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Sorcerer feeling way gimp in pvp?


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Yes I know all of the others are going to add their 2 cents in about no we are not but I don't know about the rest of you sorcerers but I myself am feeling way gimp and squishy since 1.2.

Yes we have a knockback that can root...whoop de do. it knockbacks a whole 8 meters...other knockbacks are way further. an assassin or whatever can grip us right back to them. other classes can strangle, stun knock us back leap to us from 65 meters. we wear toilet paper for armor and can be 3 shotted easily. My operstive in far lower expertise armor has much better survivabilty without a knockback. Other classes seem way overpowered than us. They have strong burst damage where we take forever to kill someone. Almost all of our damage is casting and can be interrupted constantly. Give us a little love please.:(

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Agree and I'll post here what I came here to complain about. As a PvP healer, I can't do much about Marauders. I can stand against other Melee classes and LOS the ranged. As to Marauders, I slow them, they slow me as well (yay) I try to cast a heal, they open with a jump that cancels my cast, I kite a little and try other cast, I get another silence on some other ability I knock them back/stun, they jump back again on me (with root), I try to help DPS to kill them, they pop their endless shields !!! Our shield goes down we can't cast it for the next 17 seconds -.- plz role a healing sorc, and try to avoid being killed by a Marauder unless you have 2 DPS on him or another healer and the sorc healer healing the sorc -.- somethings very wrong here. Edited by wolfmith
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sounds like you guys need a good tank friend. it isn't your fault that you are dying so much it is your teams fault especially if you are getting killed by a single marauder. i see too many tanks ignoring friendly healers and just going after enemy healers when keeping you alive is supposed to be one of our main priorities if not the only one. killing a healer is a burst dpser's job.


this is coming from a darkness assassin: unless more than 2 people are attacking you there is absolutely no reason you should die unless your gear and my gear is TERRIBLE. when i guard you i take half your damage and when i use either of my taunts i cut your attackers dmg down by 30%. i can self heal in 3 different ways, not counting a med pack, so you should only have to worry about healing and shielding yourself. plus there is my crowd control. i can force pull and electrocute a marauder which will keep him off of you for at least 6 seconds if his charge isn't on cooldown.


most tanks i have seen on my server just don't appreciate the value of a good healer in pvp. the republic tanks do and that is one of the reasons we loose to them 9 out of 10 times. i wish everyone would show some love to the healers anyway they can, even if it is just giving a mvp vote to the best one at the end of a match.

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I used to do just fine as my sorc in pre 50 warzones. Yeah I died, but i could usually get away use my cc in the right situations, and do enough damage to kill stuff.


I reach level 50, get my starter gear, and I might as well not be in the match. Do I do damage? Yeah like a fly damages the Empire State building when landing on it. Melee classes just laugh at me. I can't do enough damage to take them below 75% health even when using all my cooldowns to kite them, something i used to do with moderate success. Kiting doesn't work since almost all melee have just as much, if not more, cc to keep me rooted, stunned, or lying on the ground getting *****.


And really is it gear? I'm I just missing skills? Since I was almost always top kills and damage and least deaths pre-50. We will see once I get some better gear, but really the class seems broken for pvp other than being a heal bot. I just don't do enough damage to kill anything unless focusing in groups.


What is the sorc supposed to be good at again? Is it the one hit protection bubble? What are we supposed to shine at? Cause it sure ain't survival, and the burst is so laughable its not even funny. Dots?? haha. Most useless dots ever.. We have a few AOE attacks that again do laughable damage.


I used to have Force Lightning, now I have Force Tickle.

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I guess I'm in the minority. This was a big, big problem for me when I was still messing around with hybrid specs post 1.2, but as full madness I'm doing much better. The only 1 v 1s (what sorcs have traditionally been weak in) that have given me trouble are against Shadows and ops, and with ops, there's only a problem if they get the opener from stealth (still not a foregone conclusion). But the Sentinel class? I just don't lose to them unless they have a pocket healer or I'm already damaged. They can be kited like crazy and you have several movement impairing abilities that ignore resolve.



I used to do just fine as my sorc in pre 50 warzones. Yeah I died, but i could usually get away use my cc in the right situations, and do enough damage to kill stuff.


