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those last 10 skill points...

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You and me both.


For PvE I like Master Focus (2), Defensive forms (2), Dual Wield (3) and Defensive roll (2) but I do not know where to put my last point. Most of the posts I have read argue for putting a point into Force Fade.


For PvP I like Inflamation (2), Dual Wield (3), Defensive Forms (2), and Master Focus (2). Once again I have one point and do not know if I should put it into Force Fade (1) or Jedi Crusader (1). However, I am not sure if I like this PvP build.


This is what I am doing but I look forward to what the rest of the community has to say.

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Slash crits make me happy.


That's a wicked damage spec, and the slash crits make a lot of damage waiting for Cauterize to refresh.


Very utility, Very squish for AOE's. I respec'd in to 7/3 tonight for HM T+Z... Holy crap what a difference. Way less output but I didn't die afterwards (Still learning that fight <_< )


Probably going to try 3 points in to defensive forms and drop the swelling winds talent when I respec, see what happens.

Edited by FadedSpark
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Since the changes in 1.2 I've invested in:

Dual Wield Mastery (Combat) - 3 points.

Defensive Forms (Combat) - 2 points.

Defensive Roll (Combat) - 2 points.

Master Focus (Focus) - 2 points.

Insight (Focus) - 1 point


I like getting Defensive Roll because a bit of extra defense on top of your good defensive skills can only help. Plus since endgame content has more AOE attacks, this will be helpful.


I like Master Focus because I pepper Master Strike in since it's free and does decent damage. It's a good filler when my Merciless doesn't reset my Cauterize CD. The last point I drop in Insight. I've heard that Force crit can help with your burn crits, but I'm not 100 percent sure on that.


I don't like Jedi Crusader. At two points it will give you an extra 2 focus when you use Riposte. Not worth the points.

Swelling Winds I don't take because unlike before, it doesn't reduce the cost of Force Sweep, only its CD and damage. At 3 focus, I rarely use it any more.

I also don't take Swift Slash for Slash crit because you have to invest 5 points in tier one focus. You'll get more bang out of five points in Dual-Wield Mastery and Defensive Forms than you will out of any of the tier 1 Focus talents.


That's my reasoning. It has worked well for me since the 1.2 patch.

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the last 10 pts are personal preference more so. But to me and how I've built my sentinel I use 31/7/3.


Combat Tier 1: Duel Wield Mastery 3/3 and Defensive Forms 2/2 <-----A must for max dps

Combat Tier 2: Defensive Roll 2/2 For the new Operations..Lots of AoE damage.



Focus Tier 1: Master Focus 2/2...Master Strike should be used every time it comes off Cool-down. Period, In watchman spec it counts for a good chunk of your dps and not using it holds you back.


and I also place 1 point into Insight. Depending on where I'm at on accuracy, I will swap that point between Steadfast and Insight.


Going 7 pts into Focus to get an extra 15% critical chance on Slash may seem like a good idea in thought. In all honesty, its not on paper. Slash should be no more than 1/10th of your attacks. If it is then your missing your other skills that do so much more damage.


But for me it doesn't come down to what the 10 points go into. 31/5/2 is needed for watchman. Those last 3 points are the ones that are debatable in my opinion.

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