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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

FREE Character Transfers are Coming!


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Well james ohlen posted this on twitter 3hrs ago


We’re hard at work on group finder and character transfer. We know how important it is to get these systems into the game. More on this soon


But we heard more on this soon almost a month ago as well so ..meh

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For crying out loud. Even one of my reroll servers is Light at 9:30pm Friday night.:rolleyes:

Shadow Hand



The Fatman doesn't even have a queue. I just logged into it to play my lv 16 Assassin. I don't think free transfers will even make me want to play anywhere but Fatman.

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For crying out loud. Even one of my reroll servers is Light at 9:30pm Friday night.:rolleyes:

Shadow Hand



The Fatman doesn't even have a queue. I just logged into it to play my lv 16 Assassin. I don't think free transfers will even make me want to play anywhere but Fatman.


Yea shadowhand while not as low as some of them is still hurting pretty bad considering we was a early release server. That had almost 1hr quest at launch. Its been pretty much a wasteland for awhile now tho. least on the rep side.

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We don't need transfers, we need merges.


In what way would server merges serve the player population that free transfers won't?


On the other hand, with free transfers, everyone on a dead server will get to transfer off, and will have some choice in the matter as to where they go. A lot of players have already prepared for transfers by reserving names on the server (or servers) they want to transfer their characters to - in many cases, it's a server where they are already leveling other characters or where their friends play. You wouldn't be able to do any of that with server merges. And if servers were merged, many players would still want to transfer their characters to their server of choice.


I think any servers that are dead after transfer should be made inactive, and if players come back to the game to an inactive server, they should get instructions on how to transfer their characters to a new server.

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For crying out loud. Even one of my reroll servers is Light at 9:30pm Friday night.:rolleyes:

Shadow Hand



The Fatman doesn't even have a queue. I just logged into it to play my lv 16 Assassin. I don't think free transfers will even make me want to play anywhere but Fatman.


Yeah, silly players actually going out and doing something else on a friday night, going to graduations and such.


They need to be in the game catering to my needs!

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Population issues should have never gotten this bad. Its a fact that almost all mmo's decline after launch, and them all the core gamers are consolidated into a few decently populated servers. Many mmo's have continued on in this fasion. Look at the EQ's that are still up and running. Maby their sight where set too high but this has in fact been a fairly average mmo launch. Dosnt keep it from being enjoyable as long as their are people to play with, but having my server turn into a ghost-town with no way out but to re-roll is quite frustrating. I have about 2 months of subscription left and i hope a solution will be implemented or i will no longer bore myself on a dead server.
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since apparently this is the only topic where anything is going on.... does anyone know if people from the australasia transfers were allowed to transfer all of their chars? I don't remember...
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In what way would server merges serve the player population that free transfers won't?



Whatever community that exists / existed would remain in tact (on a merge) whereas people who you know or levelled with will very likely end up on a different server (on transfers)

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I am doubtful that these transfers will solve the problem but hope for the best. If I will still be stuck on a low population server however, I am wondering how much "later" are paid transfers supposed to be. I will gladly pay the fee to transfer my main to a high population server.
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As I see it, transfers are only going to replace a problem with a bigger one. If everyone leaves the number of light servers out there to join the standard/heavy worlds, these servers will be completely dead and the whole game will take place on less than 10 servers. However, if we were to merge servers, it would keep the community/guilds intact, and have a great effect on evenly raising the population, with the only "problem" being that you might have to rename your characters or legacy.
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I wouldnt assume anything it will help keep you from disapoinment. With the track record so far early summer is prolly some time after the leaves turn orange .And the snow is falling.


Hmm your telling them not to assume and then doing it yourself. Assuming something negative is still assuming. Clearly he's a possetive person you are sadly negative.

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Free transfers...thats great, people I used to play left over a month ago and I have few days left from the "30 free days to bump up their subscription numbers".


Too little too late Bioware, too little too late.

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1) Provide Server Mergers and character transfers.

2) Provide a good cross server PvP group finder.

3) Provide a good cross server PvE group finder.


These are all things which Bioware seems to have committed to doing. I don't know that I want to wait months for any of it considering how dead my server (The Jekk Jekk Tarr) is at present.


