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Played WoW after SWTOR: My Reactions


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So, I have been a loyal player of Star Wars: The Old Republic since launch, and I've been playing pretty much nonstop. I took a break this past week to pick World of Warcraft back up to see how I would react after playing SWTOR for so long. The result was particularly jarring. Namely, I fell asleep. Or rather I got drowsy simply sitting in my chair, hitting the '1' key repeatedly for the first 10 levels. Combat was incredibly boring. I don't even know how in the world I even found it entertaining, though I suspect it was because I had yet to play SWTOR in it's entirety.


Another thing, was the graphics. They felt too hamfisted, and dated. I realize that the game is older (what, around 7 years now?) however with the stylized realism, it's not hard on my machine and I can still enjoy places like Tatooine and Hoth in all it's glory. The environment is particularly well done. I look at Silvermoon city and I feel like, "Meh. Ok, it's big..." Nothing too spectacular. There aren't any blizzards or snow drifts or anything that feels ambient or plausible. It's just a giant fortress in the middle of no where essentially.


Also, questing. Oh, my dear lord, if I have to kill another X amount of rats or bunnies or chupacabras without any sort of reason, I will kill myself. I mean really, story does matter. It makes it a little less monotonous and while the bonus quests and many of the main quests occasionally have this, at least you get options and voice overs. It's not as bad is what i am trying to point out.


Lastly, PvP. I love it. That is all.


time to be "that guy" but why would anyone care at this point? WoW is HOW old? obviously if you haven't played it yet you're not going too...


reported post as spam..doesn't belong..is only going to incite trolling/fighting..and quite frankly it's a little silly to post at all with how old WoW is...anyone semi-interested in WoW already has at least tried it...hence no one needs, nor cares, about one persons (VERY) late "comarison"

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time to be "that guy" but why would anyone care at this point? WoW is HOW old? obviously if you haven't played it yet you're not going too...


reported post as spam..doesn't belong..is only going to incite trolling/fighting..and quite frankly it's a little silly to post at all with how old WoW is...anyone semi-interested in WoW already has at least tried it...hence no one needs, nor cares, about one persons (VERY) late "comarison"


For someone that doesn't care, you really appear to care a lot.

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Mark me down as another who tried Tera and got bored within a day of playing. If it was F2P I would gladly play it as the combat style is interesting if a little simple, but to pay a monthly subscription for it? lol. It's your standard korean grinder with fps style combat and furries/prepubescent girls.
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Really? Seems to me like it's just starting to get really good.


That being said... why are you still playing?


Yep and funny how they just expenaded this so called failed game in more country's, the word fail is so mis-used these days, and out of context.


Tera another sword and board game, no thanks, I am sick of them, I could not even imagine going back to wow, it was a toatal bore fest for me long before Tor even came out. I see nothing coming out for awhile that intrests me at all, thats why we have a lot of games to choose from not everyone, follows the heard.

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Having played both games (WoW and SWTOR) in the past week I can safely say I'll be sticking with star wars for the moment. My paladin in WoW just isn't fun to play at endgame, the combat is barely any different (imo it's actually worse, auto attack n all) and the graphics are ugly, I mean soooooo ugly.


Playing my Assualt Spec Vanguard is a blast, I love the mid range DPS feel to it and just love the feel of blaster rifles in general. Granted WoW does still does 1000 things better than SWTOR, if EAoWare can step up their game, this game will do just fine. It's got all the core features of a great game and with x-realm battle grounds and group finder it will keep people entertained for years to come.

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I know that I can't go back to reading quest teksts after playing SWTOR, it is just such a forgetable way to relay quests. I can't really say I remember much of the story for WoW, only a few instances of good story telling. With SWTOR I remember most of the class story quests, some of the other quests are more forgetable though.


