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Raid Markers


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Dear Bioware,


I will keep this short and sweet.


When you added in the feature to bind TARGET MARKERS to a keypress for quick target marking you hit a win.


When you FAILED to also put in Key Binds for quickly TARGETING said marker, you failed.


Having a feature to quickly mark a target.... but then not have the feature for everybody else to QUICKLY select said target..... well simply put... your feature is PvE feature atm.


Please update in the next patch the ability to TARGET A RAID MARKER with a keybind...


You have so many USELESS targeting features, and yet you just now are putting in the important ones..... and not even all of it still.


Please.....PLEASE..... wakeup. :rolleyes:

Edited by Aluo
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It's the last thing most people worry about.

Srsly, there are more serious things that need to be fixed.


It's only the last thing if you don't mark and are on Vent the entire time and have 2 groups in warzones.


If you PUG at all however, it's huge.

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Because what this game needs is to make it even easier for 4 DPS to coordinate switching their targets and nuking them down in 2 GCDs? No thanks. At least make people have to take the slight effort to select the called target...
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Because what this game needs is to make it even easier for 4 DPS to coordinate switching their targets and nuking them down in 2 GCDs? No thanks. At least make people have to take the slight effort to select the called target...


If they didn't bother to put in raid markers at launch.... then now give us the ability to bind them to a key.... BUT NOT give us the ability to TARGET the marker with a key..... then yes I would agree.


But giving us these features, and then half-assed versions of them...... well that isn't ok.


Do it right, or don't do it at all Bioware.


Why would you even sneak this feature into this patch without fleshing out all of its features. ;)


My main issue here Aetou is the overall nature of how Bioware address things half-assed.


What we have here i.m.o. is a Producer who is overwhelmed and can't figure out what he should have his team focus on, and complete. Right now it feels like we are getting half finished aspects of the game snuck into patches to flesh out the patch notes.


I would simply like to see them address an aspect of the game, and fully address it before shifting to a new random mini-project that isn't needed.


Another example of poorly thought out and half-assed design is the entire PvP currency system. :rolleyes:

Edited by Aluo
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Dear Bioware,


I will keep this short and sweet.


When you added in the feature to bind TARGET MARKERS to a keypress for quick target marking you hit a win.


When you FAILED to also put in Key Binds for quickly TARGETING said marker, you failed.


Having a feature to quickly mark a target.... but then not have the feature for everybody else to QUICKLY select said target..... well simply put... your feature is PvE feature atm.


Please update in the next patch the ability to TARGET A RAID MARKER with a keybind...


You have so many USELESS targeting features, and yet you just now are putting int the important ones..... and not even all of it still.


Please.....PLEASE..... wakeup. :rolleyes:


Actually, you shouldn't get to auto target anything. It just gives you the advantage of having to work less to single out important pvp targets. I'd say they did it right in this instance.

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It's the last thing most people worry about.

Srsly, there are more serious things that need to be fixed.


Development doesn't work the way I think you are assuming it does.


There isn't one super team that works on everything, they do have people where their entire job for this game is to refine the installed systems and polish what currently is clunky.



Edited by Aluo
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Actually, you shouldn't get to auto target anything. It just gives you the advantage of having to work less to single out important pvp targets. I'd say they did it right in this instance.


Nobody said anything about Auto target.


If I want to auto target you I will just make a macro on my keyboard that does so.


What I want is the ability to not have to WASTE TIME swinging my camera around to find targets that are marked.


The limited view from most of the posts in here is frustrating at best.... think outside the box people.

This would be an epic addition for HEALING as well. Being able to mark a Main Tank ....or a tank that has guard on you, and quickly select heal him for emergency healing.... these are also things that stem from this targeting system.


Stop acting as if all this will do is make it so everybody just 1 shot melts your face, and start realizing that it is a versatile tool that is being gimped currently by poor design.

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  • 5 months later...
I view keybindable targeting in this manner to be an unnecessary crutch. You can quickly tab through enemies, or you can pay attention to where they are in your surroundings and click on them. If a particular enemy is important, focus it (with a keybind) and then toggle to it as needed (with a keybind). You don't need 8 different focus targets.
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