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Falling behind in lvls because lack of players on server


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Republic side, I tend to be level 20 before I even get to Taris (which is rated 16-20), and then I slowly pull away from the suggested levels of the planets until by Alderaan I am indeed getting quests that are gray when I get them.


The exception to this is my Vanguard, which I took great pains to skip planets (other than class quests) in order to keep myself "at level." As it was, I got to Hoth at level 38, so it worked out pretty well. But then I left Hoth at 43, so I was already 2 levels "high" again. I didn't go back and do Alderaan's bonus series, just went on to Belsavis. Left there at 47, so again, a bit high. Voss is supposedly 44-47, and I'm 48 now with plenty of it left to do, plus the Belsavis and Voss bonus series, then I've got Corellia to go. This in spire of being "at level" when I got to Hoth at 38.


And as an FYI, I hate pvp, don't like the space missions, and I haven't bothered to ever go to the fleet to try to get into a flashpoint. I can solo the 2+ missions due to being so far above level, and I've not bothered with any 4-mans since Coruscant.


I'm working up an Empire toon now also. Same deal -- left DK at 18, left Balmorra at 23, began pulling more and more away from the suggested level range with each successive planet. Currently level 38 and maybe 1/2 done with Taris, so I expect I'll be 40 before I'm done there. And on this toon I've been skipping the 2+ missions also. Gear is all orange with level 37 mods, so it's right up to date. This is for both myself and my companion.


So.... as others have said, you can happily and easily solo all the way to 50. You don't need flashpoints or heroic quests for good gear, as the xp they give is negligible compared to everything you get in the normal course of questing and you can get "good gear" more easily by other methods anyway.

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This game has the most casual-friendly levelling experience out of all MMO's, period.


I think City of Heroes is MUCH more casual friendly than this game, but this game *is* casual friendly, just not to the extent that CoH is.


But I agree with the rest of what you said.

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I think City of Heroes is MUCH more casual friendly than this game


I'd disagree, only because there were a few missions in CoH that you had to have a team to do, that weren't what I'd consider to be optional in the same way as the heroics are here in SWTOR.


CoH had a number of missions you had to click a couple objects at the same time to finish, there's not any missions like that here.


On a scale of 1 - 10 if CoH is a 7 I'd say SWTOR is a 8.

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I'm a casual player (limited to about 8 hours a week at best atm, if I'm lucky). I have zero issues leveling. I've only done 3 FPS (BT, BP, and Foundry). True, I PvP a lot, but that's usually to gain the last bit of experience to level, or while I'm doing crafting, which has been my focus of late.


Tonight, in just 2 hours of play (probably a lot less), I got half a bar of experience just running a few quests on Hoth.


I already have a level 50 from back when I could play much more often, so even this slow pace isn't a big deal to me. I haven't done a single heroic save one, and that was by accident (falling into the heroic next to the boss, gaining the quest, and killing him to complete it :eek:)


What I do? Sit back, play, and not worry about leveling. It'll happen when it happens. Low-pop servers can be brutal (thankfully I'm not on one), but that seems to be your ultimate issue. Reroll on a heavier server. Heck, if you roll on Wound in the Force, my guild will set you up nicely for all levels. We even have a sister-guild on the other faction that is a carbon copy as far as our temperament and strengths (that guild was started by friends of mine who didn't want to play Empire ... we're now recruiting members of both guilds who want to play alts of an opposing faction, so no one ever has to be "alone").

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Yeah unlike my WOW days when I could spend all day on it, now with a wife and daughter if I get two hours straight that's a good session.


I am progressing nicely to my first 50, I can honestly say I haven't struggled at all.

I am not keen on PVP but just queue for warzones to break up the grind. Plus you get to hone your skills.


Other than WZ's, the bonus quests and resting in a cantina I dont know what else I can say.

I don't do any of the 2 or 4 mans and I think I did the first FP and that's it.


Maybe if you are a more recent WOW player you have been spoilt with Dungeon Finder :)

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Here are your options:


  1. wait for character transfers, then transfer to a higher population server
  2. while waiting for #1, reroll on a more populated server
  3. quit the game


I was on the ghost town known as Zaalbar. I rerolled on The Fatman (my guild leader chose the new server for the re-roll and we all followed). I do most of my play these days on Fatman but I still do some on Zaalbar since I'm playing different classes on each.

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