiny, emo guy like *all* the other male romance companions. I like men who are muscular and can take care of themselves (and me) in RL - why would I like some cry-baby, bootlicking wanna-be accountant ingame? Pierce is not shallow. He cares about doing the job and loves working for my girl. He doesn't tolerate failure any more than my girl does and he doesn't get all prissy when I call Imperials on the carpet for failure.

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I don't know, I don't see it that way. Their are plenty of females that you can't always seduce as a male. Also several females, empire side, are in positions of power.


This is exactly the problem! You do not see it as something wrong for every woman to be a sexual object in addition to main occupation (if any). Men are free from it.


Should you say something like "original saga was created as a classical patriarchal story and we are lucky women get any action there" - I would agree. But you said you do not see the problem with SWToR - the game in a modern environment, where sexes are supposed to be equal. And they are far from equal yet it still looks normal to you.


Mail characters in this game can choose, female have no choices. This is the problem.

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This is exactly the problem! You do not see it as something wrong for every woman to be a sexual object in addition to main occupation (if any). Men are free from it.


Should you say something like "original saga was created as a classical patriarchal story and we are lucky women get any action there" - I would agree. But you said you do not see the problem with SWToR - the game in a modern environment, where sexes are supposed to be equal. And they are far from equal yet it still looks normal to you.


Mail characters in this game can choose, female have no choices. This is the problem.


I'm actually a woman...I'l leave it at that.

Edited by JediElf
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Alright, so I know EVERYONE has a complaint about their class romances - whether it be sucky partner, wishing to be gxg or bxb, or whatever - but I'm thinking the Sith Warrior ladies pretty much got shafted. You get a weak, contractual romance with no real feelings and no real anything on one hand and then a mess that amounts to a fling on the other. I know the Sith are supposed to be the darker side of the force, and that means they give in to feelings like hate, jealousy, etc., but it also means they give into love.


Why can't Lt. Pierce be an ACTUAL romance instead of just a fling? I haven't managed to get a thing out of him that wasn't sex, then going back to business. I don't want him to be Aric or Corso, but a "real" cybernetic relationship with him would placate my inner fangirl.


Again, I'm aware not everyone is satisfied with their romance companion (though Aric - once you FINALLY unlock the romance stuff - and Corso have to be my favorites, period), I felt the need to post it on the forums in the hopes that, while they're fixing up companions, they'll deepen Lt. Pierce.


Straight people problems.

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I actually prefer Quinn to Pierce. Pierce's personality grates on my nerves. Everytime he said something against Quinn in his convos with me, I basically told him he either did as instructed and showed Quinn respect he was due, or he'd have ME to deal with.


Sure, I know all about the

betrayal. When I first learned of it, I was pissed, ready to call it quits on my sith warrior because I LIKE Quinn. But then as I leveled other toons, I thought back to Quinn. I gave it a try and I'm glad I did. I chose the dialogue options asking Quinn if our relationship meant ANYTHING to him. Since this happens AFTER you marry him. He sounded genuinely regretful. I think in his own mind, his love for you and what he owed to Baras, one outweighed the other.


He was first told to basically be a spy on you. Then he fell in love with you. I truly believe he loves you. After hearing everything my sith and Quinn said to each other during the Betrayal, I get the impression he DIDN'T want to do this, but had no choice. After everything that happened and our talk before he tried to squish me, I forgave him. He was truly surprised I did. I'm sure he thought he'd be dead after I won and kicked his ***. After he and I said our piece, I told him he could make it up to me in my chambers. So at this point, I'm of the mind that we're STILL married since I completely forgave him. Though this is why I wish we had something to show us if we're married or not. At least with LS/DS options we have a bar to show us where we are. We need one for marriages too!



But as I said. Pierce grates on me. He's entertaining, but I never gave in to the flirts because my Sith was married by this point when they popped up and game or no game, I and my companions, don't cheat on their spouses.

