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Old Clone Wars Vs. New Clone Wars

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What does everyone think about old, hand-animated clone wars? NTCW has a lot of stuff going for it, but OTCW is still interesting in a lot of ways despite the animation...what does everybody else think?


Clone Wars (orig) > TCW ( $$$ remake)


The Orig. mini-series actually leads up to the begining of Ep III...I'd ike to see TCW do that...oh wait...all canon was destroyed in TCW... :rolleyes:

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I personally really like both, but for different reasons.


The Original Clone Wars shorts were very action-packed and really fun to watch, but the story they told wasn't the most coherent, or deep. They had plenty of great set-pieces and some really awesome sequences, but the stories told there were kind of lackluster. Plus, I did have some personal points of contention with the shorts, like how Jedi were made out to be nigh-unstoppable superheroes (most of the time), or how most of the shorts were paced. That said, I really liked how Grevious was introduced here, his intro empisode is one of my favorite shorts of them all.


The New Clone Wars has a lot going for it, too. For one, it maintains a more coherent narrative most of the time and the stories are allowed to be deeper and more complex than those of the shorts. The cast of characters is more consistant, and the characters themselves actually undergo development over the course of the series. It might lack some of the grandiose action that marked the original shorts, but the better stories are a good trade for that, in my opinion. Also, TCW really gets away with quite a bit in terms of content, something I appreciate, as it allows for much better stories (again with the stories! sorry for sounding like a broken record...). Still, it's not a perfect series (nothing ever is), and some of the early episodes were kind of poorly-handled. Also, the movie that launched the series is not good, at all (that's an understatement). All that said, I personally like the new series.

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I personally really like both, but for different reasons.


The Original Clone Wars shorts were very action-packed and really fun to watch, but the story they told wasn't the most coherent, or deep. They had plenty of great set-pieces and some really awesome sequences, but the stories told there were kind of lackluster. Plus, I did have some personal points of contention with the shorts, like how Jedi were made out to be nigh-unstoppable superheroes (most of the time), or how most of the shorts were paced. That said, I really liked how Grevious was introduced here, his intro empisode is one of my favorite shorts of them all.


The New Clone Wars has a lot going for it, too. For one, it maintains a more coherent narrative most of the time and the stories are allowed to be deeper and more complex than those of the shorts. The cast of characters is more consistant, and the characters themselves actually undergo development over the course of the series. It might lack some of the grandiose action that marked the original shorts, but the better stories are a good trade for that, in my opinion. Also, TCW really gets away with quite a bit in terms of content, something I appreciate, as it allows for much better stories (again with the stories! sorry for sounding like a broken record...). Still, it's not a perfect series (nothing ever is), and some of the early episodes were kind of poorly-handled. Also, the movie that launched the series is not good, at all (that's an understatement). All that said, I personally like the new series.


Good points. I, personally, believe that villains make the heroes. Your hero is only as heroic as the thing he defeats. Your hero can still be sympathetic if he never manages to defeat anything at all, but he usually won't be heroic. Main bounty hunter of TCW? A short blue man with a cowboy hat and two pistols. Main bounty hunter of Old Clone Wars? Gigantic hulking cyborg with two pistols...a flechette launcher, flamethrower, jetpack, energy shields, poison gas launcher, energy lance, mace, bolas, and when all else fails can turn into an enormous tentacled invincible rage monster. Yes, this made the Jedi very overpowered, but if I can just suspend the thoughts of "This guy isn't even possible to defeat. How did the Jedi get this powerful between episodes?" Then I can have a lot of fun with it. The epic music helps too.

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I personally really like both, but for different reasons.


The Original Clone Wars shorts were very action-packed and really fun to watch, but the story they told wasn't the most coherent, or deep. They had plenty of great set-pieces and some really awesome sequences, but the stories told there were kind of lackluster. Plus, I did have some personal points of contention with the shorts, like how Jedi were made out to be nigh-unstoppable superheroes (most of the time), or how most of the shorts were paced. That said, I really liked how Grevious was introduced here, his intro empisode is one of my favorite shorts of them all.


The New Clone Wars has a lot going for it, too. For one, it maintains a more coherent narrative most of the time and the stories are allowed to be deeper and more complex than those of the shorts. The cast of characters is more consistant, and the characters themselves actually undergo development over the course of the series. It might lack some of the grandiose action that marked the original shorts, but the better stories are a good trade for that, in my opinion. Also, TCW really gets away with quite a bit in terms of content, something I appreciate, as it allows for much better stories (again with the stories! sorry for sounding like a broken record...). Still, it's not a perfect series (nothing ever is), and some of the early episodes were kind of poorly-handled. Also, the movie that launched the series is not good, at all (that's an understatement). All that said, I personally like the new series.