What I think is much better in WoW is that there is more imersion in the world itself, day night cycle and more stuff happening. SWTOR is unfortunally way to static for my tastes, but then again Bioware has never been really good with making a living breathing world. WoWs graphics are all about the art direction, which is great compared to most games. And it runs smoothly without stupid popin. SWTOR runs fine for me, but the lod popin makes it really ugly when you use speeders and such. In general it is a very bad engine, but I bet it will improve over time.


What I don't like about both games is that content is required to be done with lots of people, I know it is an mmo and that playing with other people is like the whole point. But I am not very into raiding, as it is more of a job than to have fun. Also when they have the most important story elements locked to raiding it really is a letdown. I would really love a game where you had 2 man versions of all dungeons etc. Of course the gear would be crap compared to the 4 man versions or raids. But it would make it so casual players such as I can experience everything the game has to offer.

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I'm just sick of elves & trolls. Tera did sound interesting in concept, but I can't get by the style of it. WoW was great for what it was and when it was, but I've moved on.


I was looking forward to PlanetSide2, but SWTOR is so much better than the first PSide was, and I don't think PSide2 will come close to SWTOR. I never tried Rift, and when I wasn't bored by EVE I was getting gate-camped -- though I think I might have been playing it wrong ;)


The point made about Looking for Group queue was a good one, and I think they're working on that for SWTOR, so there's something to look forward to. Also, it appears to me that you can level to max by just doing the class quests, which is really cool because doing the side quests over might get boring.

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Oh boy if this doesn't sell it I don't know what would!


On a serious note, why would I ever give up shooting lightning from my fingertips and using a lightsaber for this drivel.


Hmm that was....disturbing.


On another note...


I like swtor a lot I really do. I just want an active server and a decent queuing system.


Currently I'm on a dead server with no warzones, no flashpoints no groups of any kind and most importantly pretty much no other players.

Edited by RTCBrad
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For me, WoW, Rift, GW2, etc. will never capture my imagination like this game, because this game is Star Wars and they aren't. I just don't care as much about their made up worlds, because I fell in love with George Lucas' made up world as a 5 year old in 1977.


There are dozens of fantasy MMORPGs, but only one real one about Star Wars. So even if I jump into EQ2 or GW2 (screw WoW until it goes F2P), I won't give up SWTOR.

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lets be brutal for a second, If wow was so good the people who claim it tobe king wouldnt be here so there in is the flaw in nearly all arguements here for wow.


actually the fact of the matter is,weve got burnt out on WoW,i played for 4 years and didnt like the direction it took after cata. i am enjoying TOR,but there is nothing i get here that i cant get in WoW,and WoW does it 10x better.

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It's pretty sad that on ''TOR vs WoW'' topic, a lot of people ''answer'' by, uh, praising TERA.


Back on topic, I have a WoW and a ToR account. I would switch to TOR only....


Issue is, I play for MMOs for, you know, group stuff. And it's very worrying that it take me more time to find a group and do a flahspoint on a healer than it take me time to complete a raid as dps


My last wed night :


WoW : Logged on my Warlock Nûriel, queued for LFR : Queue popped after 12 minutes, took 58 minutes to complet (Logged at 7 PM East)



ToR : Logged at 8:30 PM East, 90 people in fleet. Took me 36 minutes to find a group, 15 minutes to get the group to gether at the instance, and 45 minutes to clear CWG.


Hate me, throw me rocks, but LFD and LFR are brilliant ideas.


I donot hate you. I agree with you. I still play WoW and will continue to do so for a long time to come. Some reasons are the same as you just mentioned. Plus I prefer how the combat and skills work in WoW. I do enjoy TOR however and am waiting to see what they can do to improve it in the future to decide if I will continue to sub to it. Graphics are not the number one reason why I would pay to play a game. Rift has gorgeous graphics, but I would'nt pay to play it.