Current Status: The server wasn't healthy, but was at least functional prior to the asia/pacific transfers. As I'm sure metrics of the server indicate; Increasingly Warzones are unavailable outside of peak times (since once people don't expect WZs to be happening, they don't make the time to do them), most planets are empty (Perhaps 2-3 other people if you're lucky and its during a peak server time), HM FPs aren't being run since they don't offer anything to geared characters, and there aren't enough ungeared characters to make up a group to do one.

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my worry is they allow free transfers to the low population servers, trying to make them higher LOL now that would defeat the purpose. They definitely need to allow people to move OFF the low servers and onto more populated ones and then CLOSE down the low population servers.


I read that when you transfer from a server you loose your legacy level? is this true? if it is, they really gota change that.

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Easy fix conceptually, just modify Legacy to apply to all character on all servers and use the highest legacy level on all servers (or calculate a new higher one based on all legacy xp earned if you're really wanting to be nice).


People can have lots of characters to form trees and relationships with. Legacy levels won't change overly much.


I have no idea how hard that is to do in the code to be fair.

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Whatever community that exists / existed would remain in tact (on a merge) whereas people who you know or levelled with will very likely end up on a different server (on transfers)


True, although since people know that transfers are coming, they can always coordinate with the people they've friended on their server and make sure they transfer to the same server. Granted it's a little bit more work, but if you have built up a friendship over time, it's worth your time to coordinate a transfer with them.


Although, if it's a case where you've grouped with someone a few times and they seem like a nice person, but you don't know them all that well, there's no point in dragging everyone on the server over to a different server just so you can occasionally group together. There are a lot of friendly people out there, and you'll meet many more on a more densely populated server. :)

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Transfers are gonna be great and all, but I betcha it's gonna be like crit crafting gear(or kinda is already)!

Explanation? Sure! New patch, you can now crit craft gear, limited, can only do certain things. Following patch, after time invested in making this crit crafting augment system, they now add the ability to make the aug's themselves!

Now to put this in xfer/merge talk, 1st update will be the targeted merges, aka limited, after the low pop targeted servers are just dead weight, soon there after will be merges! See?!!


I dunno, just randomness in my brain, just got up :D

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Dear BioWare;


I can't stress this enough. You have far too many servers. I don't know what your plans are, but you need to make all servers crowded enough that their fleets have at least 80 people during primetime. People have been complaining about their server pops on all but the top 20 servers. If the 30th highest pop server doesn't receive transfers, people will pay to transfer off of it, making it even less active. Considering that there are 123 US servers alone, you're going to need to tinker with the populations of at least 90 North American servers. Somehow I don't see you going far enough to stop the bleeding. I will predict right now, you're going to leave a lot of people out and continue to see subs dry up on those servers you didn't take action on.


Do it right the 1st time. Ensure that every server reaches the "Standard" status during prime time, or else the bleeding will continue and perpetuate the problem.

Edited by Kourage
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So, what about people that LIKE moderate to low population servers? what about people who prefer to have like 60 or fewer people on Fleet during Prime Time?


those people should probably reconsider playing a Massively Multiplayer Online game

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Transfers is not the answer server mergers is. you can not expect to go from a low pop to high pop and not totally kill off low pop servers.


You can actually transfer people off of low-pops and shut them down without merging. That allows the servers to be available for growth.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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So, what about people that LIKE moderate to low population servers? what about people who prefer to have like 60 or fewer people on Fleet during Prime Time?


There are servers with over 200 people on fleet during prime time. There used to be more servers like that. 80 at prime time is borderline moderate/light. If you can't handle playing on a server with just 80 on fleet during prime time, then I suggest you don't play a MMO.

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my worry is they allow free transfers to the low population servers, trying to make them higher LOL now that would defeat the purpose. They definitely need to allow people to move OFF the low servers and onto more populated ones and then CLOSE down the low population servers.


I read that when you transfer from a server you loose your legacy level? is this true? if it is, they really gota change that.


I haven't read that, however, if it is the case, the incompetence of the decision to implement it like that would be incalculable.

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