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Opinions on SWTOR as of now


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There are parts I like and parts I don't like. I'm pissed that the parts I usually favor in MMOs are the inferior ones in this game.

I'm really sorry to say but the world doesn't revolve around you. I wish GW2 had a hell better story line, but I'm not going to sit write to complain. I write to improve. Anyone like Gungan would be pissed off, I do see their point, but give improvement ideas, not complaints.

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" the newest person" What does that mean? What is below average? You have friends? Re support your statement, then post an educated argument. Here a small guide for you: http://writing2.richmond.edu/writing/wweb/reason3.html

Most useless post I've seen yet.


Aw, you're upset, how cute.


My argument on why the game is terrible: I get bored when I play it (so I don't anymore) That's it.


5 of my RL friends joined with me on launch, all quit within a few months. However, we like to watch it squirm.


Here's a guide for you: http://www.apa.org/topics/anger/control.aspx

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I'm really sorry to say but the world doesn't revolve around you. I wish GW2 had a hell better story line, but I'm not going to sit write to complain. I write to improve. Anyone like Gungan would be pissed off, I do see their point, but give improvement ideas, not complaints.


Doesn't revolve around you either. Everyone has just as much right to see improvements made in their favorite aspects of the game. If they're not going to do everything well then they shouldn't have included the features in the game in the first place, so at least people know right off the bat this game is not for them.


Try to cater to everyone and you please noone, but it's too late for that, which is why there's such a high rate of dissatisfaction with the game, my server just went from Standard to Light, and they're giving away free game time.


They should never have put Mythic on this game.

Edited by Gungan
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SWTOR MMO as it is is AWESOME*


* if the MMO part of the game is optional to you, if you rolled on a high-population server, if spamming /1 to form groups for hours is your idea of hardcore game play, if you are a star wars fanboy.

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No, other players would not like this. Why? Because there's no more PvE progression path for PvE players, you MUST go and do PvP to get your welfare epics, no other option. Ok, now I'll say it, the game is broken, PvE is broken for PvE players, the game is ****ed, reduced to hangout guilds and sitting on the fleet doing nothing. So sick of having to explain it, have a look at the gear and compare battlemaster/war hero to all the PvE gear, go look for yourselves, geez. So sick of the locked threads and flaming every time someone tries to have a discussion about it, and so sick of players getting slammed for not praising the game.


Jesus Christ.


Providing feedback (even if it's negative) and discussing all the **** things in the game, is a GOOD THING. It doesn't mean you "hate the game" ffs. I get it, you love the game so much that you're going to defend it to your dying breath, but just glossing over all the ***** and pretending it's the best thing since sliced bread DOES NOT help the game, it DOES NOT support the game.

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No, other players would not like this. Why? Because there's no more PvE progression path for PvE players, you MUST go and do PvP to get your welfare epics, no other option. Ok, now I'll say it, the game is broken, PvE is broken for PvE players, the game is ****ed, reduced to hangout guilds and sitting on the fleet doing nothing. So sick of having to explain it, have a look at the gear and compare battlemaster/war hero to all the PvE gear, go look for yourselves, geez. So sick of the locked threads and flaming every time someone tries to have a discussion about it, and so sick of players getting slammed for not praising the game.


Jesus Christ.


Providing feedback (even if it's negative) and discussing all the **** things in the game, is a GOOD THING. It doesn't mean you "hate the game" ffs. I get it, you love the game so much that you're going to defend it to your dying breath, but just glossing over all the ***** and pretending it's the best thing since sliced bread DOES NOT help the game, it DOES NOT support the game.


while i applaud your effort in getting your points across, they will simply be blocked by a big giant wall of fanboy lalalalala. +1 for you though

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Alright, I'll admit then that you are correct in saying WoW has more options for places to level. But as I said, it's a compromise. Don't like it? Go back to WoW. I sure won't be.


You and others bring up wanting more.. or satisfied with "as is"....... I'm not liking either.. I take it you never played EverQuest, which had MORE starting locations and zones then ANY of these modern day MMO's.. It's a shame that old games actually had MORE open world content, then the linear theme parks we have now.. I'm sure much of this is to do with eye candy graphics.... I would gladly give up some eye candy for twice as much World to live in, and content to go with it.. Considering the technology from back in the 90's when EverQuest was born from, it was amazing.... Today's games are actually a disappointment..

