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DELETED lv40 MERC in FULL PVP armor..


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Thanks to the fact you cannot change a toon from a merc to a PT or vise versa I just deleted my MERC who was in full pvp armor at the start of lv40. Must have lost 200k in credits in all trying to find a good spec for my play style. Never mind the credits for professions, mounts, etc.. So all in all I hate MERC and did not feel it should have even had heavy armor, since you could not really tell you even had on heavy armor anyway. What an epic waste of time and effort for me.
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so you have all your character slots full?


I can get to 40 in less than a week so no biggy i guess....


/ragequit ftw?


Wow a week of my time is worth a crap ton to me. I don't know what you do but losing a week would anger me greatly. The op got of easy I have months in my toon just to have bioware nerf it and break it into the ground.

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Thanks to the fact you cannot change a toon from a merc to a PT or vise versa I just deleted my MERC who was in full pvp armor at the start of lv40. Must have lost 200k in credits in all trying to find a good spec for my play style. Never mind the credits for professions, mounts, etc.. So all in all I hate MERC and did not feel it should have even had heavy armor, since you could not really tell you even had on heavy armor anyway. What an epic waste of time and effort for me.


Different people have different pain thresholds. I have a Valor 92 Merc. My pain threshold has not yet been reached. Getting close though....

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Wow a week of my time is worth a crap ton to me. I don't know what you do but losing a week would anger me greatly. The op got of easy I have months in my toon just to have bioware nerf it and break it into the ground.


meh, a week is a week, I didnt delete my toon so i dont have to spend that week.


A week of entertainment (this is a game after all) is never "lost" in my opinion, if you see the game as "work" then you probably should find another activity to do with your free time.

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meh, a week is a week, I didnt delete my toon so i dont have to spend that week.


A week of entertainment (this is a game after all) is never "lost" in my opinion, if you see the game as "work" then you probably should find another activity to do with your free time.


Good response kind sir!

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Thanks to the fact you cannot change a toon from a merc to a PT or vise versa I just deleted my MERC who was in full pvp armor at the start of lv40. Must have lost 200k in credits in all trying to find a good spec for my play style. Never mind the credits for professions, mounts, etc.. So all in all I hate MERC and did not feel it should have even had heavy armor, since you could not really tell you even had on heavy armor anyway. What an epic waste of time and effort for me.


PLease tell this story to someone who cares.

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meh, a week is a week, I didnt delete my toon so i dont have to spend that week.


A week of entertainment (this is a game after all) is never "lost" in my opinion, if you see the game as "work" then you probably should find another activity to do with your free time.


I don't see the game as work I see a lost week as a lost week. Could have done something else with your wasted time. I'm sure you will understand some day when you have less time.

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Lovarboy: Will we get dual spec with Game Update 1.3?


Daniel: Unfortunately, no. Game Update 1.3 is being kept a bit leaner to get the Group Finder and the next stage of Legacy in the game as fast as possible. After that we’ll be returning to some bigger updates and we’re hoping dual spec makes it for the next one.

- quoted from the April 27th Q&A


I have no idea how they are defining dual spec, but my guess it certainly will be better than nothing

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that's still nothing, dual choices for the worst heal/dps why would we bother, shame to hear you deleted your Merc Marko, I hope BW wise up and give us back our balls, being the Stromboni of TOR ain't fun. Edited by Brutalos
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I`ll tell you my story: made 1st toon a merc to lvl 45----->Deleted him to make PT(wanted the name)------>got the PT to lvl 39-------->switched server.............................i wish they would let us transfer our credits i don t need my items or toons but damn i left 2kk credits behind:(:jawa_mad:
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I bet in a few months Merc will be FOTM and this guy will be complaining that the game won't bring his level 40 Merc he put all that time in effort in to back. At least we all know it is completely necessary to delete a character when you are not happy with it because just starting a new one and leaving the old one in case you ever want to come back in the future would be absurd.
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***..I all ever see is people ************ (me included)...this has all gotta stop guys...these forums should be something constructive....things change...games change...mechanics change...its part of EVERY game. Every game will get old...idc what you play...its really about the type of game you like playing. Find other ways to enjoy yourself. So someone took your fav cookie...theres other cookies out there...branch out...lets get back to some gamer solidarity for christ sake.
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I don't see the game as work I see a lost week as a lost week. Could have done something else with your wasted time. I'm sure you will understand some day when you have less time.


LOL how would you have any idea how much time I do or do not have?


Lets hear about my free time and how much I have, I am very interested in hearing about it.

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hello? OP ? where'd you go?


anywho...why didn't you mail your credits and stuff to an alt?


i'm sorry but nothing in your post makes in sense. especially since you have been here since Nov'08. did you not know AC choice was permanent?

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