I reach level 50, get my starter gear, and I might as well not be in the match. Do I do damage? Yeah like a fly damages the Empire State building when landing on it. Melee classes just laugh at me. I can't do enough damage to take them below 75% health even when using all my cooldowns to kite them, something i used to do with moderate success. Kiting doesn't work since almost all melee have just as much, if not more, cc to keep me rooted, stunned, or lying on the ground getting *****.


And really is it gear? I'm I just missing skills? Since I was almost always top kills and damage and least deaths pre-50. We will see once I get some better gear, but really the class seems broken for pvp other than being a heal bot. I just don't do enough damage to kill anything unless focusing in groups.


What is the sorc supposed to be good at again? Is it the one hit protection bubble? What are we supposed to shine at? Cause it sure ain't survival, and the burst is so laughable its not even funny. Dots?? haha. Most useless dots ever.. We have a few AOE attacks that again do laughable damage.


I used to have Force Lightning, now I have Force Tickle.


Gear is part of your issue, but the bigger issue is you're laughing at the dots and worrying about why force lightning isn't doing as much damage.


At fresh 50, you're going to be at a gear disadvantage. But as long as you pick up ALL the recruit gear (for the expertise, no matter how much you lose in raw stats), it's not the end of the world, because those most of those DoTs you're laughing at do internal damage, instead of FLs kinetic. FL is heavily modified by the opponent's armor rating. The BM or WH AR is going to render FL sort of inneffecive compared to how it was at lvl 49 when you're a 50 in recruit. But affliction, death field, and creeping terror don't care if the opponent's in Heavy 154 gear or naked.


I don't really know if Madness would still be the most-effective dps spec when you outgear your opponent. In full war hero, it might be worse than any number of hybrids. But when you're outgeared yourself, it goes a hell of a long way to leveling the playing field. Try it out. Classes with a lot of survivability seem to get confused and panic when they see how quickly their health is dropping from a 'soft' target. They may even try to retreat, which does not work at all, because you not only have more than enough tools to stop them from pulling that off, but they still take damage the whole time.


A competent sage healer can nullify a lot of your damage, of course, but if they're purging multiple targets all the time, they're not healing the the rest of your team's damage during those gcds are they? This is when you switch objectives to harassing the healer (without the expectation of actually killing him). They've taken you out of the game, but you've done the same to them and in the meantime, the targets you would have been attacking and they would have been healing drop anyway. So you lose some big numbers in the summary and rack up a win.

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Tha'ts why I rarely stay more than 10 sec on a sage or sorcerer healer since they can purge easily on themself.


But it's not a big deal doting as hell an operative or a commando, making them unable to heal the others or they die :D


I agree Madness is very powerfull and you can hello kyttie most of the class except the shadow or assassin with the no cc on me for 10 sec ^^


But don't you agree with me that, Madness lack something to give us more longetivity in fight like more force ?

Edited by Sinaii
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Tha'ts why I rarely stay more than 10 sec on a sage or sorcerer healer since they can purge easily on themself.


But it's not a big deal doting as hell an operative or a commando, making them unable to heal the others or they die :D


I agree Madness is very powerfull and you can hello kyttie most of the class except the shadow or assassin with the no cc on me for 10 sec ^^


But don't you agree with me that, Madness lack something to give us more longetivity in fight like more force ?


No argument there. Actually just retweaked the spec before I logged to take all 5 of tier 1 lightning extra force abilities (at the expense of some crit from the corruption tree), which I didn't want to do. Doesn't even need to be a ton more force, imo, just something like 5% better regeneration.


And it's good to see that I'm not doing something wrong with Shadows and that it's just a bad matchup for other madness sorcs too. With how much more complaining I see about OP sens/marauders and how easy they are for me to take down compared to shadows, I was wondering if I just had the wrong approach or something.

Edited by Larry_Dallas
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The sith non healing sorc is very broken in pvp.


The reasons are many:


1.) Too squishy.

2.) Less 1v1 DPS than most all other classes except tanks.

3.) Massive cool-downs.

4.) Low hit-points

5.) Game mechanics prevent fast casts

6.) No way to stay "ranged".

7.) All CC skills immediately fill resolve bar of opponent.

