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World pvp pointless?


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Yeah, is it me or is the world pvp pointless? You dont get anything from killing people in world. I think Bioware should think about giving some valor/medals for killing people.


yeah this is something which should be changed

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open world pvp in mainstream mmo's has been dead for a very long time and quite frankly i hate it, i think battlegrounds suck its not my type of thing they are fun here and there but being the only pvp? nope, game wont last for me, but then again im probably apart of a rare breed of pvper's.
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Georg came on the general forums during beta and posted in someone's thread that BW was 'killing open world pvp'.


Georg went on to say, in his typical arrogant manner that there were open world objectives and rewards etc.


In his usual way he was probably just referring to Illum - but I'm sure he knew he was being disingenuous (and if everyone else knew they would have thought so too). There are no valor increases, commendations, attainable gear, renown, rewards, ranks or what have you for Open World PvP outside of lvl 50 Illum.


Thanks BioWare!

Edited by Darth_Eclipses
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