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Sorcerer feeling way gimp in pvp?


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Just stop backpeddling and you might have a chance of actually beating people :)

As for the damage yes i have 5-6 clips of me doing that much burst in under 4 seconds which was in a controlled test with myself having warrior buff+ my rakata stim +power relic+rakata attack adrenal i myself wearing 1180 expertise my friend who i was testing on was in 1300+ish. but dont go bashing my movies untill you make some and show me your not a backpeddle/keyturning pro who i assume you are :p also note i have 815 power unbuffed

Don't assume I am not capable to play my class. In truth it's rare my position in warzones is not on the top or near the top of the scoreboard.

It was not my intention to bash your movies, nor to deny your ability. I was pointing at the incompetence of most of your adversaries, which makes you shine as you wouldn't be able to do against anyone good equipped and with decent skill.

What I wanted to say in my previous post was a sorcerer is able to have that damage output only if he uses every damage booster he can (if they are not on CD) and if the target and its mates ignore him completely, which happens only if you are playing against clueless adversaries. Most of the times, if anyone notes you and knows what to do, you are dead in few seconds.

The question is: why a sorcerer has to wait the astral conjunction he needs to survive and do an acceptable amount of damage when other damage dealer classes (or even tanks...) can do both with half of the effort?

Edited by Dendarogg
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"It was not my intention to bash your movies, nor to deny your ability. I was pointing at the incompetence of most of your adversaries, which makes you shine as you wouldn't be able to do against anyone good equipped and with decent skill." You just contradicted yourself btw, not denying my ability yet if they are good or geared my skill is out the window? thus sorcerer is not competent class 1v1 or your saying i don't know how to play :p until you give me something to judge how you play don't come on here acting like king of the castle. :)
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It's not a contraddiction to say you know what must be done with the tools of your class and, on the contrary, most of your adversaries have no idea about how to fight you.

The outcome is surreal situations like when you managed alone to take control of a node in Novare Coast after the defeat of 2 idiots who came to fight you one by one, ate all your CCs, let you kite them around the building and let you heal yourself freely.

This does not prove sorcerers can be effective against competent adversaries. Actually our only chance of shining is to fight against idiots. The fact that most of players are fingerless does not make sorcerers more than an easy source of solo kill medals for those who knows how to play.

Edited by Dendarogg
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lol maybe you didnt watch it but the only time i got heals off was when i had them both snared or CC'd or i was behind LOS, as for our class not being viable vs good players, my movie for how to 1v1 sent's will be up today on youtube so you can get some tips from that i will be showing how to win as madness and lightning vs one of the best geared/skilled sent's on my server Edited by TwitchWINs
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It's okay tho I'm rendering my instructional video to YouTube right now "how to 1v1 mara/sent" will show strata for playing lightning and madness tips and tricks should help you guys a lot ;) the sent I will be fighting is very good and has more gear then i.
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I guess I'm in the minority. This was a big, big problem for me when I was still messing around with hybrid specs post 1.2, but as full madness I'm doing much better. The only 1 v 1s (what sorcs have traditionally been weak in) that have given me trouble are against Shadows and ops, and with ops, there's only a problem if they get the opener from stealth (still not a foregone conclusion). But the Sentinel class? I just don't lose to them unless they have a pocket healer or I'm already damaged. They can be kited like crazy and you have several movement impairing abilities that ignore resolve.





Gear is part of your issue, but the bigger issue is you're laughing at the dots and worrying about why force lightning isn't doing as much damage.


At fresh 50, you're going to be at a gear disadvantage. But as long as you pick up ALL the recruit gear (for the expertise, no matter how much you lose in raw stats), it's not the end of the world, because those most of those DoTs you're laughing at do internal damage, instead of FLs kinetic. FL is heavily modified by the opponent's armor rating. The BM or WH AR is going to render FL sort of inneffecive compared to how it was at lvl 49 when you're a 50 in recruit. But affliction, death field, and creeping terror don't care if the opponent's in Heavy 154 gear or naked.


