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Marauders/Sentinels OP for pvp?


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Hey guys, just a question to a long debate that marauders and sentinels are op for pvp, I have a 50 marauder and a 25 sentinel and find myself at a disadvantage in pvp, I don't take damage well, have to be right up in the heat of battle to inflict dame (not that I have a problem with it as wel, it's what you expect) so I was wondering why everyone seems to believe that we are so op.

I do alot of pvp (best way for exp in my book) and I seem to be at a disadvantage against more or less every class (bar warriors) as every other class is long range, we only have one move to close the gap, one move to counter stun, while other class has more, like assassins/sorcerors are a royal pain in the ***,(can knock you back, stun you twice, heal more thne you can inflict damage and force speed away also slow you dowwn, bounty hunters also have moves for knocking you back (again, not meaning to complain) but I do think we are the weakest class against anyone whom uses such abilities so I was just wondering what others opinions were?


... or maybe there is a secret to the class I don't know that makes them great :>

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90% of Marauder/Sentinel complaint threads are made because of:


1) People who play an AC whose counter class is Marauder/Sentinel, but insist on entering 1v1 combat with them time and time again, not understanding why they lose.


2) Due to the hype around the Marauder/Sentinel class, they have become one of the most played classes in PvP. Naturally, this means that players are dying to them more often than other classes, adding to the perception that they must be overpowered... not just overplayed.


3) People who jump on the bandwagon in order to protect their own egos after losing to a Marauder/Sentinel, branding them overpowered despite knowing nothing about the class, and stating that they were buffed in 1.2 without even reading the patch notes.


The other 10% of these threads may have legitimate reasons for being created, but overall its safest to ignore each and every one of them. Bioware will be.

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most of the time I or my friends play we mainly come across sorcerers, assassins... I mean by far more of them then any other class, on one side, then second would be bounty hunters.. don't get me wrong it does vary but the most pvp are sorcerers, assassins... and they are a pain in the arse (btw I am not being biased either, I have a lv 50 sorcerer, and a 27 bounty hunter so I know how easy they are to use in pvp compared to marauders/jug :)

in addition to , lv 50 marauder, 44 jug, 25 sentinel (and yes, I do play a bit too much but is a good way to wind down after work)


thanks for the response guys, glad to see I am not out of the loop :>

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Hey guys, just a question to a long debate that marauders and sentinels are op for pvp, I have a 50 marauder and a 25 sentinel and find myself at a disadvantage in pvp, I don't take damage well, have to be right up in the heat of battle to inflict dame (not that I have a problem with it as wel, it's what you expect) so I was wondering why everyone seems to believe that we are so op.

I do alot of pvp (best way for exp in my book) and I seem to be at a disadvantage against more or less every class (bar warriors) as every other class is long range, we only have one move to close the gap, one move to counter stun, while other class has more, like assassins/sorcerors are a royal pain in the ***,(can knock you back, stun you twice, heal more thne you can inflict damage and force speed away also slow you dowwn, bounty hunters also have moves for knocking you back (again, not meaning to complain) but I do think we are the weakest class against anyone whom uses such abilities so I was just wondering what others opinions were?


... or maybe there is a secret to the class I don't know that makes them great :>


They arnt OP. People just refuse to learn how to play and learn how a class actually works and then while QQing they begin to mix in talents from other tree's until eventually they are complaining about our magical 31/31/31 spec.

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The simple answer was put succinctly by Ron White....



"You can't fix stupid."


IF you beleive the hype, all Mara's can Root 10 different ways, have 2 Force Leaps, does a 10K AOE, can heal to full, immune to all CC, Snares, Roots, and Stuns, and are indestructable gods of war....OH and they have a "I win button" that allows them to slaughter 10 people in an instant.... Oh and they either play one too or play with a friend that told them it was OP.


A few things on changes, the lowered the TTK through expertise which the more DPS oriented your AC is the more it affected you, so as Mara/Sents are nothing BUT DPS, all three tree's had a net effect of being buffed. Expertise change to healing was buffed some too, they actually get more healing through the changes previously, but the increase to DPS was significatnly more so as such its a percieved nerf.


Because there were so few Mara/Sents prior to these changes, people pretty much ignored the class, especially if you were not specced in to Anhilation (and the pub mirror). So instead of people learning to adapt to changes, as UR and GBF has ALWAYS been there, they choose to QQ about it and refuse to adapt.


The trick others do as well, is they love to chery pick the best abilities and not mention the draw backs, which they think there is none. Which all these defensive CD's are active defense that have to be maintained to be active, unlike a lot of other classes which have standard passive defenses.


All in All, its basically boils down to tank mage syndrome and losing the ability to do so. Anhilation is still considered the best tree for Mara's so many people use it and assume all Mara's do the same. Now add the fact healers are getting marked and usually get targeted by some ranged character, all they see is 2 lightsabers in their face, they also assume all the damage is from the Mara/Sent. So others are rollng the class and playing a fe levels and going ****WTFBBQLAWL this class is way OP and then claiming to "play the class" and expert and how the class is OP. If you actually research these peoples posts, you will see their "main" is something completely different.


Fyi, there is no new information from the devs on changes in the works and they actually stated that Mara/Sent metrics were performing exactly as they expected.

Edited by Blloodbane
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