TOR's graphics are better than WoW's for sure. But the char's armor up close actually looks better in WoW. The faces of course are a lot better in TOR. WoW also has transmorging now, which allows me to pick armor and weapons to use which I find to look the best. TOR's unify armor colors to the chest is pretty poor. Events in WoW are fun and totally a option for the player. Unlike TOR's most recent event.


TOR's customize the UI is a great feature and I wish WoW had it. TOR's story line and voice over's is great and much better than what WoW has to offer. But the number one thing WoW has which TOR serously lacks is a great looking for group feature. The addtion of the Looking for Raid which is also cross server, allows my friends and I to do the end game content in WoW on our time schedules. And no matter how some may hate it...90%+ of the runs I do using the cross server LFG tool are successful.


And lastly...I really think the crafting in WoW is better. With a lot more useful stuff to craft than TOR has to offer. Esp in the early few months when a new expansion is released. I never thought I would feel that way about the crafting, as I allways thought WoW's was not that great. But TOR's is worse.


The companion system in TOR rocks. I wish WOW had that for it. They are a lot more useful than say pets in WOW.

I hope they expand the companion system even more. With say kits you can buy which can alter thier primary roles.


Anyway, this is how I feel about the two games and I am sure many will not agree with this. But that is ok. :)


I can see why the moderator is thinking about closing this post. As about half the posts are offtopic.

Edited by Valkirus
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Imagine a game where you have to AWAKE and pay attention or you'll die. No. SWTOR is a snoozefest.


While I personally would enjoy an environment like this; players like myself are sadly in the minority. The combat can't be to difficult or too 'skill' involved or its going to scare the 'casuals' away. Some may say that is a good thing. Realistically; the casuals are numerous, and hungry for games. They will flock to things that are simple yet enjoyable; and thus what ever is able to accommodate them will flourish infinitely better then any type of 'hardcore' game.


Sadly, I was not able to get into TERA to test it out. However from what little I've been able to see: I don't think I'll be able to convince friends to move over, so there is no point to perusing playing. When mentioned to my group; its met with complaints against its art style: to "anime-ish", a lack of apparent role-play tools (honestly SWTOR is lacking here to), and finally; the slightly smaller segment of female members of my group point to the ... [expletive] outfits the game calls 'armor' and won't touch it with a ten foot pole. I wish it the best of luck; but it just doesn't appear to be the game I'm looking for.

Edited by Acherom
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dont know why all the hate about Tera unique combat mechanics aside it also has another thing no other game on the market has(aside from some older games like eve,and lineage 2) fully open world pvp, guild vs guild attack anyone at anytime regardless of their level. all you do is roll up to someone and start attacking..no asking permission, no dueling. no factions. walking around in the game world just trying to get stuff done is a dangerous experience and keeps you on your toes. ive never been more alert in an MMO. and even during combat you have to time your dodges and blocks its a very satisfying system for combat. and guild vs guild means lots of server drama and rivalries something which SWTOR is lacking,(even on The Fatman its most populated server) since you only ever see the other side in instanced warzones and you cant communicate openly. not even Guid wars 2 has a pvp system like this. its all instances. Tera keeps things out in the open so if you are doing a raid boss you might have another guild show up and then you gotta fight them off too. I dont know why most MMO's choose the faction route when Guild v Guild is so much better a system like this for star wars would have been ideal but the way they have made the game world all split up and instanced makes it impossible to achieve this.
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Play Tera for 1 hour, that's all. You'll never accept anything less when it comes to combat mechanics. I urge everyone to do it.


Yes, it's NOT sci-fi. I'm a huge sci-fan. However I enjoy MMOs more. As long as....they're entertaining. Combat in all current MMOs is the same, the exact same 5 or 6 animations. No thought is required.


Wow is dated, it was good while it lasted. SWTOR failed on launch day due to greed, it's on it's last breath.


Imagine a game where you have to AWAKE and pay attention or you'll die. No. SWTOR is a snoozefest.


gotta disagree, tried it, it wasn't even able to keep me for an hour. I've never regretted downloading a beta more in my life...

