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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Optimising Your PvP Gear


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My point is that after about these stats you start to sacrifice one for another. If you go to 1000 or more expertise you are going to gimp your crit or power and frankly its best not to do that-- considering PVP expertise adrenals will pump up the number enormously and have a much larger impact than a crit or power adrenal. Jump that crit to 40% and youll gimp something else for example.


Bottom line is that if you go into PVP with more than 500-600 expertise base, you almost certainly gimped yourself somewhere else since the mods with expertise on them typically are stacking accuracy and are spread out across the spectrum in mods. Those stats I posted are good base stats for anyone-- and anyone can use those PVP adrenals, whereas others might be using Rakata adrenals instead of the PVP ones.


The devs knew this too-- notice how PVP sets have LOWER endurance on them to offset the increased protection from expertise to help balance it out and prevent unkillable toons. It's why many guys swap out some mods on BM and WH PVP sets.


The key to good PVP is not maxxing expertise totally but maximizing the OVERALL effect of your toon.


Can you stack more expertise than 600 and still hit those numbers-- yah with some careful modding and augmenting I'm sure its possible. I'm talking about on the average.


The rest is skill, baby.


If you ever come across me and you are wearing only 600 expertise i will blow your face off.....

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still butthurt over swg?


while i am braving it out on my underpowered commando slaying imps left and right i see you have not one but two fotm classes.


Nerfbat taking maurauders yard staright to dead center in the next patch. Bank it.

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while i am braving it out on my underpowered commando slaying imps left and right i see you have not one but two fotm classes.


Nerfbat taking maurauders yard staright to dead center in the next patch. Bank it.


I've capped every class. They just don't all fit in my signature.

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Nice thread, I got a lot from it.


A few questions:


I'm in the process of swapping out Acc enhancements to give me the 300 surge. Is there any point where having less than X amount of Accuracy is just negligent? I have 173 Surge and 357 Acc currently and swapping two enhacements will give me + 102 Surge while giving me -102 Acc. An augment or two will give me my Surge goal, but when I start looking at hitting my crit and power goals, the only stat I can really take from is Acc.


This leads me to my next question. Those two crit/surge enhancements will cost me 3100 commendations. I could convert those and almost get a lesser War Hero piece. To use an anology, wouldn't it be easier to drive 20 mins on a bumpy road to get where your going (war hero gear) rather than an hour and a half out of your way to get to the same place? Im more of a journey than a destination guy, but thats been sticking in the back of my mind as I'm looking at all the changes I'll need to do, just to optimize my current gear to get the gear I want.


Last question: I'm in full BM gear with a War Hero body. As credits allow I've been moving into augmented gears. By pulling out and replacing mods in my BM gear, will I need to refarm my pieces or remod them to the original mods before I can trade them in for WH? I have read several threads stating you can't trade an BM shell for a WH piece. If that's true this seems very costly and somewhat counterproductive.


Starr, in my head you are Sheldon Cooper. I mean that as a compliment and I love it.

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