8.) All other classes have a get out of jail move...we get a crappy nearly useless sprint.

9.) Passive heals from damage far too low.

10.) No moving and shooting like ALL other ranged classes can do.


Now let me address all of these:



Too squishy:



Well we get that super awesome shield that blocks damage. Yes it sounds great until you throw it up and it takes damage, that knocks it down and you run away. Now you have 10 seconds of 100% no armor. ALL other classes don't have to deal with this. They can get wacked around and run off to heal or get healed and then right back into the fray. Not SS's...they are ready to be 3 shot and they are regularly.




poor 1v1 DPS


If the DPS opponent is in equivalent gear they will always win. ALWAYS. Not most of the time. Not almost always. ALWAYS. Why? Simple. Look at the logs. ALL other classes simply do more damage hit for hit. Look at the DPS after each battle and you'll see that sorcs are usually not at the top. Sometimes they are and those are rare as this means they were able to be not harassed and did AOE damage. When melee are in range its very lopsided. When melee are in range and you have no shield...its incredibly lopsided. Wham Wham dead.




Massive cooldowns


The skill benefit to the skill time for sorcerers are unjustified when compared to other classes. Simply compare escape skills combined with the ability for people to thwart that skill and then look at time to re-use. Ya sorcs got the short straw here.




Low hit-points


No armor and low hit points? Get the best gear you can get and you'll always be lower than most of the other classes. Period. If you have higher HP's then you have better gear. This combined with the resolve bar makes other classes use of that bar a regular thing and sorcs wishing they were still alive to use some of that resolve bar stuff we hear about and see others use.



Game mechanics prevent fast casts


The entire AOE targeting system built into the game is broken in the following ways:


A.) When you go to target the ground and click and it goes slightly farther out it loses the target and you have to start over.

B.) When you are casting lightning storm you must wait for it to completely finish before starting to target the next storm. If you start before the last one finishes then you get to restart over again.


Solution to A: When we click the left button have it cast at its last good position.

Solution to B: Simply allow the targeting to stay around when the previous spell finishes and allow the left click to start up the next spell




No way to stay ranged


I believe the DPS difference between melee and sorcs was meant to give melee a chance as the developers wrongly believed that they could be kited in some fashion and when they got to the sorc they would need that extra DPS to make up for all the damage they took trying to catch the sorc. Well that seems to be the fantasy they were believing in.


The reality is this:


1.) Your target jumps to you from your full cast range.

2.) The jump can not be deterred - even if they are snared.

3.) The jump can't be interrupted like your sprint can.

4.) You are pulled from your full cast range directly to an entire mob of people and ker-plop dead.

5.) Sneaky people watch you run off when your shield drops, and 2 shot you while you are stunned.

6.) If you manage to live through a stun the sequence goes like this:

6.A) you stun them.

6.B) They break it.

6.C)You stun them again and run for it.

6.D) If your sprint which is on a far too long of a cool-down is ready you may escape, but more likely you will be jumped upon, or shot from range, or a light saber will be thrown at you and plop dead.

7.) If you are snared...yup no way to move faster than the melee guy....except for that sprint ability.

8.) Your main attack skill is a channeled skill that requires you to stand in one place.

9.) Can't hide, can't jump, can't become immune to 99% of all damage, can't heal 30% instantly, can't CC an entire area around yourself except that crappy knock back. Knock back vs the grenade or the freeze everyone around you skills. Ya sorcs got the short straw here too.

10.) The lightning streams to the target and guess what...it announces to everyone...HERE I AM...so that targets buddies do 1-8 to you.



All CC skills immediately fill resolve bar of opponent.



Stuns once, stun twice, no more stun for you!



All other classes have a get out of jail move...we get a crappy nearly useless sprint.


We got nothing but a crappy sprint that makes us immune to nothing so ya any stun, snare, pull etc and its thwarted. Now compare that to vanishing in peoples faces, jumping to the next target, stun grenade, AOE stun.



Passive heals from damage far too low.


The healing feedback you get from the talent tree is really just about useless. Its pitiful. If you removed it tomorrow I'm not sure I would notice.



No moving and shooting like ALL other ranged classes can do.


They can we can't.





There are many things you could do. Here are some ideas.


