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FREE Character Transfers are Coming!


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From experience of previous games requiring transfers and mergers at some stage, the game lacking these options from launch has been a huge oversight and one that MMO developers need to take note of.


For this game in particular it has become one of the main reasons for the severe decline in numbers. No one likes to play an MMO without other players.


Appreciate that the game suffered from the largest launch interest in MMO history, but they still should have transfers and mergers available at the start of the game. In fact the best system that I have ever seen has been Runescape. Your character can log into any server at any time thus enabling a fluid system of server closing and opening depending upon demand. That game has never suffered from player populations as you always have servers that are full, down to moderate in player numbers.


Why other games force you to play and stay on one server is totally beyond me. Online games are supposed to be fun, not a chore, and the reason I stopped playing was exactly this.

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Whatever happens with fees is irrelevant to me at this point!I made a huge mistake of joining US server due to personal circumstances and now i want out or more accurately i want to go to EU and enjoy NORMAL gaming!My toon is so geared and time invested i just can't afford creating alts ! So free or with a fee, all i want is to FINALLY transfer my toon!Please BioWare come true about Summer and let us finally TRANSFER! Edited by TheForbiddenOne
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I received 30 days free for getting this toon to 50. I logged on today and saw less then 30 people in fleet. No one was looking for a group for anything. I am afraid a looking for group tool will do nothing unless it is cross server since there is no one to group with as it is.


Server mergers with a looking for group tool would get me to resubscribe to this game. I got sick of circling fleet trying to find a group to do anything. The PvP side of this game was all I could do, but that got old quickly.


Real MMO space combat would be icing on the cake.

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EA/BioWare need to man up and admit that the way the servers were handled in the first week was a mistake,


So what should they have done? Ignore the fact that they had tens of thousands of people in 5+ hour queues and not do anything about it?


That would have gone down well......

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So what should they have done? Ignore the fact that they had tens of thousands of people in 5+ hour queues and not do anything about it?


That would have gone down well......


Not release a beta where servers couldn't handle proper amounts of people for an mmo?

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Yes I actually counted how many servers the U.S. has for playing. 123 servers is unreal and completely ridiculous if you ask me. at most we should have at least half maybe less in terms of servers. Hell 30 servers would be just fine, at least they would be populated.
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I hope they offer more services like this soon. Character Re-customization, Faction Transfers, and Guild Services, yes I just listed all the things WoW has currently and I don't expect these anytime soon but I hope they pick up from WoW and offer these services. All are very useful and bring out big profits for the company.
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Need to take a look at the hopelessly low pop servers and not have transfers to them.


Instead, have transferring off of them be MANDATORY. Give people a nice healthy list of other servers to choose from, THEN CLOSE THE SERVER SO OTHER PEOPLE DONT ACCIDENTALLY ROLL ON IT =P.


Simply eliminate about 1/4 of the servers this way, would make life a lot better in game for everyone.

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With the population on the decline I find myself considering closing my account and heading back to old faithful. Servers should be merged and transfers off low pop servers should have been granted a long time ago. Why the wait?! Every long WZ wait and every tedious cry for a group in general just puts players one step closer to clicking that cancel button. This game is becoming little more than an xbox game, you beat it once and take it to gamestop to trade in for something new where people are actually playing to keep you entertained. This game has a great base, consolidate it and expand before its too late.:confused:
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Need to take a look at the hopelessly low pop servers and not have transfers to them.


Instead, have transferring off of them be MANDATORY. Give people a nice healthy list of other servers to choose from, THEN CLOSE THE SERVER SO OTHER PEOPLE DONT ACCIDENTALLY ROLL ON IT =P.


Simply eliminate about 1/4 of the servers this way, would make life a lot better in game for everyone.


This is very likely their plan. Worked very well for Rift last year.

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Designated server transfer, so BW can look like a helping company that cares about their subbers, only to eventually more or less force us to pay to get to a properly pupulated server.


The loss of subs reminds me of a line in an Amon Amarth song.


"Blood gushes from the wound, the cut is wide and deep"

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I started playing the game not long after release. i saw how bad the pop on my brother's server was getting so i re-rolled on Telos restoration project(NA). it climbed in numbers for a while and i had a good guild, cleared all of EV, and most of karagg's palace. i left for a couple weeks, no access to decent internet. i come back and everyone is gone.


i'm thinking about making a guild till character transfers are open, think i'll name it "waiting for transfer".

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Designated server transfer, so BW can look like a helping company that cares about their subbers, only to eventually more or less force us to pay to get to a properly pupulated server.


The loss of subs reminds me of a line in an Amon Amarth song.


"Blood gushes from the wound, the cut is wide and deep"


That's a pretty big leap to make, especially since it goes against the current MMO norm. Free transfers are typically FROM low-pops TO higher pop servers. Not to the low-pops. Their goal is to cull the number of low-pops, so transferring to one will not be possible.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Am I the only one who thinks this feature is coming late to the party? This feature should've been included from launch in the game, not now when subscriptions are down by 25% + and most of the servers are dead :/


It was included since before launch. Some last minute changes to Legacy broke it, so they had to rewrite the software.

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The big problem right now is that the relationship of time spent waiting for the service to number of people that stop playing is exponential.


Every day that goes by that does not have Server Transfers introduced, has more and more people throwing their arms up saying "I quit".


Initially, people have patience and hope. Then they have tolerance. Then they become frustrated, then they quit.


It's a vicious cycle. Initially, a few stop playing because they are bored, frustrated, don't like the game, don't have time, whatever. This is only a few. Then it becomes more and more difficult to find players to run content with/against (in the case of PvP). More people lose hope. They stop playing. Every day, more people stop playing than the previous day, and the cycle feeds upon itself.


THIS is why players are concerned. THIS is why servers are underpopulated, and THIS is why Bioware needs to do something NOW, not a MONTH from now.

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