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I think it's another huge credit to the Bioware writing team that they managed to crate a male character that is wholly unique in his personalty, and really divides people into loving him, or hating him completely. I like him (like being a huuuge understatement :D ) but, it's interesting to hear why others do not.


In a weird way Quinn kinda reminds me of a mix of Arnold Rimmer (from Red Dwarf 1st season), and Anomen (from Baulders Gate 2).


I miss Red Dwarf. Quinn as Rimmer.... omg ROFL! I could actually SEE THAT! Both take themselves way too seriously. :D

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He was first told to basically be a spy on you. Then he fell in love with you. I truly believe he loves you. After hearing everything my sith and Quinn said to each other during the Betrayal, I get the impression he DIDN'T want to do this, but had no choice. After everything that happened and our talk before he tried to squish me, I forgave him. He was truly surprised I did. I'm sure he thought he'd be dead after I won and kicked his ***. After he and I said our piece, I told him he could make it up to me in my chambers. So at this point, I'm of the mind that we're STILL married since I completely forgave him. Though this is why I wish we had something to show us if we're married or not. At least with LS/DS options we have a bar to show us where we are. We need one for marriages too!



But as I said. Pierce grates on me. He's entertaining, but I never gave in to the flirts because my Sith was married by this point when they popped up and game or no game, I and my companions, don't cheat on their spouses.


I thought Pierce was a magnificent foil for Quinn. I do think it's enjoyable and funny that he's bluff, direct, and not inclined to dally around talking about feelings. There's action and there's...action, milord. What more can you really want?


And he appeared at exactly the right time. I had Quinn's approval pushed to where his conversations spilled out at the beginning of each act. When I hit Taris I had just established that he didn't want to start anything and I'd just told him I wasn't going to push him. There I am, frustrated, disappointed, absolutely denied, and - hello there, you are not even a little bit like this neat little official who's been dragging my heart around.


Naturally, two or three quest steps in you get the whole

mortal danger outside the generator vault, and in the last seconds, if Quinn's present he'll give this deadpan "I believe you know how I feel about you, my lord."

Which could mean ANYTHING or nothing, but froze my Pierce-[Flirt] inclinations in their tracks.


To finish the brutally awful timing, I married Quinn, finished Pierce's personal quest, hesitated for a long time over the [Flirt]/sex trigger there - I mean, [Flirt] is always more entertaining than not-[Flirt] - but ultimately turned it down because I would never hurt Quinn.


Then I headed for



Oh, there will be no forgiveness.



I hate that bloodless worm with every fiber of my being. :o And, um, still love him. It's awesome.

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I miss Red Dwarf. Quinn as Rimmer.... omg ROFL! I could actually SEE THAT! Both take themselves way too seriously. :D


Yes yes! When he stands 'at ease' you can almost place the little hologram H on his forehead. I think that's part of what endears me to him even more. :D


Now if only I had a scene, where my Sith Warrior wandered around the ship, in his underwear, eating Vindaloo.

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You realized this and still forgave him? :eek:

You sure you're a Sith? :p


Heh... I know my warrior didn't forgive him... she's still mad at him.. and didn't she married him until



AFTER Baras was dead. For her at this point in time, she still doesn't trust him out of her sight.


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I'm actually a woman...I'l leave it at that.


And how does it change anything I've said? If only it makes your reaction worse.



Hate Quinn and the fact he is the only RI option for girls. Do hope they will add more companions in the future so we could kill one we don't want.

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And how does it change anything I've said? If only it makes your reaction worse.


I think the tricky statement was from your earlier post:


You do not see it as something wrong for every woman to be a sexual object in addition to main occupation (if any). Men are free from it.


I think that you intended "Men including male characters are free from having to be a sexual object in addition to their main occupation," but it could be read as "Men-as-players-and-people are free from having to see this at all," and the latter implies an assumption that JediElf/the reader is male; hence annoyance could result.


Moving along:


Straight people problems.
I lol'ed. Rather wryly.


