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Yellow Eyes


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The deeper into the DS you go leads to different eye colors, you start off with yellow, then progress to red. The Emperor, who is undoubtedly freakishly gifted in the Dark Side of the Force, was said to have been born with jet black eyes that turned red when he was heavily using the DS.
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mh yea makes sense but what I dont like is that it drifts too far from the SW lore (sorry geek alert) as even the most powerful sith didnt seem to lose their yellow eyes in the comics and stuff... I personally think more radiant yellow eyes would have made more sense story wise...
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mh yea makes sense but what I dont like is that it drifts too far from the SW lore (sorry geek alert) as even the most powerful sith didnt seem to lose their yellow eyes in the comics and stuff... I personally think more radiant yellow eyes would have made more sense story wise...


I agree I think the red sith eyes started with this star wars novel. Well as someone said the emperors iris turns red when he is heavily using the dark side so soon red sith eyes maybe apart of canon now. As the description in dark side corruption says "what happens to said people varies" some may only get pale skin and visible veins without the sith eyes.


Some may only get sith eyes some may get both. Some may turn pale and lose the color of their hair heck to some their voice must only turn raspy.


I mean the dark council members in swtor there is a dark council member with dark side rank 4 red eyes but he still has nice skin.



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