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[PVP VID] Conqueror Valor 83 Mara


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decided to watch but turned off when i saw u mouse clicking Camo, cc breaker and roar =/


Never "clciked" roar in the video sorry to burst your bubble nice try ;/, but u missed some good footage sorry im not allowed to click all of 2 of my abilites... But keep up on your high horse and ill be still winning games and dominating =):wea_03:

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Just by looking at your Guild name ill just laugh... But i'de love to see some of your footage!


Somebody sure is getting defensive.


Valor means nothing. It's only an indicator for how much time you spent grinding WZs.

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Somebody sure is getting defensive.


Valor means nothing. It's only an indicator for how much time you spent grinding WZs.


While i agree, i failed to see where i used valor as an argument anywhere in this thread? While one could argue it would seem indicitive that the more you pvp and higher your valor rank goes the better you would become, and more you would learn. I have no use for non constructive criticism, and to see a comment like yours above i responded on the same level as said comment. Enjoy your day!

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Oh look at you Mr 1337. Seriously, just leave with that attitude.


Why's that? It's totally valid and I was glad he stated that OP clicks some of his abilities since it saved me the time I would have wasted by watching the video only to turn it off for the very same reason.


All good pvp'ers know to bind all their keys...I don't think we need to discuss the benefits of doing so.


If OP clicks some of his abilities then that's all well and good..but it automatically puts him in the lower bracket of performance for doing so and that level of play isn't something I would want to watch on youtube.

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Why's that? It's totally valid and I was glad he stated that OP clicks some of his abilities since it saved me the time I would have wasted by watching the video only to turn it off for the very same reason.


All good pvp'ers know to bind all their keys...I don't think we need to discuss the benefits of doing so.


If OP clicks some of his abilities then that's all well and good..but it automatically puts him in the lower bracket of performance for doing so and that level of play isn't something I would want to watch on youtube.


And you would be one of these good pvp'rs? Im sorry i have 20+ binded keys but im not allowed to click 1 or 2 from time to time? It seems easy for you to talk down and rant on about "Good pvp'rs", Seeing as we have nothing to base your perspective on.. Atleast mine is out there, its on record... Meanwhile you talk condescending about other people but have nothing to bring to the table, talk all you want cool guy but ive documented wins in 1v1,1v2,1v3 etc etc.. Meanwhile u troll on forums and hide behind your screen... Lower brackets of performance...LMAO.. Can't wait for cross server wz's so i can run into guys like you...


EDIT: Then again im not a follower, i would'nt listen to incorrect info from a 3rd party, i would show enough sense to watch something before i said anything based on it..

Edited by Urbanevil
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Why's that? It's totally valid and I was glad he stated that OP clicks some of his abilities since it saved me the time I would have wasted by watching the video only to turn it off for the very same reason.


All good pvp'ers know to bind all their keys...I don't think we need to discuss the benefits of doing so.


If OP clicks some of his abilities then that's all well and good..but it automatically puts him in the lower bracket of performance for doing so and that level of play isn't something I would want to watch on youtube.


Again, you have the same attitude. "If someone clicks then they are not a good pvper and are bad. Let me call them out on the forums because I am so pro and need to inflate my ego while belittling them". Clicking does not equal automatic placement in a "lower bracket".


I am one of the best Sents on my server and yet I click a few abilities myself. A keybind would only save me maybe .5s and with the GCD being 1.5 it is irrelevant whether I bind or click these few abilities.


. Meanwhile u troll on forums and hide behind your screen... Lower brackets of performance...LMAO.. Can't wait for cross server wz's so i can run into guys like you...


You and I both bud!

Edited by JustinxDuff
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While I personally have no qualms about you clicking a few buttons, I personally don't but to each their own, but by posting a video on the forums that does include some clicking even if minor will get flamed. That's just the nature of the internet, I personally could care less but obviously people will care.
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Just as I thought...

Clickers justifying their clicking


I just pointed out why I didn't watch the vid. You guys get all defensive because you think that it's ok to click a few abilities. Again..if you need me or someone else to point out the reason as to why that's bad then you've already failed.


I'm glad you guys think you're good...be sure to point it out to me if you ever see me in a cross server wz..bc I guarantee I'm not going to remember your names.

Edited by Foxcolt
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And you would be one of these good pvp'rs? Im sorry i have 20+ binded keys but im not allowed to click 1 or 2 from time to time? It seems easy for you to talk down and rant on about "Good pvp'rs", Seeing as we have nothing to base your perspective on.. Atleast mine is out there, its on record... Meanwhile you talk condescending about other people but have nothing to bring to the table, talk all you want cool guy but ive documented wins in 1v1,1v2,1v3 etc etc.. Meanwhile u troll on forums and hide behind your screen... Lower brackets of performance...LMAO.. Can't wait for cross server wz's so i can run into guys like you...


I wanted to offer some constructive criticism on your video, but your attitude towards feedback is very childish.

You want support from people to watch your video yet those who voice their opinion get a mouthful from you.

The title of the thread immediately presents a level of expectation from people. Such as, someone who's spent that much time farming warzones shouldn't have to use his mouse any more and expert lvl play is expected.

So for someone to state you do use click on some ability's, just sets an expectation, its feedback anyway you look at it.. you then jump onto this like its a problem?


Is it so difficult to say, yeah I'm working on that as I still have a couple of bind I need to break into?

Or are you purposely causing drama?

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Just as I thought...

