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Sith Warrior romances suck.


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Alright, so I know EVERYONE has a complaint about their class romances - whether it be sucky partner, wishing to be gxg or bxb, or whatever - but I'm thinking the Sith Warrior ladies pretty much got shafted. You get a weak, contractual romance with no real feelings and no real anything on one hand and then a mess that amounts to a fling on the other. I know the Sith are supposed to be the darker side of the force, and that means they give in to feelings like hate, jealousy, etc., but it also means they give into love.


Why can't Lt. Pierce be an ACTUAL romance instead of just a fling? I haven't managed to get a thing out of him that wasn't sex, then going back to business. I don't want him to be Aric or Corso, but a "real" cybernetic relationship with him would placate my inner fangirl.


Again, I'm aware not everyone is satisfied with their romance companion (though Aric - once you FINALLY unlock the romance stuff - and Corso have to be my favorites, period), I felt the need to post it on the forums in the hopes that, while they're fixing up companions, they'll deepen Lt. Pierce.

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Well, Rose, maybe you can help with his case. Why do you like him?


I haven't married him - in fact, I really refuse to, even if it means alone forever. It just seems to me that he's a boot-licking little man and his proposal is more like signing a contract than showing any feelings. :/

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Oh, at first I thought this was about Vette and Psychohosebeast... err DS Jaesa.


I was about to say that Vette is a very old fashioned romance with a slightly kinky side on the wedding night. ;)


Two words: Shock Collar.




Giggity. :D

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Perhaps Lt. Pierce is just interested in a fling and not relationship? Not all characters get the same dialogue, they surely don't get the same motivations.


Looks like if you can't handle that you will be forever alone.


My male SW has Lord Grathan's wife, Darth Lachris, and Vette in his pocket. I'll enjoy my harem!

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For starters, I love that man's voice!


I really enjoyed watching Quinn's struggle between duty and desire play out. My class quest timed well with the romance so my SW got to beat out his lingering alliance to Baras just before he told her he was no longer conflicted. I think his proposal was sweetly old fashioned. He just needed to get on his knee!

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Ha! I for one like Quinn because he is so feverishly dedicated to the things he values, which is a list consisting of 1. the Empire and 2. Nothing else in the galaxy until he finally lets you in. Sure, he's not big on feelings, and he deals with everything by running it through a weighted cost-benefit analysis and determining the optimal response...which he then implements decisively and with zero fear. With him it's all or nothing. His "all" isn't mushy, but it's as steady as you're ever likely to find. (I can only imagine what his real mindstate was like throughout all this.)


Maybe it's just the engineer in me, but I love the sight of those wheels turning in his brain while he tries to get his priorities sorted out. Besides, watching him get flustered when I tease him while we're talking marriage - still can't handle human humor? I thought not - was hilarious.


Also, really, if you start on day one by going down on one knee and swearing "I believe in your cause and will follow where you lead, defend you with my own life, fight your challenges as I would my own, and aid you with everything I have," it's hard to get stronger expressions of devotion from there.


As for boot-licking...he did pull me aside to question the decisions he thought might endanger the mission. Sure, I could do with about fifty fewer "my lord"s per day, but not-getting-uppity-around-Sith is what positions him to make a difference in the galaxy. As a partner he kept me honest and alive, and I kept him where he most wanted to be: at the forefront of the battles that mattered. Love is setting up the critical battle for your shared cause and following through with perfect confidence in your partner.


All that said, I would take an extended vacation with Pierce at the first opportunity. I find his "romance" hilarious - none of this talking about feelings; let's get to it. By the way, Lieutenant, you're awesome.


If the SW romances are unemotional...well, the entire line lacks some types of emotion. Just look at how completely alone you are in the endgame. The Sith Warrior, for all that s/he feeds off passion, is the loneliest class I've ever played. The romances reflect that.

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If the SW romances are unemotional...well, the entire line lacks some types of emotion. Just look at how completely alone you are in the endgame. The Sith Warrior, for all that s/he feeds off passion, is the loneliest class I've ever played. The romances reflect that.


It is indeed a running theme of the class. After you kill Darth Who-cares with Lord Draagh, the Sith Warrior can quietly and soberly muse "This will be our fate someday as well." The light side SW in particular seems to have a very strong tone of knowing exactly where the dark side path will lead. More's the pity my female LS Warrior couldn't romance LS Jaesa.

