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[PVP VID] Conqueror Valor 83 Mara


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oh man a lot of flame here


U cant click force camo, it is awesome defensive and interrupt ability, not just run away and heal. if u do - u cant dodge half of dmg from smashes and Shadow's project, u getting extra tick of lightning and so on. If u dont understand it u are bad.

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oh man a lot of flame here


U cant click force camo, it is awesome defensive and interrupt ability, not just run away and heal. if u do - u cant dodge half of dmg from smashes and Shadow's project, u getting extra tick of lightning and so on. If u dont understand it u are bad.[/QUote]


Sigh... it would just be to easy..

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lmao this is really all to funny




and if you dont like the music....mute it thats just idiotic




good vid...who gives a f**k....whatever works for you brother


post some more so more scrubs can QQ


Lmao, God bless u brotha appreciate the props!

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Sigh... it would just be to easy..


What? You wouldn't use Force Camo properly and instead click it, because otherwise it would be too easy? Is that PvP logic or defensive logic that can't admit to a single wrong?


Calling people who consider activating crucial abilities via clicking as ignorant is one hell of an attitude. Do you know what the definition of "noob" is? It's not people who are new to some task and are very beginner at it, "noob" stands for people who know little and have no will to learn any more. They expect people to do the work for them and then expect to get praised about it.

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What? You wouldn't use Force Camo properly and instead click it, because otherwise it would be too easy? Is that PvP logic or defensive logic that can't admit to a single wrong?


Calling people who consider activating crucial abilities via clicking as ignorant is one hell of an attitude. Do you know what the definition of "noob" is? It's not people who are new to some task and are very beginner at it, "noob" stands for people who know little and have no will to learn any more. They expect people to do the work for them and then expect to get praised about it.


It had more to do with the way it was written out, but here goes.. Nowhere in this ENTIRE thread did i ask anyone to carry and/or teach me anything.. TBH in pvp im generally 3 move's ahead making the whole "clicking a defensive ability" point a bit moot, im prepared enough knowing that there's 1 or 2 abilities i intend to click and am generally prepared for this event! I KNOW WHAT YOUR THINKING, CRAZY TALK!, but it's a true story.. I SELF ADMITTED multiple times, yes i do infact click 2 or 3 abilities (THAT IM COMFORTABLE WITH,KEYPOINT HERE!). Somehow this has twisted into me "DEFENDING CLICKERS", like i click every freaking ability i have... Also as a sidenote nowhere in here did i ask for praise, i instead said "Enjoy", and got alot of stupid people responding... MY BAD. Can't wait for cross server que's and Rated warzones...

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clickers gonna click,


haters gonna hate.


I enjoyed it man, good work for a first vid, I wouldn't call you a clicker lol.


I don't understand players that express superiority in saying that they don't click, it comes down to "I can use all my abilities with one hand, not two", who gives a ****, I click half my **** and still know enough about my class and others to know that I'm doing good.


Makes no difference regardless, whatever works for people.

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Makes no difference regardless, whatever works for people.

the difference is in activation time, seriously. If u use keybind u just press and get it. If u mouseclick - u need to move ur pointer to an ability and then press to get it, so u release ur mouselook looking straight forward (if u rnt rotating ur view with keyboard oO), lose ur precious time to reach an ability with ur mouse and only then u click.

u waste too much time between ur brain advises u to get that ability up and activation.

i.e. i click to mount. and it comes with a huge delay (0.5-1s) between me and people with mount binded on button.

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EDIT: Then again im not a follower, i would'nt listen to incorrect info from a 3rd party, i would show enough sense to watch something before i said anything based on it..


Yet you don't show enough sense to understand how wasting time clicking one of your most powerful defensive cds is detrimental?

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Yet you don't show enough sense to understand how wasting time clicking one of your most powerful defensive cds is detrimental?


Well, the official definition of "noob" is someone who know little and has no will to learn any more. I shall say no more than that.

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Hi Urban,


I liked your vid. I liked the sound.


And to all those flamers out there: This guy made a video. He puts work in it. If you don't like it, don't flame him. Just go on and ignore it. If someone puts some effort into a project it is not ok to flame just because of flaming.


@Urban: Don't get dissapointed because of such morons. They don't have something to say in reallife, so they act in forums like a boss.

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Hi Urban,


I liked your vid. I liked the sound.


And to all those flamers out there: This guy made a video. He puts work in it. If you don't like it, don't flame him. Just go on and ignore it. If someone puts some effort into a project it is not ok to flame just because of flaming.


@Urban: Don't get dissapointed because of such morons. They don't have something to say in reallife, so they act in forums like a boss.


So people can only comment if they say good things?


What about constructive criticism...?


How do you get better if you don't take advice and look for ways to improve?


If you don't want to hear from trolls then don't post a vid on public forums. Or just don't pay attention to them. The problem is, although not conveyed the way you'd all like to see, the posters are right and no matter how well he plays, there will be times clicking such a powerful defensive cd will put him at a disadvantage or even cause his death. It may not be a game changer every time, but you are never going to be worse off for having it keybound rather than having to click it.

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How is my attitude childish? The 1st 2 responses were : "Turned off after u clicked FS (which i never did), and a CC breaker. The 2nd was "LOL INTRO", Im sorry but that seems a bit childish... Im not attempting to cause drama in any way, merely responding as i see fit. Why because of a valor rank am i not allowed to use my mouse? Im not in there backpedaling and clicking every ability, i occasionally click a button yes... As another note, these comments were made after watching maybe 45 seconds out of 10 minutes? Im all for criticism, but atleast state it intelligently. So by disregarding 9 1/2 minutes worth of footage, and making a comment on the first 45 seconds is a productive way to make assumptions on someones playstyle?


It childish because people attacking the "video" forced you to respond to attack the "person". Yes its your work and your time put into it, but as a creator, taking on-board some criticism can be very helpful, as well as knowing when to not waste time with people trolling because all your doing is feeding them.

For reference I never said you couldn't use the mouse and I personally think its fine to do so.

I am only trying to clarify why some people out there will feel the need to respond in such a kind, which is especially due to the high expectations these days people have when it comes to Pvp video's. To combat this, a little research can go a long way. Finding out what the larger majority are interested in and think about why, followed by adapting in your own personality to make your video unique.


For a first time video I definitely give you props, jumping into making a pvp vid can be very time consuming when you are learning all of the tools required to make one.

The music was ok and the play was fine and yes, you have a couple of ability's you have trained yourself to click on.

But ask yourself, Is it really worth fighting people over the little qq to get your point across? or is it more worth trying to improve that aspect of play so you receive less qq in the future video's?

Edited by Heraseth
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