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Hard Mode Maelstrom Prison issues

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I have taken several stabs at Maelstrom Prison, and have been repeatedly stopped at Colonel Deshk. There seem to several variations on tackling him, and I need some advice.


When we hide from Deshk during the implant phase, we come back out to beat up on him and then we hide again for the second implant phase. He enrages like clockwork at the end of the second phase, though. If we have a ranged character snipe at him during the eye phases, because we were told that whoever had aggro would retain aggro until shot, that character pulls aggro and gets shot dead in the open. What are we missing?

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That's just it, hulk, our gunnery spec commando was tracking aggro via Target of Target, and when the tank that had aggro came around the boxes, the commando lit him up. Deshk stopped chasing the tank long enough to eye zap the commando, and then went back to the tank (shadow tank). Is there an aggro issue with Deshk? Or some particular way to establish aggro with him that we're doing wrong?
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there are two ways we kill him but both require los the eye during the implant phase.


when we have melee dps we all go together around the right group of boxes and dps while the tank keeps him busy. the tank has to keep agro or if a melee steals it he must los him fast.


the other way is when we have range dps is for only the tank los him around the right side group of boxes and the rest of us dps or heal near the left group of boxes. we then use the boxes to los him.


we always go all out before the first implant and after it. however we somewhat ease up during it and use our deagro just when it starts. it is harder for the tank to keep agro during the implant phase too. i dont tank so i dont know why perhaps it has to do with the range of the taunts or lack of melee range dps for agro. i dont know. hopefully others can provide more information on this.


what we did find out is that if you use the left group of boxes he can, and will, run up on the top of them not allowing your tank nor you, if melee, any where to hide.


some tanks i have been with have problems with this fight and it isnt about spec, gear nor class but rather thier ability to keep agro and hide at the same time. most important is the los.


also before 1.2 this fight was some what buggy. he would shoot through boxes and sometimes not even go into his implant stage. not sure if this still happens since we are doing other hms now mostly.


have fun and keep at it. los while dpsing is the key to this encounter.

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The way we do it is just have everybody run around the boxes in the center of the room and stay out of his LOS. once he runs out of power just DPS down. just make sure everybody stays between the boxes and him.
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We had a similar issue but I paid closer attention and found out what was really happening. Daksh is probably getting a shot off on the tank but it's either being absorbed or they are getting out of LOS in time. It's an instant ability but there is a split second before the shot goes off, there will be a red target on you. It is possible to get out of the way when they red target is on you and not get hit, the only problem is, he will immediately switch targets even if the shot was unsuccessful.


To counteract this possibility we had our ranged DPS hide behind the opposite boxes and just come out and take pot-shots when they had an opportunity. It lowered the risk of this happening. As a sentinel, depending on how much faith I have in my tank, I will just lay into him during the second implant phase. I have over 17k HP so i can usually take one hit from the laser without dying.

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tank didn't build enough aggro


- tank taunt him as often as possible

- dps must vanish/reduce aggro before first implant and as often as possible.

- go all out full dps only the 2nd implant.

- the enrage is not an hard enrage, you can keep the tank alive in the enrage, especially if he has defensive cooldown up

- quick battle rez on dead dps if you have some.

- if you are undergear, use stim and adrenal.

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