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The Darth Malak Server (Republic side)


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Hello there, so i have been playing SWTOR since the early beta weekends. And on launch day me and my friend jumped on and played for 17 hours straight. And the whole time i couldn't stop thinking this game is great! This is the future of MMO's. But then a few months down the line our server died people were literally just vanishing. Just straight up getting off one day not getting back on. Taking our guild from 120+ members to a mere 7. My friend and i jumped around a few guilds, scoping them out and we found a few fairly populated ones. But they all fell to the same fate as ours, dead.


This is when my friend decided to drop his trooper and go to the dark side! :wea_03: Me and him were talking via Skype one day and he said. That he has just gotten to the fleet and there were 70+ people there. I gasped in awe, you see for the longest time the Republic fleet on Darth Malak has had maybe 20-25 people on it at peak times. It is nearly impossible to find a group for flashpoints(i have not done one in two months).



So i decided to find a solution, and i have decided that i would like to re-roll on a different server or should i just wait for server merges? Please give me some input, and if there are any fellow Republic citizens falling to the same fate. Please direct all your pleas here so we do not disrupt other forum posts!

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Join a guild. I also play on this server. I like that its not as busy as some. My guild always has at least 10-15 people on and during peak over 100 all the time. Have a website and schedule raids etc too. If you only do pick up groups then thats prob why you have a hard time. You want a higher pop server if thats the case.
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Hello there, so i have been playing SWTOR since the early beta weekends. And on launch day me and my friend jumped on and played for 17 hours straight. And the whole time i couldn't stop thinking this game is great! This is the future of MMO's. But then a few months down the line our server died people were literally just vanishing. Just straight up getting off one day not getting back on. Taking our guild from 120+ members to a mere 7. My friend and i jumped around a few guilds, scoping them out and we found a few fairly populated ones. But they all fell to the same fate as ours, dead.


This is when my friend decided to drop his trooper and go to the dark side! :wea_03: Me and him were talking via Skype one day and he said. That he has just gotten to the fleet and there were 70+ people there. I gasped in awe, you see for the longest time the Republic fleet on Darth Malak has had maybe 20-25 people on it at peak times. It is nearly impossible to find a group for flashpoints(i have not done one in two months).



So i decided to find a solution, and i have decided that i would like to re-roll on a different server or should i just wait for server merges? Please give me some input, and if there are any fellow Republic citizens falling to the same fate. Please direct all your pleas here so we do not disrupt other forum posts!


Honestly what I would suggest is creating a character that you havent yet, but always wanted to, on a populated server. Then when transfers happen, just bring your other guys over there. That is what I did and I havent regret it. Going from a server with 30 on the fleet to one with over 300 is pretty awesome. Not to mention every planet has between 50-150. This makes everything more fun.

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Join a guild. I also play on this server. I like that its not as busy as some. My guild always has at least 10-15 people on and during peak over 100 all the time. Have a website and schedule raids etc too. If you only do pick up groups then thats prob why you have a hard time. You want a higher pop server if thats the case.


Please answer your my only hope.....

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm in a bad situation in relation to YOUR situation. I'm on republic side on Darth Malak and you're right, IT'S DEAD. I don't want to make a new character cause I just don't like having alts, I want 1 character. That being said, my problem is that I gotta wait for server transfers to happen in "early summer" I read. THAT being said, I have nothing to do until then. =\ bump
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