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Well, Rose, maybe you can help with his case. Why do you like him?


I haven't married him - in fact, I really refuse to, even if it means alone forever. It just seems to me that he's a boot-licking little man and his proposal is more like signing a contract than showing any feelings. :/

Well you got Broonmark if all else fails. :jawa_tongue:

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They do suck.


If you know what I mean....




I see what you did there! :eek:


It would seem the romance options aren't for everyone. I found Lt. "Side Benefit" Pierce to be unappealing but I think its mostly an attitude thing I suppose. Whereas I couldn't get enough of Quinn, but I have a soft spot for uniforms that don't know what to do with females, that and the dynamic presented between the two was, for me interesting in that both my warrior and Quinn more or less knew who was the more "dominant" partner in their relationship. My RL partner on the other hand completely despises Quinn, but he's playing a male SW. ;)

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I've had an unnatural thing for Imperial officers since, well, Grand Moff Tarkin. Don't ask. I love a man in uniform.


And this is why I umm... solo ran Hammer Station a bunch of times just to get the poor guy to look "just right" for the entirety of my playthrough of the SW.



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And this is why I umm... solo ran Hammer Station a bunch of times just to get the poor guy to look "just right" for the entirety of my playthrough of the SW.




Darned right. I camped the auction house for longer than I care to admit to snag an appropriate jacket.

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Oh, at first I thought this was about Vette and Psychohosebeast... err DS Jaesa.


I was about to say that Vette is a very old fashioned romance with a slightly kinky side on the wedding night. ;)


Two words: Shock Collar.




Giggity. :D


Hey Psychohosebeast is actually quite fun to have around sometimes, never mind that she is very similar to my ex-wife, but when you are in a tear it up kinda mood she's just he kind of woman to hang onto because you know shes always game for some fun.

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but I have a soft spot for uniforms that don't know what to do with females,


See this was me for the longest time. Then I had my daughter and an epiphany and now the only female I particularly worry about knowing what to do with is my daughter. She is such a complicated creature.

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For the record, I would not put ANYTHING near DS Jaesa's mouth that's somehow attached to my body. :eek:


She skeers me. :o

Talking to DS Jaesa she was nice enough to talk to me about when she was at a spaceport and met an Imperial Officer. She then told me that they "got to know each other better" and then she killed him. Ain't that sweet.

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See this was me for the longest time. Then I had my daughter and an epiphany and now the only female I particularly worry about knowing what to do with is my daughter. She is such a complicated creature.



From what I understand, daughters fall into a very special category for most dads. We are not to be understood by our fathers =D

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I've had an unnatural thing for Imperial officers since, well, Grand Moff Tarkin. Don't ask. I love a man in uniform.


Agreed here!


I'm a big fan of Quinn. I count him among one of the best companions, in the whole game.


I just wish my male Sith Warrior could romance him...they are perfect for each other. *sigh*

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From what I understand, daughters fall into a very special category for most dads. We are not to be understood by our fathers =D


Whats funny is she tries the pouty lips and batting her eye lashes (she's only six mind you) but still hasn't figured out that it doesn't work on me as I have a younger sister who tried the same tactics. Don't get me wrong, she'll always be daddy's little girl, but she's not always going to get her way either.

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My second run SW is happy with Pierce. I particularly enjoyed his "This posting just gets better and better."


I would have preferred a full romance but he suits my DS SW. I used him exclusively after picking him up so it worked for levelling his favour as well.


My girl is all 'Sith business' but I don't see why she shouldn't have some fun too :p


I romanced Quinn on my first SW and found it amusing but ultimately not to my taste. The poorly done <spoiler thingy> didn't help matters.

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I was extremely disappointed by the lack of a light side Jaesa romance.


Eh, she's kind of boring as an LS. I think she pulls an Ashara as far as why she isn't interested in a relationship, except she takes it from no marriage to no relationship.

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While I am pretty disappointed Lt. Pierce is a mere fling (I totally wanted to romance him on my SW) I have to withhold judgement until I actually DO it. On paper, I think it's still going to be better than the consular and Lt. Boyfriend (she gets teased by a fling too, AND the way that breaks up is ... is the worst).


Seriously, Lt. Boyfriend is so much more into my consular than she is into him, it breaks my heart a little. You deserve better, Lt. Iresso!

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