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Doesn't revolve around you either. Everyone has just as much right to see improvements made in their favorite aspects of the game. If they're not going to do everything well then they shouldn't have included the features in the game in the first place, so at least people know right off the bat this game is not for them.


Try to cater to everyone and you please noone, but it's too late for that, which is why there's such a high rate of dissatisfaction with the game, my server just went from Standard to Light, and they're giving away free game time.


They should never have put Mythic on this game.


"They should never have put Mythic on this game." I agree strongly. Mythic took a chunk of BW :(

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You and others bring up wanting more.. or satisfied with "as is"....... I'm not liking either.. I take it you never played EverQuest, which had MORE starting locations and zones then ANY of these modern day MMO's.. It's a shame that old games actually had MORE open world content, then the linear theme parks we have now.. I'm sure much of this is to do with eye candy graphics.... I would gladly give up some eye candy for twice as much World to live in, and content to go with it.. Considering the technology from back in the 90's when EverQuest was born from, it was amazing.... Today's games are actually a disappointment..

They're a disappointment because games in general are loosing their content. EverQuest probably had more because they didn't have Mythic working on it, and because like you said graphics.

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You and others bring up wanting more.. or satisfied with "as is"....... I'm not liking either.. I take it you never played EverQuest, which had MORE starting locations and zones then ANY of these modern day MMO's.. It's a shame that old games actually had MORE open world content, then the linear theme parks we have now.. I'm sure much of this is to do with eye candy graphics.... I would gladly give up some eye candy for twice as much World to live in, and content to go with it.. Considering the technology from back in the 90's when EverQuest was born from, it was amazing.... Today's games are actually a disappointment..


Not old enough to have played EverQuest, though I've heard a number of things about it.


Unfortunately, the gaming playerbase is not the same as it was then. It has grown and evolved. I like SWTOR right now, though there are things I'd like to see improved. Generally those things are being worked over/fixed/whathaveyou and I'm perfectly fine sitting here patiently waiting for those changes.


And actually, things have gotten more linear because the first rule of game design is K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid.) For some, it's great having this vast world to explore and all these different things to do. But it doesn't make for a very interesting and relatively easy to follow storyline. Most people don't want to finish the starter area and then go, "Well crap. Now where's the best place for me to go?" and then wind up in a zone twice their level.


I'm not the kind of person that likes to have things spoonfed to me in a game, but I'm also not the kind of person who wants to get lost when all I want to do is quest.

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You and others bring up wanting more.. or satisfied with "as is"....... I'm not liking either.. I take it you never played EverQuest, which had MORE starting locations and zones then ANY of these modern day MMO's.. It's a shame that old games actually had MORE open world content, then the linear theme parks we have now.. I'm sure much of this is to do with eye candy graphics.... I would gladly give up some eye candy for twice as much World to live in, and content to go with it.. Considering the technology from back in the 90's when EverQuest was born from, it was amazing.... Today's games are actually a disappointment..


No kidding right. I played UO when it first came out for 5 YEARS and never got bored once.




I cant think of a single MMO that kept me that long. Fallen Earth was a close second. Probably because FE was the perfect combination of Sandbox/Themepark.

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Everyone posting here has bought the game,

Not everyone likes the game, their opinion is as valid as anyone else's.

Not sure why some people continue to pay for a game they dont like but thats another story.


You have to buy the game first to subscribe and you have to have a valid subscription to play the game and post on the forums.


Your argument is invalid sir. May the 4th be with you. O unless they are using a friends account to troll.

Edited by -Sev
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Am I the only person that thinks the story and dialog is pretty damn average?

It's not even close to the standard of the first two KOTOR's........

It's good for a MMORPG sure. But it's not great.


No, you're not the only one. One of the first things I thought when I finished most of the Trooper story was that it was remarkably similar in quality to some creative writing I did in grade 8... and I was no star.

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So, you accomplished what by saying that? Nothing creative, constructive, or special.


Not that I'm acting as an apologist for the person you replied to, but these "ZOMG! I love this game! Everything is wonderful!" posts don't add anything creative, constructive, or special either. These post simply seem to act as the antithesis of the "OMG! This game sucks!" posts. Neither variety are offering anything creative, construct, or special as you put it.

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