It'd be interesting to see whether they ever add a...tenderer?...SW romance. Vette might be sweet, but nobody else really gets close in a warm human manner. We are technically the biggest thugs in a galaxy full of scheming maniacs, but players still like a little cuddling.

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I think the tricky statement was from your earlier post:

but it could be read as "Men-as-players-and-people are free from having to see this at all," and the latter implies an assumption that JediElf/the reader is male; hence annoyance could result.


Did not mean it this way, of course. As well as I did not mean to sound like a crazy feminist suspecting everyone and everything in attempt to offend my gender. No. But there is an obvious dis-balance in that aria and denying it makes me annoyed.

I do have strong feeling that almost everything was written for male gamers and for male characters. Not everything, but a lot, too much to ignore it. And that makes me sad.

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I do have strong feeling that almost everything was written for male gamers and for male characters. Not everything, but a lot, too much to ignore it. And that makes me sad.


Of course males are the focus, we are the majority when it comes to customer base in gaming. Hands down.


Sure there might be a surprisingly high amount of girls that play games, but not to the same scale. BW still made an effort for both girls and guys and that is a lot more that can be said for other companies.

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Of course males are the focus, we are the majority when it comes to customer base in gaming. Hands down.


Actually, last statistic analysis showed men\women ration is 52%\48%. Depends of the game (in EVE, for example, the difference much bigger). But in "average" game now-days it's very close.


BW still made an effort for both girls and guys and that is a lot more that can be said for other companies.


Really? Name one game with "no effort", please. Actually, any other game is totally asexual (except the armor factor - female characters still supposed to ware nothing). Mb because no other game has tried to implement romances and flirting with NPC, still, it's not an excuse for BW.

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This is exactly the problem! You do not see it as something wrong for every woman to be a sexual object in addition to main occupation (if any). Men are free from it.


Should you say something like "original saga was created as a classical patriarchal story and we are lucky women get any action there" - I would agree. But you said you do not see the problem with SWToR - the game in a modern environment, where sexes are supposed to be equal. And they are far from equal yet it still looks normal to you.


Thing is she was saying there are plenty who are not a sexual object or can be seduced/persuaded into a relationship or even one night stand for that matter. Also As I have pointed out before (I don't recall if it was this thread or not though) I am willing to bet that it you look at the number of romance-able females in game vs the number of romance-able males you would find a correlation percentage wise to the number of male players vs female players respectively. I mean the fact is even though the dynamic is shifting closer to a more 50/50 even split (which is a fact that I love, I love gamer chicks) but even now there are more male then female players.


Mail characters in this game can choose, female have no choices. This is the problem.



Is this like Mail order husbands? ;)


Russian....Asian...Greek maybe?

Edited by Hyfy
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Actually, last statistic analysis showed men\women ration is 52%\48%. Depends of the game (in EVE, for example, the difference much bigger). But in "average" game now-days it's very close.




Really? Name one game with "no effort", please. Actually, any other game is totally asexual (except the armor factor - female characters still supposed to ware nothing). Mb because no other game has tried to implement romances and flirting with NPC, still, it's not an excuse for BW.


I'm talking about all games, not just MMOs.


I'd say 95% all have male protagonists, females for romance, and generally appeal to men more than women. Its just how the market is.

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My typing sucks, I know, you do not have to underline it.


I'm talking about all games, not just MMOs.


I'd say 95% all have male protagonists, females for romance, and generally appeal to men more than women. Its just how the market is.


You are still talking about some very narrow game type. Because - again - I can not remember modern game without female avatar option. Care to name one? Now days general gaming might be not even 50:50 - should I even mention facebook games? Or console games?


In MMO we are close to 50\50 ratio. But even if we were not - this is still would not be an excuse to make EVERY female companion romasable and only half (1/3 ?) of male companions so. And math for non-flirting male NPC vs non-flirting female NPC is even worse.