TCW so far has been pretty non coherent, or at least non-consistent....an entire Season of flashbacks, dead characters being used over and over, canon being destroyed ( ala Jango Fett's helm destroyed and Slave I destroyed), Boba and Bosk magically getting out of prison, Nightsisters being killed off...I can go on...sadly..

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i personally enjoy the newer version more then the original, because well i just like how they look compared to the original version, i simply just do not like the original version. Im not putting it down or anything im sure it may have a better story or whatever but my main dislike is just the graphics of it.
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I just don't get the bit where Anakin has a padawan. What happens to her in the long run, does Vader kill her? Did she die before Episode 3? There is no mention of her in it and in that film it appears that Anakin is still a Jedi Knight in the process of learning and not in a trusted position to take on a padawan.


Further more how long did the clone wars last? If the CGI version is canon then it happened between Anakin turning knight and the killing of Mace it didn't seem that all that much time passed between those two moments.

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I just don't get the bit where Anakin has a padawan. What happens to her in the long run, does Vader kill her? Did she die before Episode 3? There is no mention of her in it and in that film it appears that Anakin is still a Jedi Knight in the process of learning and not in a trusted position to take on a padawan.


Further more how long did the clone wars last? If the CGI version is canon then it happened between Anakin turning knight and the killing of Mace it didn't seem that all that much time passed between those two moments.


Canon says three years, last I checked. But canon also says the Republic had a couple billion clones total fighting on a couple billion planets, so canon's kind of ate up at this point.



I'll give Ahsoka-Clone-Wars props for some actually enjoyable episodes, like where Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka are trapped on Mortis, where Ahsoka spends two episodes trapped on a Trandoshan hunting preserve (guest-starring Chewbacca), and my favorite, when the 501st executes their first Jedi. I also had a slight nerd ***** when Quinlan Vos was palling around with Kenobi for a bit.



But so far, nothing I've seen beats the Skywalker/Ventress duel on Yavin 4 or when Grievous reveals himself to the Jedi. LucasArts has a bad habit of fixing what ain't broke, you know?

Edited by Malles
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The old clonewars cartoon was awful. Nuff said.

I disagree, it had it's merits. It made grievous into a big bad, but then clone wars (and to a lesser extent episode 3) made him into a bumbling evil comic relief type.



Edited by LeeC
adding link to grevious reveal
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I disagree, it had it's merits. It made grievous into a big bad, but then clone wars (and to a lesser extent episode 3) made him into a bumbling evil comic relief type.




Agreed. Greivous was actually someone I'd run from in those. Tactical genius, brilliant fighter, freaky-skull-face-ninja-jedi man.

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The old one had better action (and little else), but the new one has better everything else, so I go with the new ones, plus there are some good action scenes in the new one too like the duel between Ventress and Unduli and specially Dooku against the Nightsisters was a really good fight too.
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If you mean this

and this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTnpqjJae-g&feature=related

I couldn't agree more.


5:40 with the Anakin vs Asajj was one of the best moments of thatt mini-series...so much foreshadowing haha.


Maybe it was because it was from the creators of Samuri Jack...or maybe it was because there wasn't a season of flashbacks and pointless "talking" political episodes that made one fall asleep that made the Orig. Clone Wars so good.... Clone Wars > TCW forever.

Edited by Eillack
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Old Clone Wars = Action packed sound bites that were good to just watch to watch things get blown up. (i.e. Mace Windu taking on an entire army of droids without a lightsaber, or Durge's constant putting himself back together just to get his butt kicked.)


New Clone Wars = Wasn't a fan until Cad Bane came around. Now it's a lot better than it used to be. Becoming a more coherent narrative, with interesting stories. (Ahsoka being hunted by Trandoshans, Cad Bane taking the senate hostage without needing to be "Mr. lightning lightning cackle bad guy", pretty much all the Clone Trooper story arcs...)


Maybe it was because it was from the creators of Samuri Jack...or maybe ti was because there wasn't a season of flashbacks and pointless "talking" political episodes that made one fall asleep that made the Orig. Clone Wars so good.... Clone Wars > TCW forever.


See, this is where we disagree. You just want pure action and "explosions", which is perfectly all right. I prefer something that I can make sense out of. "Why was Mace Windu fighting an entire army of droids without a lightsaber exactly? What does this add to the story?" "How come Shaak Ti can hold off an entire ARMY of magna droids... While Obi Wan and Anakin are able to take on two...?"