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actually the fact of the matter is,weve got burnt out on WoW,i played for 4 years and didnt like the direction it took after cata. i am enjoying TOR,but there is nothing i get here that i cant get in WoW,and WoW does it 10x better.


So like i said there in is the flaw, if its 10x better why are you here.

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I logged in to wow the other day and my guildmates were like "Hey man where u been"


I said SWTOR and they were like "lol, I heard that game had no content" Thats when I pointed out that they have all been grinding out the same easy mode dungeon for 5 months with ZERO changes in game... They got quiet.


WoW is dead... To me.


SWTOR is not.


Stop worrying about how many people are playing a game and worry about how you think of it. If you like it, you like it. If you don't, you don't. Some people love olives, I hate them, that doesn't make them bad or good. I just dont like them.

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So like i said there in is the flaw, if its 10x better why are you here.


because, like he said, he's burnt out.


People who go back to WoW, don't go back to level up a new toon, like the OP did. They go back to their old Guild, their old friends and their 2-8 toons they have leveled out. WoW is an end-game game.


It's kinda funny when WoW loses subs, people immediatly cry "it's dieing!" Not really, how can anyone distinguish which players left for good and which players left to take a break? What, MoP won't bring back one single sub?


Also, when did MMO's become a pro sport and when did we become fans? It's ok to play multiple MMO's and like them.

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because, like he said, he's burnt out.


People who go back to WoW, don't go back to level up a new toon, like the OP did. They go back to their old Guild, their old friends and their 2-8 toons they have leveled out. WoW is an end-game game.


It's kinda funny when WoW loses subs, people immediatly cry "it's dieing!" Not really, how can anyone distinguish which players left for good and which players left to take a break? What, MoP won't bring back one single sub?


Also, when did MMO's become a pro sport and when did we become fans? It's ok to play multiple MMO's and like them.

sorry but swtor aint a million miles away from wow, if your burnt out then you would in effect be burnt out all together. And the fact that people go back to either play old toons or new ones and get sick of the game shows that they dont do things 10 times better there then here and that infact here does something alot better then there.


Now i can look back at wow and think to myself that was a great game, but it wasnt the game that was great it was the people i was with, the game hasnt changed that much over the years really, yes it has rdf and rrf and cross server bgs and arenas but if your here and not there then obviously something here is better then there.


If people are not happy with were wow is going either with pandas, the real money market or general direction of the game or the new naffed up talents they are trying todo then have come here then obviously something here is much better then there which again shows that wow isnt 10 times better then here.


The atmosphere and friends there might have been better but obviously that isnt the case anymore. And there in is the flaw yet again.

Edited by Shingara
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sorry but swtor aint a million miles away from wow, if your burnt out then you would in effect be burnt out all together. And the fact that people go back to either play old toons or new ones and get sick of the game shows that they dont do things 10 times better there then here and that infact here does something alot better then there.


Now i can look back at wow and think to myself that was a great game, but it wasnt the game that was great it was the people i was with, the game hasnt changed that much over the years really, yes it has rdf and rrf and cross server bgs and arenas but if your here and not there then obviously something here is better then there.


If people are not happy with were wow is going either with pandas, the real money market or general direction of the game then have come here then obviously something here is much better then there which again shows that wow isnt 10 times better then here.


The atmosphere and friends there might have been better but obviously that isnt the case anymore. And there in is the flaw yet again.


But it is and you know it and everyone else knows it to. This one is sinking, and it`s sinking fast.

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But it is and you know it and everyone else knows it to. This one is sinking, and it`s sinking fast.


Obviously not as your still here, if you leave someone will take your place as has been shown when that investment company tried to say it was dieing and DE came out and told them it wasnt, now its illegal for DE to say that unless its fact as that influences share prices.


So the only mmo out of the 2 loosing subs in the millions is wow, not swtor but wow.

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