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discussion of stats


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Hi all, i wanted to discuss something with you that I've discovered yesterday and i want your thoughts on that. Ok, so iam lvl 27 at the moment and on one of my orange gears i changed one of the enhancements. Before, i had some critical rating on and i swapped it for some power. I have to tell you that i am Rage spec so when I started my rotation i noticed that my Smash critical went down a little and on the other hand my Ravage damage especially the last hit went up, passed 1k white damage. So i guess when I have more power mods my white damage goes up and on the other hand when my critical rating is up my Smashs benefits from that. So as far as iam Rage spec right now i think i should work on improving my critical rating first so my Smash will become stronger. Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance

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Spot on champ!

Ok, I am not trying to be smart or convince any 1 that i am expert. I am 47 years old and when i post something i do that because i am noob in this game and i want help understanding a few things on my way to become a better player. So i was expecting a more mature answer and not sarcasm, i have to say i am a little bit disappointed.

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Ok, I am not trying to be smart or convince any 1 that i am expert. I am 47 years old and when i post something i do that because i am noob in this game and i want help understanding a few things on my way to become a better player. So i was expecting a more mature answer and not sarcasm, i have to say i am a little bit disappointed.


Back in my day kids showed their elders respect!

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In general, I've seen the advice for Marauders to be get Critical to 30%, since after that there are diminishing returns.... after this is where there is some debate. I've seen Accuracy listed then Power and Surge, though I've also seen some people who say Power and Surge are more important.


I'd say test it out some more yourself and see what you like best for your playstyle..

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You are not level 50 yet, therefore this rule is most relevant while leveling:


In terms of secondary stats, the bigger number is better. Pick 15 power over 10 crit, 15 crit over 10 power, etc. Don't bother switching stats around, it won't matter after a couple levels when the upgrades come in.

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