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FREE Character Transfers are Coming!


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Yea i think they are takeing way to long. Anger over population and all aside, There realy is just no reason for them to be dragging this out this way. It has got to be either intentional (wich i have can think of no reason for but tend to believe) or incompetence witch to me is less likely as they realy do have some great talent. But for some reason that talent is being force choked into nothingness.


And i have to wonder with thier current trend if its going to be something they can turn around.


I don't think it's incompetence, but I do think it's intentional. Not to be sneaky or conniving in any way, but to make the process as easy and efficient as possible. I think if they tried to rush the server transfers or merges too soon then the result could be really horrific.


For example: Imagine you have 8 toons on one dead server and 8 toons on a much better server. What would happen if your dead server was merged with your better server? Or your dead server was selected for "free" transfers to your better server? You can't have 16 toons on one server so what happens then?


They are talking about adding more character slots and I think this may be part of the reason. But it's definitely going to take time to work out all the bugs and logistics of something that monumental.

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Anyone have an ideas how they will be allowing transfers?


I know in WoW you could pay to be transfered to any server of your choice, but they also did have free to low population servers once in a while to help balance the lower ones out.


In Rift, you could transfer for free every 7 days anywhere you wanted (not EU to US or vice versa, though), but you could not transfer to the higher population servers.


I'm just kinda curious since I had found torstatus.net after a few weeks of playing and had rerolled on Jedi Covenant which is one of the highest populated right now.


Just kind of wondering if they will allow low to high being as I would like to move the characters I created on other servers to my current one.

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The other questions I have is, what happens to the alts we leave behind? or is our entire account on that server being transferred to another one? Will we have to re-name our legacies if it already exists on another server? How will we know? Ugh... we need answers.
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The other questions I have is, what happens to the alts we leave behind? or is our entire account on that server being transferred to another one? Will we have to re-name our legacies if it already exists on another server? How will we know? Ugh... we need answers.


Your alts on your old server will still keep their legacy. Your highest level legacy and all unlocks will essentially be on 2 servers. Yes, you will have to rename your legacy on the new server if that name is already taken.


All of these questions have been answered long ago. ;)

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Dead to you maybe. My guild and I will keep playing for many years to come, but thanks for your opinion. :rolleyes:


Yeah, he can't see past his own nose (server). And he likes it. But, no, especially after tonight, I know this game isn't dead. Just need transfers to come sooner than later.

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By the way, what's the big deal about GW2 ? i remeber for 2 years about 4-500K people were complaining about wanting to play this game so badly, and now that 4-5 things isn't what you thought it would be then you're leaving ? well get lost then, there is nothing worse then having people constantly complaining about a game, do yourself and us a favor and put a sock in it, we love the game, it's incredible fun and will be expanded to much better in a matter of months, be patient or play something else :)
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We don't need transfers, we need merges.




Regarding the free server transfers, shouldn't they have free transfers from LOW POP to HIGH POP servers not the other way around? This means that the HIGH POP will go to LOW POP and spread the player base even thinner and after free transfers are done even more under populated servers will exist?! (Doesn't make sense to me)

Edited by Iron_Lord
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Unfortunately with these server transfers I see Bioware making the mistake of only allowing transfers to certain servers and not to the most populated ones(which is where everyone wants to play). It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know this.


Transferring from a low pop server to a low/med pop server does NOT solve the problem Bioware.. I hope you're listening..

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Unfortunately with these server transfers I see Bioware making the mistake of only allowing transfers to certain servers and not to the most populated ones(which is where everyone wants to play). It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know this.


Transferring from a low pop server to a low/med pop server does NOT solve the problem Bioware.. I hope you're listening..


LOL, just stated the same thing above your post... ;)

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Regarding the free server transfers, shouldn't they have free transfers from LOW POP to HIGH POP servers not the other way around?


Where do you get the conclusion that it won't fundamentally be exacty this????????? Though it will be to the more populated STANDARD servers IMO.


Seriously, mergers are a bad idea because it gives players zero say in the consolidation process. Whereas transfers give the players choices (albeit with some constraints such as: cannot transfer to heavy servers). Reference: Rifts methodolgy, which as worked very well for the past year for that game.

Edited by Andryah
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Unfortunately with these server transfers I see Bioware making the mistake of only allowing transfers to certain servers and not to the most populated ones(which is where everyone wants to play). It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know this.


Transferring from a low pop server to a low/med pop server does NOT solve the problem Bioware.. I hope you're listening..


Yes it will, IF they only allow transfer to a few servers at a time. Let's say, for the sake of argument, they open up TWO servers at a time to transfer to for free. Both are Medium (Standard), on average. Now, you get transfers from 20-30 low population servers. Well now that Medium pop server now becomes heavy or very heavy on average. At this point, BW decides, OK, that's enough people on those servers, they're getting full. Let's close those to transfers and open up a couple of other ones to try and re-populate those.


Remember that there are plenty of people that just do not log on currently simply BECAUSE of the population issues. I am willing to bet that if transfers were to hit now, you would see almost every Light population server pop right up to Standard, at least, simply so people can move their characters. The potential population is available on EVERY server to hit AT LEAST standard, unfortunately, the players simply do not log on.

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Remember that there are plenty of people that just do not log on currently simply BECAUSE of the population issues. I am willing to bet that if transfers were to hit now, you would see almost every Light population server pop right up to Standard, at least, simply so people can move their characters. The potential population is available on EVERY server to hit AT LEAST standard, unfortunately, the players simply do not log on.


