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Low level Watchman pvp help.


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I recently made a Jedi Sentinel as my first character on my new server and I have decided to spec Watchman. My current level is 27 enabling me to grab Repelling Blows for the extra 30% damage boost to Cauterize. All I'm really interested in is pvp and the occasional dungeon run. No issues so far in dungeons, but my pvp damage is atrocious.


For example in my last pvp match my hardest hit was for 1,428 and my total damage was 97k. This was with a person healing me for 1/2 the match. Without a healer I typically do 65k damage as I die way too fast. If by luck I get to fight someone 1 vs 1 I typically win, but pvp is about group synergy and in a group I'm dead meat.


So to me it seems that I am obviously doing something completely wrong. I very rarely live long enough to stack Centering for my buff and if I do it's when I'm at 5% health. I'm playing in Juyo form in an attempt to generate more burn critical procs but it rarely seems to heal me or either I'm just dying so fast in group pvp that I don't notice it. I can solo a healer if I'm not getting interrupted, but in a group that isn't likely to happen.


What moves should I be most concerned about using in pvp? I have been popping Overload Saber and then Cauterize; is this wrong? What moves do you typically use it with and which do you avoid ? Master Strike doesn't seem to do much damage at these levels; should I bother using it? Blade Storm never finishes a healer off like in the level 50 videos I have watched on Youtube; it does hit hard later on right? Or am I watching videos of guys in ridiculous gear going up against badly geared opponents?


Right now I just feel like I am rolling a boulder up a hill. I'd rather not spec another tree as I like the ability to sit on a healer and interrupt them. There's nothing more frustrating watching them heal to full! But it seems that I should be able to make more of a difference in a warfront than feeding the enemy kills.





Side note:

I have some old characters on another server that has died. My level 31 Assassin that I abandoned absolutely wrecks warfronts. I liked it so much that I have a level 50 Assassin tank on the dead server that's geared enough to run the new EC raid. But this Sentinel is making me very sad. The only thing keeping me going is watching videos and dreaming about getting higher up in the tree for more skill synergy with Cauterize. I got this far leveling strictly by pvp, thus I want to finish what i started.

Edited by Kastoremaru
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I pvp as watchman constantly; and enjoy it alot...


Before I go into abilities and what to look for, im currently finishing up on 180k dmg with no pocket healer, and over 200k with a casual healer (Not run with a designated healer as of yet).


We are incredibly mobile and can diffuse/end or create any situation. I typically start a warzone with the mindset of bursting someone down then to drop back and pick off stragglers.


So i tend to;


Leap in, Overload saber MID AIR, Zealous strike then Cauterize Followed by Merciless strike + Master Strike = Gone.


At your level, you need to concentrate on:


Leap / Overload Saber / Zealous Strike and Cauterize - then spam Slash with Master Strike.


You need to ALWAYS keep overload saber up at your level, always pop Rebuke at start of fights and off CD. and be smart with your Def bubbles.




Answering some of your Questions -


-Pop Overload Saber whilst leaping in (So its up for Zealous/Cauterize and Slash)

-Dont bother using blade storm unless they are below 10% and trying to get away.. its too much force to be using

-Master Strike is situational - further up the tree Cauterize will slow the target - good chance for you to Master Strike and it does BIG dmg

-Dont be scared to use Expertise pots before you use Zealous (I pop Overload and Expertise together)


one HUGE thing you haven't touched on in your post : ZEN!!!! - - get 3 stacks of overload saber on your target with Cauterize burns and pop Zen.. this burn them down like a house on fire.. literally. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AT LEAST 2/3 OVERLOAD STACKS ON BEFORE POPPING!

Edited by Xyberclown
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Another thing, its a mistake I see a lot of players making:


You might be the advanced class of a warrior, but without cooldown usage (which you dont have all of them yet) you are not invincible. Hang back at the initial charge and let the other team pick up targets that charge in. Then YOU jump in 2-3 seconds behind the first wave and unleash holy-hell on them while they are distracted.

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Also rerolled on another server and my sentinel is only level 24 so I might be doing it wrong.

After getting overload saber my next 2 points went into defensive forms, I've found the faster Zen build-up and the damage reduction really helpful, I'm also using Master Strike a lot, it can't be interrupted, has a very long range and the last tick hits very hard. Slow them first then when your're on top of them start Master Strike the last hit rarely misses.

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I think it's just getting used to the class. There is some massive potential even at early levels, I think I hit 300k damage for the first time @lvl 23. I switched to combat around level 32, so I can hopefully help a little with where you're at. I generally didn't like using cauterize as part of my overload saber procs. Ideally I'd do Force Leap, OS(in air), Zealous Strike, Blade Storm, Slash, (crippling throw, leg slash or force sweep), slash or strike depending on focus, cauterize, force stasis. Obviously this doesn't work all the time, but it's the ideal sitution because you slowly get the max stacks of overload saber to maximize it's up time.


The problem w/ some of the others mentioned above is you put all three stacks of OS on right away so they fall off faster. If you fill in w/ force attacks between your melee attacks your burns stay on target longer instead of falling off 6 seconds after your 3rd strait melee. If you open with zealous strike, cauterize, slash you get 9 sec of burns, but with adding in force attacks like above you get 12. You can also get an interrupt or pacify paired w/ the force attack to extend the burns even longer, ie: Leap, OS, Zealous, Blade Storm, Pacify, Slash, Sweep, Kick, Strike, Cauterize. That would leave burns on for 16+ sec. I tried to never put two stacks of OS on my target back to back if I could help it.


Also, like any situation, the better your gear the better the results. Makes sure you have relics equiped and pop those at the begining of fights. You can get both a Power and Crit/Surge relic from the light/dark side vendors on the fleet. Also, use WZ medpacks and expertise adrenals liberally.

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