Edited by Guildrum
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We need Durge in TCW at least...hell Durge was in at least another video game that came out right after Ep II :(


I dislike Durge to the highest degree. He was literally put in there to be an "unstoppable" character. I mean really, one bounty hunter can take out an entire array of Clone Artillery... And then proceed to never die, but can simply put himself back together?

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One bounty hunter with an entire battalion of IG lancer droids.


I might be wrong, but I thought that the IG's were running around taking out the clone lancers while HE went over and took out the artillery solo... I will have to watch them again.

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Old Clone Wars = Action packed sound bites that were good to just watch to watch things get blown up. (i.e. Mace Windu taking on an entire army of droids without a lightsaber, or Durge's constant putting himself back together just to get his butt kicked.)


New Clone Wars = Wasn't a fan until Cad Bane came around. Now it's a lot better than it used to be. Becoming a more coherent narrative, with interesting stories. (Ahsoka being hunted by Trandoshans, Cad Bane taking the senate hostage without needing to be "Mr. lightning lightning cackle bad guy", pretty much all the Clone Trooper story arcs...)




See, this is where we disagree. You just want pure action and "explosions", which is perfectly all right. I prefer something that I can make sense out of. "Why was Mace Windu fighting an entire army of droids without a lightsaber exactly? What does this add to the story?" "How come Shaak Ti can hold off an entire ARMY of magna droids... While Obi Wan and Anakin are able to take on two...?"


I enjoy Old Clone Wars because it knew it was all about the action, so it kept the story lean and did what it set out to do. New Clone Wars attempted to create amazing drama and deep characters...and in my opinion, failed. I'll admit I haven't watched any of the more recent episodes; They may have stepped it up in recent seasons. But personally I prefer the program that aimed for average and hit its mark over the one that aimed for amazing and fell far short.

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I might be wrong, but I thought that the IG's were running around taking out the clone lancers while HE went over and took out the artillery solo... I will have to watch them again.


Nope, they all go in, take out the artillery, then they're just running around doing cleanup on AT-TEs and stuff when Obi-Wan shows up. Then the clone lancers do battle with the droid ones and Obi and Durge engage in some aggressive negotiations.

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They may have stepped it up in recent seasons. But personally I prefer the program that aimed for average and hit its mark over the one that aimed for amazing and fell far short.


I watch it casually, but I will say it did. The story arc involving the Cathar slavers (Well, cat-people, pretty sure they are Cathar) was really good. As well as the Umbara Clone Trooper arc, despite it's predictable ending, was really interesting and actually made you think. Early on, I will admit that it was kind of lackluster, I think that it's improved though.


Nope, they all go in, take out the artillery, then they're just running around doing cleanup on AT-TEs and stuff when Obi-Wan shows up. Then the clone lancers do battle with the droid ones and Obi and Durge engage in some aggressive negotiations.


Okay, so that point is moot, but I still dislike Durge. I thought he was cool until he took a lightsaber wound and instantly healed himself. In my mind, if they have to do that to a villain to make him seem "dangerous", then they've kind of failed.

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I watch it casually, but I will say it did. The story arc involving the Cathar slavers (Well, cat-people, pretty sure they are Cathar) was really good. As well as the Umbara Clone Trooper arc, despite it's predictable ending, was really interesting and actually made you think. Early on, I will admit that it was kind of lackluster, I think that it's improved though..


Hm. I'll have to find a way to watch those.


As to Durge being overpowered, yeah, he was. Asajj Ventress taking out a whole arena full of the galaxy's most dangerous gladiators without even breaking a sweat? Yeah, overpowered. But if both sides of the equation are overpowered, and you just accept the exaggeration for what it is, you can still have fun with the epic battles. I can accept Old CW a lot more because they knew what they were after, and accomplished it. I don't really think they ever intended Mace destroying a thousand battle droids with his hands to be canon.


Everyone has their own opinions, though, and I'm fine if you don't like it. I am glad to hear that clone wars stepped up the quality level a bit.

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See, this is where we disagree. You just want pure action and "explosions", which is perfectly all right. I prefer something that I can make sense out of. "Why was Mace Windu fighting an entire army of droids without a lightsaber exactly? What does this add to the story?" "How come Shaak Ti can hold off an entire ARMY of magna droids... While Obi Wan and Anakin are able to take on two...?"


No, I just want The Clone WARS to be a larger focus. The bank regulation episode in TCW is what I'm talking about with "pointless." And to answer the Mace Windu punching an batallian of droids.....Samuel BMF Jackson.


Arcs like Mortis and Umbara made a viewer think...those are the type of episodes I loved.

Edited by Eillack
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