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Question - I thought my Accuracy should be 108% for melee


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I have a question for my fellow Marauders I was always under the impression my melee accuracy should be 108%, last night my fellow guildies told me that's way to high, does anyone know the reason why 108% is required or is 108% something only needed for pvp ?


Just looking to get some info to know if I need to re-mod or explain the reason as to why 108% is needed for Marauders and not other classes. I pretty much on Raid so i only care about optimal PVE DPS.


Thanks in advanced !

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I have a question for my fellow Marauders I was always under the impression my melee accuracy should be 108%, last night my fellow guildies told me that's way to high, does anyone know the reason why 108% is required or is 108% something only needed for pvp ?


Just looking to get some info to know if I need to re-mod or explain the reason as to why 108% is needed for Marauders and not other classes. I pretty much on Raid so i only care about optimal PVE DPS.


Thanks in advanced !


Well, the short answer is that accuracy isn't bad to have - its pretty good actually - but by stacking it you lose out on other good stats that might be more optimal.


For pvp you want a decent Acc rating but you dont want to sacrafic to much power, surge, or crit for it.

As every spec has the ability to have a 100% crit chance on something bleeds, scream, or smash. So surge in at least the 70s+ is always wanted.


Anyway you are a Raider so I'll stick more to that - I would personally say Acc > power > crit > surge for your stats.


Why? well the better your Acc the more we hit with our offhand and if we hit more with the offhand its a great way to increase sustained dps. Power is simple - its a damage mod that you can jsut keep stacking = more dps.


if you can switch out some mods to get some more power or crit rating - unless your unbuffed crit rating is already 30% or so.

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Carnaye is the only mara spec thqt relies heavily on accuracy. As it stands ypur massacre is basically a double hit. One main one offhand. If they both land you get two ataru form strikes........ Of they dont......... Rage....... Moderately needs accuracy the only two attacks in rage that need accuracy are vicious slash and obliterate. Smash and scream do not. Annihilation really only needs accuracy for annihilation and i just dont see you needing much hit for bleeds since you have so many attacks that put the bleed debuff and its jot like if someone parries you lose the charge of deadly saber you juat put it on the next hit. Accuracy does matter for ravage though. So essentially if you up your accuracy your upping your effective dps. All in all your fine with the stock accuracy from your pvp gear. Unless your carnage then you need to up the points in accurqcy with your talent. 108 would be a max i think.
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I have a question for my fellow Marauders I was always under the impression my melee accuracy should be 108%, last night my fellow guildies told me that's way to high, does anyone know the reason why 108% is required or is 108% something only needed for pvp ?


Just looking to get some info to know if I need to re-mod or explain the reason as to why 108% is needed for Marauders and not other classes. I pretty much on Raid so i only care about optimal PVE DPS.


Thanks in advanced !


Before i answer this understand I'm probably wrong. This is just how i understand it.

When you look at your Acc rating tool-tip it has Acc rating broken down for 2 different attacks. Basic and Special attacks - I understood as that I need 108% Acc for special attacks which would govern any ability that uses rage to deal damage including ravage, and that basic attacks cover Assault and Battering Assault.


So keeping your Acc rating at 100% on basic attacks you would have 110% Acc rating for special attacks - 2% to much. I run at 98% Acc for basic attacks keeping me at 108% for specials. I've never seen any special attack miss. I have seen Assault and Battering Assault miss on occasion not being at 100% for basic attacks but they do build the same amount of rage regardless and the damage from those 2 abilities make up less then 2% of your overall damage. So I can live with not having 100% Acc rating.


So yes, as I said I'm not doubt wrong. It's just my take on it since the number crunching hasn't been officially done yet - Food for thought.

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