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PT PVP Video


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I made this pvp video for my guild. Im posting it here so you expert PT and watch it and let me know how i can improve my play style. Thanks Allot, let me know what you guys think!




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Its my prefrence. I roll in a premade 24/7 we play to win .5 seconds on carbonize helps especially on voidstar. 15% crit on RP is also nice. 15% on rail shot would be better but i dont like the trade off, getting on useless set bonus meh.
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Its my prefrence. I roll in a premade 24/7 we play to win .5 seconds on carbonize helps especially on voidstar. 15% crit on RP is also nice. 15% on rail shot would be better but i dont like the trade off, getting on useless set bonus meh.


A bit curious why you start a thread asking for advice and the first question asked is responded with "It's my preference".

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A bit curious why you start a thread asking for advice and the first question asked is responded with "It's my preference".


Well you were not really giving me advice you were getting smart and trying to start an arguement that has been argued over and over. Somthing constructive would be nice. Or at least post facts why i would wear eleminators over ct.

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Well you were not really giving me advice you were getting smart and trying to start an arguement that has been argued over and over. Somthing constructive would be nice. Or at least post facts why i would wear eleminators over ct.


I was merely asking a question on the gearing you were using. Gear does play a part in being efficient with a class, if you are taking offense to such a small question perhaps coming to a forum looking for advice isn't something you should be doing.


And you wear Eliminators over CT to have higher damage potential. It's a pretty obvious reason (That's me getting "smart" that time)

Edited by exphryl
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Re the actual video production, not your play. That music is super bad. Just the game play sound is much nicer to listen too, at least then you feel involved with what you are watching.

Re you play. You don't do much to make life hard for the enemy team. No use of stuns, grappling hook or taunting from what i could see. But then i did stop the video early because the music turned me off and i hate watching with no sound.

I play shield tech which i know is a different play style, but i am always looking for the best way to disrupt the enemy as well as pumping out dmg and defending my team. I would suggest if you want to improve your pvp in a WZ senario that you CC more and make your enemies lives harder rather than just pew pew.

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I was merely asking a question on the gearing you were using. Gear does play a part in being efficient with a class, if you are taking offense to such a small question perhaps coming to a forum looking for advice isn't something you should be doing.


And you wear Eliminators over CT to have higher damage potential. It's a pretty obvious reason (That's me getting "smart" that time)



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