I don't really know if Madness would still be the most-effective dps spec when you outgear your opponent. In full war hero, it might be worse than any number of hybrids. But when you're outgeared yourself, it goes a hell of a long way to leveling the playing field. Try it out. Classes with a lot of survivability seem to get confused and panic when they see how quickly their health is dropping from a 'soft' target. They may even try to retreat, which does not work at all, because you not only have more than enough tools to stop them from pulling that off, but they still take damage the whole time.


A competent sage healer can nullify a lot of your damage, of course, but if they're purging multiple targets all the time, they're not healing the the rest of your team's damage during those gcds are they? This is when you switch objectives to harassing the healer (without the expectation of actually killing him). They've taken you out of the game, but you've done the same to them and in the meantime, the targets you would have been attacking and they would have been healing drop anyway. So you lose some big numbers in the summary and rack up a win.


This 100% Most people here who complain think that getting kills and top damage is the most rewarding thing in pvp and is why they should be winning WZ's. Use your utility to stop healers on ball carriers. Force healers to start healing themselves rather than a team mate so your team mates can kill the other guy then the healer.


Take advantage of stims, adrenals and wz's medpacs. Do you use the speed buffs in the Wz's? Do you use the healthpacks on the floor? Use everything to your advantage. Use LoS while your firing down a enemy so no one else can see you and target you. Use your knockback and death field to uncloak a stealth if you suspect one is near. ect ect. Play to win not for kills.


Be a pest, get under the other teams skin. Try to not just go for kills and damage and try to play to help your team win. You'll find you'll win a lot more games.

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This 100% Most people here who complain think that getting kills and top damage is the most rewarding thing in pvp and is why they should be winning WZ's. Use your utility to stop healers on ball carriers. Force healers to start healing themselves rather than a team mate so your team mates can kill the other guy then the healer.


Take advantage of stims, adrenals and wz's medpacs. Do you use the speed buffs in the Wz's? Do you use the healthpacks on the floor? Use everything to your advantage. Use LoS while your firing down a enemy so no one else can see you and target you. Use your knockback and death field to uncloak a stealth if you suspect one is near. ect ect. Play to win not for kills.


Be a pest, get under the other teams skin. Try to not just go for kills and damage and try to play to help your team win. You'll find you'll win a lot more games.


I guess it is too late to call for sorcerers to come back, on my server there are only 2-3 sorcs who still play PVP. No one wants to play a weak class. Some maras and assassins are actually getting quite angry because of massive reroll (less easy kills for you guys sorry :) ). If you die every 5 seconds you will not have much fun, besides with todays system it does not matter whether you win or lose, you will complete daily anyway. The real problem is that it makes no sense to develop a gimpy character, even if he is so valuable for the team, unless you are playing in const.

DPS reduction of sorcerer in 1.2 was a bad idea, killed the class in PVP entirely imho. I abandoned sorcerer although I mostly ended WZ on 2 or 3rd places even after 1.2, because I don't want to invest time into "bad asset" which sorc has become in PVP.

Edited by GrimmjowJa
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Just stop backpeddling and you might have a chance of actually beating people :)


Oh, thank you for your insight. I know you know exactly what you are talking about because you firmly believe that when someone asks you how to do 15k plus damage in 4 seconds, the answer is 'stop backpeddling'.


Clearly you are a god among sorcerers and we will all be able to do 15k damage in 4 sec now by not backpeddling.


"But TwitchWINs, how can we beat nightmare mode operations?"

"EZ noobs, don't backpeddle."


Because only good players respond with 'l2p' and 'don't backpeddle and u will win'. That definitely doesn't strike me as a big 'I haven't the foggiest clue what I'm talking about but like to insult people' sign above your head.


I am looking forward to seeing some of your vids of you playing against good players- as you seem to have left them out of your videos in the link. The only thing that is impressive watching it is how many people just watch and do nothing as you heal up.

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Yes I know all of the others are going to add their 2 cents in about no we are not but I don't know about the rest of you sorcerers but I myself am feeling way gimp and squishy since 1.2.

Yes we have a knockback that can root...whoop de do. it knockbacks a whole 8 meters...other knockbacks are way further. an assassin or whatever can grip us right back to them. other classes can strangle, stun knock us back leap to us from 65 meters. we wear toilet paper for armor and can be 3 shotted easily. My operstive in far lower expertise armor has much better survivabilty without a knockback. Other classes seem way overpowered than us. They have strong burst damage where we take forever to kill someone. Almost all of our damage is casting and can be interrupted constantly. Give us a little love please.:(


Ooooooohhh... Sry but lol

I know a lot of sorcs they cast me down in few secs and eat more dmg than some tanks.