Ding!! Big reason to do Merges instead of let move people freely, they know many "active" accounts have each server.

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Where do you get the conclusion that it won't fundamentally be exacty this????????? Though it will be to the more populated STANDARD servers IMO.


Seriously, mergers are a bad idea because it gives players zero say in the consolidation process. Whereas transfers give the players choices (albeit with some constraints such as: cannot transfer to heavy servers). Reference: Rifts methodolgy, which as worked very well for the past year for that game.


There should have been only 1 server to begin with just heavily instanced... STO only has one server (I never had to pick one and I can see several hundred people online at any given time) and at launch they had 1mil+ subs as well and never had a queue. Sure STO now has only 100k+ subscribers, but that was due to nerfing all the good quests and making them a grind fest.

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didnt read most of ths thread (its a lot of infighting), but other games have been able to sucessfully tranfers one entire server directly into another, including guilds, character inventory, player housing and all that that includes, and every single toon regardless of when it was last logged in with minimal issues.


Simply offering a single toon by toon transfer to another server is not worth it for those of us who still have working, and active guilds. We loose the guild and members, all the money used to buy the guild bank tabs, the setup of the guild (not that redoing ranks takes alll that long, but still, its more hassle then its worth). Maybe i am oldschool, but even though i have not played EQ1 in 5yrs, i still like the fact that no matter what merges, transfers, moves (or any other version of a toon being on one server, then being on another), i can still log in, and my toons are all still there, with all of their AA's, inventories, learned spells etc. I have gone back to quite a few old games years later, because i knew my toons would always be there.


Every way its being sliced, without the concrete official facts in hand, this feels like its putting the player at a heavy disadvantage.


"Move or have your toon's plug pulled" - really? thats some peoples suggestion!?


Bioware, take the reigns and make a definitive move. Allow full guild transfers. Have all toons on a particular server moved, not just 1 (or each one needing to have the move process individually requested). Character names get priority based on creation date, then last played and active sub. Dont just allow people to slowly trickle off of a server, or end up having to pay later if they miss the few week window (people take longer vacations in summer time you know).


I am still baffled why they felt creating new servers to combat high population was better then just having multiple instances of fleet. If this game is supposed to be all about the community, why does it feel that we are all so segregated?

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It is NOT a victory if the server that you transfer to is rated as Standard population... That's part of the issue here. There are currently two servers that resemble or feel like a MMO and that's it. This game does not have the luxury or time to sit on their hands and be cautious, they need to take decisive action NOW to keep their already shrinking playerbase around until atleast 1.3. I'm a pessimist yes, but there have been far too many MMO released in the recent history that have failed to be sitting here with a smile on my face.


This game has allot of long term potential but the absolute first thing they need to do is to get the game more interactive for the players and that means merges and/or transfers preferably both VERY quickly. Not mid-summer..immediately.

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It is NOT a victory if the server that you transfer to is rated as Standard population... That's part of the issue here.


This game has allot of long term potential but the absolute first thing they need to do is to get the game more interactive for the players and that means merges and/or transfers preferably both VERY quickly. Not mid-summer..immediately.


I agree with your second point there, but again, when people transfer TO a Standard pop server, that server will eventually become Heavy or Very Heavy because...well, because people are transferring to it.


That's why they need to make sure they only open a few servers at a time for transfers. Let those servers fill up, then close them to new transfers. Then open up other ones, if necessary.

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I agree with your second point there, but again, when people transfer TO a Standard pop server, that server will eventually become Heavy or Very Heavy because...well, because people are transferring to it.


That's why they need to make sure they only open a few servers at a time for transfers. Let those servers fill up, then close them to new transfers. Then open up other ones, if necessary.


"The Old Republic is in EA’s top 10 franchises in terms of profitability, “but it’s not in our top five”. “So it’s a business contributor, while important, is not as important as Medal of Honor or Battlefield or FIFA or Madden or The Sims or SimCity..."

- John Riccitiello, CEO, Electronic Arts


Yes, but as your signature indicates, Server Mergers are nowhere near as important as get RG3's facial textures just right. Though to be fair, when they had to go back and downsize Drew Brees's giant set of balls, it was because they were causing genuine clipping issues that had to be fixed before they could spare any time developing character transfers or server mergers for TOR.

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when people transfer TO a Standard pop server, that server will eventually become Heavy or Very Heavy because...well, because people are transferring to it.



Finally. Someone else understands this. The lack of this kind of thought process has helped put the game in the situation it is in. everyone was saying: "why would i transfer to a light to standard population server?" "TO THE FATMAN, TO THE TOMB OF FREEDON NADD, TO THE HARBINGER," instead of saying:


Person 1: "Lets try to get a group of about X people on the forums and what is left of our dead server to pick one light to standard server and all move over there within the same time frame."

Person 2: "Ok, i'm in. and once we all move over there, that server will become more populated, and therefore draw more people over there and that server will end up being heavy."

Person 1: "That's what I was thinking."


Now we have about 4-6 decently populated servers and the rest,,,,,,,,,,,,:(


Is it BW's fault of the low pop servers? for the most part, yes. they should have come out with transfers and/or merges earlier. maybe they should have focused on that instead of 1.2 because that made the game really awesome:rolleyes:


Is it completely 100% BW's fault? No. If more people would have taken the time to plan a successful move with X number of people had not acted like sheep and follow the herd, then the problem would not be as bad as it is right now. It would still be there for some, but not as many as right now.

Edited by Angel_of_Cain
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