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Huttball: Scores midfield


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This is a bug I've run into twice in the last about week or so of me playing. I'm not claiming exploit, because in both instances the people who triggered it had no idea how they did it, but right now it is possible to score while holding the ball in the other team's rafters.


I have no idea how it works, but they'll just be playing a standard passing game and all of a sudden they'll just score. It'll play the sound, give them a point, and reset the ball to midfield.


Has anyone else had this happen lately? I'm hoping this doesn't happen more often because it seemed like I'd never seen this before patch. In both instances it ruined close games, and pretty much arbitrarily gave the other team the win.

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Bump, no one else noticed this? Or is it just not controversial enough.




This sounds like the bug back in beta.


A teammate passed the ball to an ally and he scored a point.

* Even tho he was in the middle of the map, nowhere near the goal.


But after playing countless huttball games since release, the issue was fixed.

* I'd suggest recording your games with "FRAPS" then show us and "Bioware" if this really is a bug,

Edited by Valperion
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Yup its been mentioned quite a lot, people are attributing it to a fresh set of hacks that came out. which include lagswitching and teleport.


you might wanna /report


This is what I believe as-well.

* This bug has been fixed for quite a while.


It seems very "unlikely", that after 4-5 months it just randomly appears.

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Yup its been mentioned quite a lot, people are attributing it to a fresh set of hacks that came out. which include lagswitching and teleport.


you might wanna /report


It's definitely not a hack. One of the times it happened when my guild was playing a huttball match against itself. They were moving the ball up the field and then all of a sudden they just scored. No one knew what happened. If the game hadn't been close it would have been funny :mad:


Yesterday, as well, I got spawned behind the doors in voidstar too. I wonder if maybe the server I'm on is acting up, if literally no one else has run into this.

Edited by Scoobings
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It's definitely not a hack. One of the times it happened when my guild was playing a huttball match against itself. They were moving the ball up the field and then all of a sudden they just scored. No one knew what happened. If the game hadn't been close it would have been funny :mad:


Yesterday, as well, I got spawned behind the doors in voidstar too. I wonder if maybe the server I'm on is acting up, if literally no one else has run into this.


It could be very well the database for that server.

* Last time I was behind the doors on voidstar, was in beta back in November.

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Bump, no one else noticed this? Or is it just not controversial enough.



^ what is this the logic behind every patch.

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That would be interesting.


I would actually worry, because back then.

The only way to fix various bugs such as that, was to wipe the server and start over.

* Essentially introducing a new client.


Then again, beta testers had their accounts wiped like almost every 1-2 months.

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