You do something wrong or you just have crap-gear... maybe both

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I guess it is too late to call for sorcerers to come back, on my server there are only 2-3 sorcs who still play PVP. No one wants to play a weak class. Some maras and assassins are actually getting quite angry because of massive reroll (less easy kills for you guys sorry :) ). If you die every 5 seconds you will not have much fun, besides with todays system it does not matter whether you win or lose, you will complete daily anyway. The real problem is that it makes no sense to develop a gimpy character, even if he is so valuable for the team, unless you are playing in const.

DPS reduction of sorcerer in 1.2 was a bad idea, killed the class in PVP entirely imho. I abandoned sorcerer although I mostly ended WZ on 2 or 3rd places even after 1.2, because I don't want to invest time into "bad asset" which sorc has become in PVP.


Play the class because you ENJOY it, not because you need to be the FOTM OP class. Look where all those sent/mauruaders went...slaughtered like cattle.

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I've tried both specs: being a full Healer or DPS.


For healing: My issues become the double Trama.

We already get a 30% reduction just for being in combat in PVP, and some attacks grant an additional Trama, so it becomes a big 50% healing reduction... *********** lame. I can barely pull off a heal for 2.5k.


DPS I really enjoy Lightning spec, but again too many cast bars, easily interrupted by a Mara/Sent and takin down hard.


Recruit gear does grant easy Expertise, but people with War Hero gear just faceroll me in 2 moves and I have no HP what-so-ever. 13k total. Oh yay..

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  • 3 weeks later...
Sorcs are still total weakilngs in pvp after 1.2 and I suspect the persons within Bioware who came with "Great" idea of nerfing sorcs DPS are still insisting on that stupid decision. Merging servers will not help to solve the problem of Sorcs leaving the game. I have an advice for Bioware top managers - fire the guys responsible, they generated only losses for your company. I also wish them to suffer the same experience invest time and money in to something and see that thing to become a total loss.
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They don't care, the statistic said that they are right !

Let them think what they want, finaly in the end ,it's not us who had lost their jobs, and neither will be.

Edited by Sinaii
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Guys guys.. You understand that you need a defined weakness in pvp. Ranged was never capable to shutdown sorcs. With some skill you can pretty much avoid them all together. We need melee dps to be your counter otherwise the pvp will run rampant like before 1.2 with teams of 6-7 inquisitors...
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It's was the 4-5K x5 aoe every 9 sec or less... that made sorcerer "op" pre 1.2


so 2-3 sorcerer with deathfield + the chain light were able to almost decimate 3-5 people in less than 20 sec when now they won't decimate more than 2.


Personatly I hope either way they will let the force regen/cost at it's now but with boost damage and dots and change how they work;

or they should change nothing with damage but allow us to be not out of force so fast with madness.


I both cases we will end doing more damage.

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I could agree with AOE nerf, but they nerfed Chain Lighting and critical rates for it is beyond my understanding. Indeed, as a sorc one can collect tons of medals even doing nothing valuable for the team and I saw plenty of players doing that now. Madness is overnerfed even with full WH gear Death Field in most cases (unless it crits) delivers damage between 1500-1800. As for melee counterparts well now instead of 3-4 sorcs I see 5 marauders/sentinels or 4 Assassins/shadows, sometimes powertech and operatives. Sorcs and sages are really rare. Well if that is what Bioware wanted than I have to congratulate them on a job well done :). But the price paid in real money is high indeed :). Yeah I know that they don't listen to players opinion, but why do they expect sorc players to listen to their arguments and stay (Because "it is for the better of the game" and "you can also play another class", "we are trying to achieve the balance", "we expect players to play multiple classes" and so on) is beyond my understanding. The bitter truth is that because lots of people rerolled into marauders/sentinels any nerf will cause another wave of players to leave and I think they fear this. So they nerfed Assassins/Shadows and buffed Mercenary in 1.3 a liitle bit, but they did not touch Marauders/Sentinels. I doubt that they will fix sorc DPS. So my advice to players preparing for rated WZ, forget about DPS Sorcs and don't waste your time. As for me I have subscription till 20th June and have no plans to renew it. I tried to play marauder and found it extremely boring (not my class at all), friends are still trying to convince me to try out powertech, but I doubt that after such dissapointment I am ready to pay for sub. It is not in my principles to support a sloppy work. So I wish you all good bye and good luck.
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Sorcerer is not gimp but also not OP its somewhere on the lower scale of the middle! but when played by a competent player its pushed just below the OP! which is very well balanced right now!