I said many times I do understand it was done for male gamers (playing female characters you don't need to be hitted by NPC or flirt with males, same reason a lot of you ask for SGR). But it's not fair to women gamers. Having all those options would not hurt males yet benefit females gameplay. BW simply did not think about it, ignored us like those "not valuable customers" with additional 30 days of play time. This is a sad thing.

Edited by Mirandel
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I have actually been more disappointed with the lack of [flirt] options for female warriors. It seems like we don't get many chances to flirt with like quest npcs compared to other classes. I like Quinn though, his voice is dreamy.


Someone mentioned farming hammer station for a chest piece that was modable that looked like his original uniform. I would love to find him something like that, he's way sexier in uniform. If anyone could link that or any modable imperial uniform type gear he can wear id be very appreciative!

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My typing sucks, I know, you do not have to underline it.




You are still talking about some very narrow game type. Because - again - I can not remember modern game without female avatar option. Care to name one? Now days general gaming might be not even 50:50 - should I even mention facebook games? Or console games?


In MMO we are close to 50\50 ratio. But even if we were not - this is still would not be an excuse to make EVERY female companion romasable and only half (1/3 ?) of male companions so. And math for non-flirting male NPC vs non-flirting female NPC is even worse.


I said many times I do understand it was done for male gamers (playing female characters you don't need to be hitted by NPC or flirt with males, same reason a lot of you ask for SGR). But it's not fair to women gamers. Having all those options would not hurt males yet benefit females gameplay. BW simply did not think about it, ignored us like those "not valuable customers" with additional 30 days of play time. This is a sad thing.


I get what you're trying to get at, but really you are coming across as one bitter bitter person. And I really don't think the player pop even in game here is near the 50/50 split yet. Is it getti g better and working its way in that direction? Sure it is, but I'm willing to wager that the percentage split of male vs female gamers would be near mirroring the number of female romance options vs male romance options. it's a numbers game and I'm pretty sure Bioware is all sorts of on too of the numbers, and made their romance options to coincide with those numbers.

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You are the one speaking of a verry narrow game group, RPGs and MMOs perhaps offer female options but a majority of games, POPULAR games are male-centered.


And no, RPGs and MMOs are not the only game genres that make money or matter.


COD, Halo, Battlefield and many other male-centric games do just as well if not better.

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And how does it change anything I've said? If only it makes your reaction worse.


Makes my reaction worse?! What does that....


Look I stand by what I said, all of it.


I have actually been more disappointed with the lack of [flirt] options for female warriors. It seems like we don't get many chances to flirt with like quest npcs compared to other classes. I like Quinn though, his voice is dreamy.


No augment here, on both counts. @_@


Someone mentioned farming hammer station for a chest piece that was modable that looked like his original uniform. I would love to find him something like that, he's way sexier in uniform. If anyone could link that or any modable imperial uniform type gear he can wear id be very appreciative!


I found it !




It drops from Vorgan the Volcano. ^_^

Edited by JediElf
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I have actually been more disappointed with the lack of [flirt] options for female warriors. It seems like we don't get many chances to flirt with like quest npcs compared to other classes. I like Quinn though, his voice is dreamy.


Someone mentioned farming hammer station for a chest piece that was modable that looked like his original uniform. I would love to find him something like that, he's way sexier in uniform. If anyone could link that or any modable imperial uniform type gear he can wear id be very appreciative!


Either that or you can camp the Galactic Trade Market for the RD-03A recon jacket and pant combo, either on the Republic side or the Imperial side. If you do get it on the Republic side, I know it looks different, don't worry once you send it over it looks like the purple-ish uniform jacket and white pant combo you can get from Hammer Station. There's a couple other combinations you can get one is a TH-seomthing Medic jacket which is more green with a red trim I think, I haven't found the pants that match that yet so....


Yes.... I spend waaaaay too much time looking for things to make my companions and characters looking just "right". But yes Quinn does look waaaaay better in an uniform top doesn't matter what colour it is so long as it's an uniform top of some sort. :o


*cuddles up next to Quinn and hisses like a cat at passerbys*

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