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Arsenal Merc - Interesting Play at higher levels?


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I got to level 21 on my Arsenal merc ... the playstyle is a little boring ... no, that's a lie, it's ALOT boring. As much as I try not to, I'm spamming tracer missiles because the debuff is quite good I think. I'm also stuck with Mako until I get Gault. It doesn't feel like I'm playing a DPS spec at all.


Someone please tell me there is a more gamechanging talent or attack on the horizon. Maybe I should try the pyro tree instead? Spamming missiles gets old really fast. Gimme some aerial mines or some kind of damage drones ... anything but more missiles.

Edited by Obtena
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Someone please tell me there is a more gamechanging talent or attack on the horizon. Maybe I should try the pyro tree instead? Spamming missiles gets old really fast. Gimme some aerial mines or some kind of damage drones ... anything but more missiles.



As an Arsenal Merc, you're spamming TM for the armor debuff which sets up your UL and RS. It is a grind yes but the story does get better after Alderaan...there are some surprises, as well as tough fights, coming...

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It is possibly the least interesting dps spec in the entire game.


how can u say that?! its lovely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! really after 8 rerolls, 2 lvl 50s, 2 lvl 40s, and more, i finally found my class in arsenal merc... even IF a few levels of tracermissles is boring.. once u get heatseeker missles your journey ends :))) coolest move in game! +111111

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how can u say that?! its lovely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! really after 8 rerolls, 2 lvl 50s, 2 lvl 40s, and more, i finally found my class in arsenal merc... even IF a few levels of tracermissles is boring.. once u get heatseeker missles your journey ends :))) coolest move in game! +111111


while i love my arsenal, the simplicity of the rotation is a bit much, only class I play (have 4 total toons in play) that I can bind my rotation to my mouse (I use a G700 gaming mouse)... every other class has more useful buttons to press.


I dont mind that though, I rarely "tunnel vision" on my rotation and have a lot of awareness

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Personally that's why I stayed away from an arsenal build even though I was told time and again it was the fastest for leveling. I really liked Pyro for the ability to kite, proc PPA, and railshot. Kiting champ mobs a level or two higher keeps things interesting and challenging.
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This is good info. I just hit level 11 on my mercenary and have been debating which way to go. After reading that Arsenal is the "simple" skill tree, I'm definitely going with Pyrotech.
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The rotation can be a little boring, but heatseekers look awesome and hit like a mack truck. Also, my merc just lays down punishment against anything, player or npc. I just bulldoze through areas and if I have mako next to me, I never even stop to regenerate, just non-stop punishment.


Every now and again I get jumped by a player and tracer missile and HS tears them apart too. You can't go wrong with Arsenal if you just want to be a machine. I haven't tried pyro but I might give it a shot just for giggles.

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maybe it's just me.. I love arsenal, but I can't stand using someone elses "rotation" scheme for my attacks. I prefer to evaluate each situation individually in regards to my team make up, location, mob size, etc etc.. and then attack accordingly. I've seen threads where people specifically say NOT to use Death From Above (one of the arsenal merc's most damaging attacks) because it has a slow cooldown, and thus can't be put into an "attack string". Hogwash.. I use it in mine all the time, even if most of the time I'm using it as an opener to relieve the riff-raff before swatting a strong or elite in a 1 v 1 fight.


Also.. not really fond of Gault.. Mako is the way to go. I'd suggest *NOT* using her "named gear" that you can drop, instead, put her in orange or purple gear that highlights cunning, end, and alacrity.. this keeps her (and you) alive a lot longer. Mind you, I also solo a lot as well, so the typical attack strings and companion set-ups don't work as well for me. I also don't do any PvP, so it may be cool in PvP to let the whole planet of players know what's coming at them next so they can throw their interrupts at ya, I dunno.. but doesn't sound like a good strategy to me :)


In closing I'll say this: it's a game.. it's an origin.. it's an archetype.. PLAY with it! Enjoy it and learn it, but most importantly, learn how YOU like to play it in a way that works for YOU. When you do that, no matter what class you play, no matter what build you run with, you'll always enjoy the game(s) you play.

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