Sorry have to disagree with you, I get mosltly 10-12 medals even if we are losing WZ so for me it does not really mattter I still have around 80-90 commendations, but as valuable asset to the team Sorc ia a lost cause. As for my server it is pretty easy, once you are in the sight of Sentinels you have immediately at least 2 of them on you + 1 Shadow. Yes you can still kill Merc/Sniper true one on one, against a good healer Sage if you are playing Madness route - no chance, dps is too low. In most cases you lack 5% of DPS to kill him unless you use a relic. I would not even bother dueling with Operative healer makes no sense. As for Shadows well, the common situation is that once they have low Hp they go invis and run away from you. As for "awesome" sorc healing abilities (if you are not in healer spec) they are useless in normal pvp.

If we are talking about Lighting spec, well all I can say "Interrupt" is the word which you mostly see while playing it.


Sorc was designed to be a powerful DPS with low survival rate, now it is Just low survival. As for DPS, some Assassins now out perform Sorcs it DPS in Tank route.

It will all be clear once the ranked WZ come in. I am still thinking if you into serious PVP and want to help your team - do not play a DPS sorc. The healer sorc is the only good option for this class. If you you are into medal farming - sorc is the best class to do it.

Edited by GrimmjowJa
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Sorry have to disagree with you, I get mosltly 10-12 medals even if we are losing WZ so for me it does not really mattter I still have around 80-90 commendations, but as valuable asset to the team Sorc ia a lost cause. As for my server it is pretty easy, once you are in the sight of Sentinels you have immediately at least 2 of them on you + 1 Shadow. Yes you can still kill Merc/Sniper true one on one, against a good healer Sage if you are playing Madness route - no chance, dps is too low. In most cases you lack 5% of DPS to kill him unless you use a relic. I would not even bother dueling with Operative healer makes no sense. As for Shadows well, the common situation is that once they have low Hp they go invis and run away from you. As for "awesome" sorc healing abilities (if you are not in healer spec) they are useless in normal pvp.

If we are talking about Lighting spec, well all I can say "Interrupt" is the word which you mostly see while playing it.


Sorc was designed to be a powerful DPS with low survival rate, now it is Just low survival. As for DPS, some Assassins now out perform Sorcs it DPS in Tank route.

It will all be clear once the ranked WZ come in. I am still thinking if you into serious PVP and want to help your team - do not play a DPS sorc. The healer sorc is the only good option for this class. If you you are into medal farming - sorc is the best class to do it.


Why must you insist on writing so much just to troll...now i had to go and read all that after knowing from the first sentence you have no idea how to play your class. I am not trying to be rude but i have been hearing this since 1.2 hit, i have played on 2 servers, (Wound in the Force) and now (The Bastion) all of which i have played a sorcerer. When i started i thought maybe my whole server was just to incompetent to counter a sorcerer but after having played on 2 servers now and having over 15k kills on my sorcerer, I can now confirm the problem lies between the keyboard and the chair. With this being said, Just pay more attention to players CD's, movement, awareness, positioning as well as your teammates.


1.Duel! Duel! and DUEL some more! Find what you think is a "Good" player and ask him to have some friendly duels out on Tatooine.(Classes you struggle with in pvp)


2. Don't be afraid to ask him/her his Offensive and Defensive ability's(CD lengths) what their tooltip icon looks like on the debuff/buff bar(so you can identify when and when not to use certain ability's)


.3 Try out new strats(Strategies) when dueling or fighting in war-zones it is important you try everything to find which works best in all cases and scenarios, Even if something works perfectly on one player that does not mean it will work on every player in every situation.