Make all targets who are snared unable to jump.

Make the sprint remove CC and be immune to CC while sprinting

When shield is up be immune to non force ranged crowd control - or reduce effective time/range one can CC the sorc.

Allow sorcs to move 2% faster than everyone at all times.


These changes would go a long way of making the sorcerer a viable class.

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1) Gear based

2) Representation nurf/buff based, even though BW will categorically deny it.

3) CC last +4 sec with damage and +8 sec without damage -far too long, I'd like to see CC time between 1 sec and 2 sec with very few 5 sec exceptions. Any CC that stops the player from action while allowing the player to take damage should never exceed 1 sec.

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I played several weeks after 1.2, tried both hybrid and madness still I don't like how pvp looks today. To many classes with invisibility, giving them tremendous tactical advantage. I hoped that Bioware after some monitoring would come to senses, but alas. I think they killed the sorcerer, snipers as pvp classes, so I cancelled my subscription today making it one sorcerer less on the server and one customer less for Bioware.)) Edited by GrimmjowJa
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Unfortunately my game time is limited. I just don't have the time or patience to re-roll. I played a Corruption Sorc, pvp only. I canceled my sub as well.

Perhaps if they had not nerfed our healing and changed the expertise formula all at once, it would have not been so bad, but to be really great before the patch and really suck after the patch is just too much for me.

I always believed in voting with my dollars.

Edited by Nostrom
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I too belive in power of money. Besides it makes no sense to re-roll and see your next character nerfed as well sometime later. Besides it is nearly sommer time so why should I seat and train another character during Sommer only because some manager made a mistake? I gave them enough time to take care of the problem, 3 weeks of monitoring is enough to take right decision and return the balance. Well anyway I think I was the one of last sorcs playing on my server, now there are only 2-3 people left who still play sorc in pvp. Wish my fellow imperials on rogue moon all the best!
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The sith non healing sorc is very broken in pvp.


The reasons are many:


1.) Too squishy.

2.) Less 1v1 DPS than most all other classes except tanks.

3.) Massive cool-downs.

4.) Low hit-points

5.) Game mechanics prevent fast casts

6.) No way to stay "ranged".

7.) All CC skills immediately fill resolve bar of opponent.

8.) All other classes have a get out of jail move...we get a crappy nearly useless sprint.

9.) Passive heals from damage far too low.

10.) No moving and shooting like ALL other ranged classes can do.


Now let me address all of these:



Too squishy:



Well we get that super awesome shield that blocks damage. Yes it sounds great until you throw it up and it takes damage, that knocks it down and you run away. Now you have 10 seconds of 100% no armor. ALL other classes don't have to deal with this. They can get wacked around and run off to heal or get healed and then right back into the fray. Not SS's...they are ready to be 3 shot and they are regularly.




poor 1v1 DPS


If the DPS opponent is in equivalent gear they will always win. ALWAYS. Not most of the time. Not almost always. ALWAYS. Why? Simple. Look at the logs. ALL other classes simply do more damage hit for hit. Look at the DPS after each battle and you'll see that sorcs are usually not at the top. Sometimes they are and those are rare as this means they were able to be not harassed and did AOE damage. When melee are in range its very lopsided. When melee are in range and you have no shield...its incredibly lopsided. Wham Wham dead.




Massive cooldowns


The skill benefit to the skill time for sorcerers are unjustified when compared to other classes. Simply compare escape skills combined with the ability for people to thwart that skill and then look at time to re-use. Ya sorcs got the short straw here.




Low hit-points


No armor and low hit points? Get the best gear you can get and you'll always be lower than most of the other classes. Period. If you have higher HP's then you have better gear. This combined with the resolve bar makes other classes use of that bar a regular thing and sorcs wishing they were still alive to use some of that resolve bar stuff we hear about and see others use.



Game mechanics prevent fast casts


The entire AOE targeting system built into the game is broken in the following ways:


A.) When you go to target the ground and click and it goes slightly farther out it loses the target and you have to start over.

B.) When you are casting lightning storm you must wait for it to completely finish before starting to target the next storm. If you start before the last one finishes then you get to restart over again.


Solution to A: When we click the left button have it cast at its last good position.

