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New x-wing or swtor?


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here me out.


I made a similar thread a while back half joking, but i've been playing alot of the space combat lately, and to be honest, i would have rather seen a new revamped version of x-wing alliance/tie fighter than this game. So many ground based MMO's out there, why another?


Right now people play alot of EVE online, its good, but it could have been better. Take that same concept we had with the original games, add some elements from EVE, but keep the original idea behind clans (guilds) and completely revamped simulator with graphics like swtor space combat!


PvP, PvE are all still possible in the game. We can get a selection of different ships like the original and scenarios like the original games.


Space simulators are dead, but I dont think thats because theyre no good, I think its because the last great one was made when computers were being powered by gerbils. If Lucas Arts was smart they would make a complete revamp of a xwing simulator with todays comp capabilities.


Just what I think anyway. . .

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here me out.


I made a similar thread a while back half joking, but i've been playing alot of the space combat lately, and to be honest, i would have rather seen a new revamped version of x-wing alliance/tie fighter than this game. So many ground based MMO's out there, why another?


Right now people play alot of EVE online, its good, but it could have been better. Take that same concept we had with the original games, add some elements from EVE, but keep the original idea behind clans (guilds) and completely revamped simulator with graphics like swtor space combat!


PvP, PvE are all still possible in the game. We can get a selection of different ships like the original and scenarios like the original games.


Space simulators are dead, but I dont think thats because theyre no good, I think its because the last great one was made when computers were being powered by gerbils. If Lucas Arts was smart they would make a complete revamp of a xwing simulator with todays comp capabilities.


Just what I think anyway. . .


After thinking about it, EVE style space combat wouldn't really fit well in Star Wars. Now, Star Trek Online would have been a great platform for EVE style, but we definitely need an X-Wing/TIE-Fighter/Chris Roberts style sim for Star Wars, without a doubt.


Also, Tachyon: The Fringe was excellent, with the added bonus of having Bruce Campbell as the main character. Pure bad*** gameplay and story, there.


And to say that the last great space combat sim was done THAT far back is to do a disservice to those games I mentioned above. Some were good on Windows XP, in fact.


That said, I would love to see a Chris Roberts collection remastered to run on 64bit systems with upgraded graphics and sound. And if he wasn't retired, I would say try to get him to do the new space combat in TOR. :D Hey, the guy WROTE THE BOOK on Space Combat Sims. In fact, if he came out of retirement to do it, that would be SWEET!!!


EDIT: In fact, the last game he consulted on was Freelancer after he officially retired. ALSO worked great on XP. :)

Edited by Captain_Zone
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My biggest disappointment with this game is the laughably horrible mini-game that is space combat. A leashed craft that sprays n prays vs. hundreds of mindless drones per mission? Seriously? It's not even a very good mini game, to say nothing of the downright shame that is making the space combat aspect a mini game in the first place, considering the relevance space dogfights had in the movies that made the brand.


Star Wars space combat borders on immortal. I remember being about five and all I wanted for Christmas was an X-Wing fighter. I went on to have a ton of other Star Wars toys and dozens of action figures, but that X-Wing fighter was the first and most important of the bunch.


Just last week, my three year old Grandson wanted "a wocket ship". He proudly came home from the store with the Sith Infiltrator(Darth Mauls fighter), possibly the most ****** wocket ship ever conceived.


We're talking about a third generation here, and the draw isn't the people from the very start--it's the wocket ships.


So anyways.....a bit off track there, but I think it shows the importance of real space combat. If space combat had to be a mini game, I'd have honest to goodness have rather had the original X-Wing on the Republic side and Tie Fighter on the Imperial side, old graphics and all, over whatever the heck this current thing is. One billion bonus points for making it those games with the period correct(for the game, not necessarily the movies) spacecraft and modern graphics.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would personally love to see an updated version or the original version of tie fighter and xwing used in the game, but I would suggest going even one step further, and have certain classes operating only certain types of ships. Force users will mostly limited to flying the smaller combat ships, but they would have special mods that would be unavailable to other classes, that would help simulate the faster reflexes. Military non force users would start in the smaller ships and can eventually end up in capital ships. Capital ships would be used to lay claim to sectors. Non militarily people can join in as mercenaries on either side. Militarily personal will have limited mods, and will make a small amount of money for engaging in space combat. The ships they fly will be repaired by their fleets as part of the expense of waging war. Mercs will be paid more, and they will have to pay to have their ships repaired. Unlike militarily personal, mercs would have access to "experimental" mods for thier ships that can be purchased on the black market. Externally I would like to have planets and suns both exert gravitational and EM fields. Get too close to a sun or dive into the atmosphere of a planet going too fast, and your ship could burn up or tear itself apart. Combat around a sun would result in sensor ghosts and flying mostly VFR. Instruments and navigation would be glitchy at best for tiny ships. Combat around a moon or astroid field would result in the sensors having blind spots. Hence you would have instances where the capital ships as support ships would help direct the smaller vessels to a combat area.


The larger ships would be directed in terms of issuing orders to people controlling different aspects of it, while the smaller ships could be more of a first person in the cockpit with a flight yoke or stick . More sim, less arcade.


Well that is the star wars space combat game I would like to see.

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bioware said they are working on changing the lolfail spacecombat, swg space combat was one of the best, right now a cool spacecombat mmo is STO.


STO isn't that far off in my opinion....I've had STO sinse it's headstart and before that even (pre-order benefits ftw), but STO is just....boring. And I'm a Trek and Wars fan. Cryptic Studios treats its playerbase horribly, if anyone who thinks Bioware is bad, please go to that F2P game which flashes its microtransaction store all over the screen and does nothing for real content, yup go over there and appreciate what BW does for us.


Also STO is just Starfleet Command 4 + Star Trek Legacy II mashed together....with no consistent story.

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