.1 When running into a fight look at the positioning of teammates and enemies(Situational awareness).

.2 Purge is your friend, you can cleanse other sorc/sage dots,Whirlwind/Force Lift every few seconds.

.3 Keybind EVERYTHING! and become comfortable with those binds.

.4 Communicate with your teammates(vent,skype,TS,mumble...ect) "Pull me when that warrior/knight charges me" >"Stun him, if he trinkets i have a full whirlwind for him!" >"I have the next interrupt on X healer" just some examples.

.5 It is almost ALWAYS more effective to save your pull untill a warrior/knight has used his charge.


All this being said if you can not do (3-4) on this list then you have no place in competitive pvp/saying sorcerer's are in such a bad state in pvp and you should probably stick to the popular Facebook game FarmVille as picking super berries is your forte.


This was not meant to be rude in any way, I am sorry if it offended you but it is the truth Sorc/Sage is by far not the strongest in pvp but by no means should your characters be tossed to the sidelines because you think them so unfit for competitive pvp.


I am willing to help if you would just listen. Cheers!

Edited by TwitchWINs
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Why must you insist on writing so much just to troll...now i had to go and read all that after knowing from the first sentence you have no idea how to play your class. I am not trying to be rude but i have been hearing this since 1.2 hit, i have played on 2 servers, (Wound in the Force) and now (The Bastion) all of which i have played a sorcerer. When i started i thought maybe my whole server was just to incompetent to counter a sorcerer but after having played on 2 servers now and having over 15k kills on my sorcerer, I can now confirm the problem lies between the keyboard and the chair. With this being said, Just pay more attention to players CD's, movement, awareness, positioning as well as your teammates.


1.Duel! Duel! and DUEL some more! Find what you think is a "Good" player and ask him to have some friendly duels out on Tatooine.(Classes you struggle with in pvp)


2. Don't be afraid to ask him/her his Offensive and Defensive ability's(CD lengths) what their tooltip icon looks like on the debuff/buff bar(so you can identify when and when not to use certain ability's)


.3 Try out new strats(Strategies) when dueling or fighting in war-zones it is important you try everything to find which works best in all cases and scenarios, Even if something works perfectly on one player that does not mean it will work on every player in every situation.



.1 When running into a fight look at the positioning of teammates and enemies(Situational awareness).

.2 Purge is your friend, you can cleanse other sorc/sage dots,Whirlwind/Force Lift every few seconds.

.3 Keybind EVERYTHING! and become comfortable with those binds.

.4 Communicate with your teammates(vent,skype,TS,mumble...ect) "Pull me when that warrior/knight charges me" >"Stun him, if he trinkets i have a full whirlwind for him!" >"I have the next interrupt on X healer" just some examples.

.5 It is almost ALWAYS more effective to save your pull untill a warrior/knight has used his charge.


All this being said if you can not do (3-4) on this list then you have no place in competitive pvp/saying sorcerer's are in such a bad state in pvp and you should probably stick to the popular Facebook game FarmVille as picking super berries is your forte.


This was not meant to be rude in any way, I am sorry if it offended you but it is the truth Sorc/Sage is by far not the strongest in pvp but by no means should your characters be tossed to the sidelines because you think them so unfit for competitive pvp.


I am willing to help if you would just listen. Cheers!



37K Kills there ( so basicly 2x the experience you have with the 15K kills you claim to have ), and I tell you sorcerer's dps sucks compared to marauders, tank:assassin, powertech.

But I precise all classes have to be played by good and well equiped players or it's not possible to compare them, a good played sorcerer will out dps any others classes unde equiped or not properly played, but not because of the classes but because of the player playing them.


Now again, sorcerer cannot try to compete with good played marauders/pyrotech/assassin:tank all of them will be doing more damage and will have better burst and will have more survability.

And by far, something around 100 + dps and something like 2/3x more damage taken for 2/3 less death because they are more easy to heal and do not recquire yourself to comit suicide to start dps again.


So since they do not intend to nerf thoses classes, which is good, we absolutly need a boost to be able to compete with them and be usefull for a team based ranked wz.


