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The Year?


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(...) The Treaty of Coruscant was signed, forcing the Republic to cede control of several star systems and to acknowledge new boundaries of Imperial dominion. Though the treaty brought about an official end to the war, tensions between the two sides have remained high over the last several years, and now, a return to open war seems all but inevitable...


from: http://www.swtor.com/info/setting


I think it is as close as you can get.



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roughly c. 3,653 BBY as per the timeline on wookieepedia


The problem is that the timeline is all based on the Galactic Standard Calendar which uses the Battle of Yavin as the reference point.


Looking a little deeper, apparently the Treaty of Coruscant itself was the line of demarcation for separating eras (BTC and ATC: before and after the Treaty). This means the current year is around 3-5 ATC

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roughly c. 3,653 BBY as per the timeline on wookieepedia


The problem is that the timeline is all based on the Galactic Standard Calendar which uses the Battle of Yavin as the reference point.


Looking a little deeper, apparently the Treaty of Coruscant itself was the line of demarcation for separating eras (BTC and ATC: before and after the Treaty). This means the current year is around 3-5 ATC


It would be 3,643 wouldn't it? Since the game takes place ten years after the Treaty of Coruscant. Unless they changed their minds and it takes place sooner, but that wouldn't explain Satele's aging.

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The actual year is roughly 21400.


That number is derived from Gnost-Dural's journal. The Sacking of Coruscant was in 21390 (possibly 21389, but it seems to be on the cusp of the year. The Sacking might have been a hell of a New Year's present from the Empire to the Republic, with fireworks and everything).

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