Clickers justifying their clicking


I just pointed out why I didn't watch the vid. You guys get all defensive because you think that it's ok to click a few abilities. Again..if you need me or someone else to point out the reason as to why that's bad then you've already failed.


I'm glad you guys think you're good...be sure to point it out to me if you ever see me in a cross server wz..bc I guarantee I'm not going to remember your names.


Clearly you missed the point (again), i click maybe 3 or 4 abilities and have over 20+ keybound. I don't have to justify anything... Talk all you want, im done responding and hope you remember my name, cause ill be laughing at yours..

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Clearly you missed the point (again), i click maybe 3 or 4 abilities and have over 20+ keybound. I don't have to justify anything... Talk all you want, im done responding and hope you remember my name, cause ill be laughing at yours..


Well don't put up a video if you get your feelings hurt when people comment on the stuff you do in them.


Here's a protip though since you take criticism so well.


Try and at least bind all the abilities that aren't on the GCD. Apparently you don't bind your force camo and I can guarantee you've died while clicking that ability when, if you would have hit it .4~ seconds faster you would have survived to get that crucial heal and continue dps'ing.

Edited by Foxcolt
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I wanted to offer some constructive criticism on your video, but your attitude towards feedback is very childish.

You want support from people to watch your video yet those who voice their opinion get a mouthful from you.

The title of the thread immediately presents a level of expectation from people. Such as, someone who's spent that much time farming warzones shouldn't have to use his mouse any more and expert lvl play is expected.

So for someone to state you do use click on some ability's, just sets an expectation, its feedback anyway you look at it.. you then jump onto this like its a problem?


Is it so difficult to say, yeah I'm working on that as I still have a couple of bind I need to break into?

Or are you purposely causing drama?


How is my attitude childish? The 1st 2 responses were : "Turned off after u clicked FS (which i never did), and a CC breaker. The 2nd was "LOL INTRO", Im sorry but that seems a bit childish... Im not attempting to cause drama in any way, merely responding as i see fit. Why because of a valor rank am i not allowed to use my mouse? Im not in there backpedaling and clicking every ability, i occasionally click a button yes... As another note, these comments were made after watching maybe 45 seconds out of 10 minutes? Im all for criticism, but atleast state it intelligently. So by disregarding 9 1/2 minutes worth of footage, and making a comment on the first 45 seconds is a productive way to make assumptions on someones playstyle?

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Well don't put up a video if you get your feelings hurt when people comment on the stuff you do in them.


Here's a protip though since you take criticism so well.


Try and at least bind all the abilities that aren't on the GCD apparently you don't bind your force camo and I can guarantee you've died while clicking that ability when, if you would have hit it .4~ seconds faster you would have survived to get that crucial heal and continue dps'ing.


Pre 1.2 i would agree, but with the 100% (specced) dmg reduction gone, its honestly just a last ditch to get out of a targets crosshairs temp. to allow me the chance to go find a heal or position myself back on the target while sparing myself some incoming damage. Now thats criticism i will take in, and i do appreciate the thought. Thankyou sir.

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Just as I thought...

Clickers justifying their clicking


I just pointed out why I didn't watch the vid. You guys get all defensive because you think that it's ok to click a few abilities. Again..if you need me or someone else to point out the reason as to why that's bad then you've already failed.


I'm glad you guys think you're good...be sure to point it out to me if you ever see me in a cross server wz..bc I guarantee I'm not going to remember your names.


Just as I thought....


E-peen wielders try to justify putting people down while boosting their own ego. There is a difference between constructive criticism and being pompous.

Edited by JustinxDuff
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Just as I thought....


E-peen wielders try to justify putting people down while boosting their own ego. There is a difference between constructive criticism and being pompous.


How so? I just pointed out that clicking is bad (because it is), How is that putting people down to boost my own ego or being pompous? In fact I never indicated that I bind all my keys..for all you know I could be clicking all my abilities with a track pad on my super cool macbook pro.


Honestly..what happened was..you read a post that you didn't agree with because it contradicts your beliefs. So you felt strongly enough to go on the offensive disregarding any reasoning as to the fact that your thinking may be incorrect.


Hopefully despite your attitude you'll at least take a step back and evaluate your play style from a non objective point of view..that's what makes people better. And hopefully you'll learn something new or bind some of the abilities you normally click on and become better.


Or you can just keep arguing with me..which I'm totally fine with since I'm free till about 5pm est.

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i click some abilities like the buff and recall but you really should consider hotkeying crucial abilities like unleash, intimidating roar, and force camo


not saying im pro but i think it should be the norm

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but it automatically puts him in the lower bracket of performance for doing so and that level of play isn't something I would want to watch on youtube.


Translation: I am too good to watch a video of someone in a "lower bracket" of skill than me.


Regardless, I was referring more to the first person to reply to the OP but it seems you fall in the same category.

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I like to watch videos of players better than me, took me less than 15 seconds into your video, that you're not. Clicking is a no no, trying to justify it just makes it more obvious. Foxcolt is being nice just to even take the time to explain why.
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I like to watch videos of players better than me, took me less than 15 seconds into your video, that you're not. Clicking is a no no, trying to justify it just makes it more obvious. Foxcolt is being nice just to even take the time to explain why.


Thanks for showing your ignorance.. As stated before i can't wait to see cross server wz's... Nonetheless you sir fail... Noone has to explain clicking to me, i understand as i stated i have 20+ keybinds.. But people who think and actually act on there ignorance are laughable to me.. Enjoy your day of failing in recruit gear sir!

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