People knowing how much I can dps may say " what he want more power, but wait he still out dps everyone most of the time.." The fact is I compare my dps job to others classes played by good people and it apears sorcerer have no arguments to offer to a team compared to powertech, maurauder, assassin/tank.

Not because I don't play the class as I should but rather because the class offer less opportunity compared to others dps classes.

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No burst dps, easiest to lock down healer, only heal spec that isn't the viable heal spec for pvp- you have to go hybrid to have any semblance of survivability... which means losing the aoe heal.


Have to depend on kiting no matter what- in a game where killing fast and at a specific area are key for every WZ, making the sorc also completely useless in playstyle for how all objectives work.


The weakest KB- 8m, has a delay. The worst mez- only single target one, and only one with a kriffing casttime... WHY!? Why do other classes that get mezzes have aoe instants!? That's straight out ********.


No defensive CDs, weak healing under pressure and the good heal has an epic long cast time. If you actually look at the CC, one of the weakest classes for CC despite people calling it the strongest- how is our CC this bad?


Only root spec is bad for pvp due to lack of damage. We have FL proc instant lightning strikes- when you'd have higher damage spamming FL instead of using the proc.


SERIOUSLY!? How can you honestly have something proc an instant version of a spell that's so bad it lowers our DPS to use it instead of spamming what procs it!? A weak as heck dots spec with zero dot protection, only one spammable dot so you can't multi spam dots on multiple targets.


A kiting only class that can kite a max of one player, barely.


It's like this class was made for a single purpose- to kill players who are terrible and have no clue how to anti kite, LoS or juke. The class can easily do well against awful players- but it is garbage no matter what against any good players.


In rated- there is room for one sorc, and even then it's a position that could easily be filled by another class. No rated with any brains will take a dps sorc- they might take one healer sorc for extricate, bubbles (the only mechanic for sorcs that's actually good), and aoe heals (would obviously need a tank joined at the hip since an aoe healer sorc has zero survivability against non-retarded players).




In pug play against decent-good players with BM/WH gear though- a sorc is garbage, and is the worst AC in the game- really, there isn't a single other AC that's more worthless in at least one spec- even mercs and operatives at least have better heal specs (mercs only slightly admittedly, and they have garbage dps too, so sorcs may be on par with them to a degree).

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The class can easily do well against awful players- but it is garbage no matter what against any good players.


This concerns me...over 2k players on my server must be absolute garbage by this logic.

Edited by TwitchWINs
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This concerns me...over 2k players on my server must be absolute garbage by this logic.


Most players are garbage, which is why there's still sorcs who believe the class is fine. When you play it against a good team though- you'll quickly see how useless it is compared to other classes. There's nothing a dps sorc can do that a sniper won't do better, a marauder can shut down enemy healers and tanks far better than a dps sorc ever could, an operative can heal without needing to have back up- in fact, the sorc is the only class where people have to repeatedly say 'you are fine, IF you have a tank guarding you'. Why should the sorc be the only class that absolutely must have back up to do what every other class can do on their own?


Can I run circles around bad players on my sorc? Of course- I can keep 3 or 4 people occupied for a minute by myself in Alderaan by running around the east turret- but only because they let me goad them into playing it on my terms.


Can I top dps or healing charts? Of course, but only the worst players actually believe topping the charts means anything. In truth- topping the dps charts means that your enemy has survived longer giving you more time to hit them... which generally isn't a good thing. And topping the healing charts means that your enemies have survived longer to deal more damage to allies- which means either your allies have terrible dps or your enemy has good healers too... it also means nobody was trying to shut you down/kill you.


I can promise you- those times when I got over 600k healing or damage, I did not have to move much, I was not being interrupted, and as a dps, I was not killing anything. I'll get only 300k damage on my marauder, but, I'll also have taken nodes from 2 people, killed ball carriers, and I'll have 5-10 solo kills. I'll have people die within 10 seconds of attacking them- yes, I end up with less damage at the end- but only because I'm not giving my enemy a chance to heal. A sorc has zero pressure ability on a healer- and in turn, I never, ever die to a solo sorc as a healer, it's unbelievably easy to outheal a lightning spec, and madness is even easier, just cleanse- mara, PT, sniper, shadows- they have the burst, CC, interrupts and pressure to solo kill healers though.

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