Solution to B: Simply allow the targeting to stay around when the previous spell finishes and allow the left click to start up the next spell




No way to stay ranged


I believe the DPS difference between melee and sorcs was meant to give melee a chance as the developers wrongly believed that they could be kited in some fashion and when they got to the sorc they would need that extra DPS to make up for all the damage they took trying to catch the sorc. Well that seems to be the fantasy they were believing in.


The reality is this:


1.) Your target jumps to you from your full cast range.

2.) The jump can not be deterred - even if they are snared.

3.) The jump can't be interrupted like your sprint can.

4.) You are pulled from your full cast range directly to an entire mob of people and ker-plop dead.

5.) Sneaky people watch you run off when your shield drops, and 2 shot you while you are stunned.

6.) If you manage to live through a stun the sequence goes like this:

6.A) you stun them.

6.B) They break it.

6.C)You stun them again and run for it.

6.D) If your sprint which is on a far too long of a cool-down is ready you may escape, but more likely you will be jumped upon, or shot from range, or a light saber will be thrown at you and plop dead.

7.) If you are snared...yup no way to move faster than the melee guy....except for that sprint ability.

8.) Your main attack skill is a channeled skill that requires you to stand in one place.

9.) Can't hide, can't jump, can't become immune to 99% of all damage, can't heal 30% instantly, can't CC an entire area around yourself except that crappy knock back. Knock back vs the grenade or the freeze everyone around you skills. Ya sorcs got the short straw here too.

10.) The lightning streams to the target and guess what...it announces to everyone...HERE I AM...so that targets buddies do 1-8 to you.



All CC skills immediately fill resolve bar of opponent.



Stuns once, stun twice, no more stun for you!



All other classes have a get out of jail move...we get a crappy nearly useless sprint.


We got nothing but a crappy sprint that makes us immune to nothing so ya any stun, snare, pull etc and its thwarted. Now compare that to vanishing in peoples faces, jumping to the next target, stun grenade, AOE stun.



Passive heals from damage far too low.


The healing feedback you get from the talent tree is really just about useless. Its pitiful. If you removed it tomorrow I'm not sure I would notice.



No moving and shooting like ALL other ranged classes can do.


They can we can't.





There are many things you could do. Here are some ideas.


Make all targets who are snared unable to jump.

Make the sprint remove CC and be immune to CC while sprinting

When shield is up be immune to non force ranged crowd control - or reduce effective time/range one can CC the sorc.

Allow sorcs to move 2% faster than everyone at all times.


These changes would go a long way of making the sorcerer a viable class.


This says it all perfectly!

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The following post eloquently states our issues. I don't agree with the solutions but posted all for justice.

I think an immunity during force speed. Move electric bindings to Tier 1. Buff the $$$$ out of shock like a 3-4 k damage move (require talents for the buff) increase parasitism return to 5%. Keep normal static barrier but buff talented static barrier by 100%.

Change purge cooldown to 1 sec. Reduce the base cast time on di by .8 sec


The sith non healing sorc is very broken in pvp.


The reasons are many:


1.) Too squishy.

2.) Less 1v1 DPS than most all other classes except tanks.

3.) Massive cool-downs.

4.) Low hit-points

5.) Game mechanics prevent fast casts

6.) No way to stay "ranged".

7.) All CC skills immediately fill resolve bar of opponent.

8.) All other classes have a get out of jail move...we get a crappy nearly useless sprint.

9.) Passive heals from damage far too low.

10.) No moving and shooting like ALL other ranged classes can do.


Now let me address all of these:



Too squishy:



Well we get that super awesome shield that blocks damage. Yes it sounds great until you throw it up and it takes damage, that knocks it down and you run away. Now you have 10 seconds of 100% no armor. ALL other classes don't have to deal with this. They can get wacked around and run off to heal or get healed and then right back into the fray. Not SS's...they are ready to be 3 shot and they are regularly.




poor 1v1 DPS


If the DPS opponent is in equivalent gear they will always win. ALWAYS. Not most of the time. Not almost always. ALWAYS. Why? Simple. Look at the logs. ALL other classes simply do more damage hit for hit. Look at the DPS after each battle and you'll see that sorcs are usually not at the top. Sometimes they are and those are rare as this means they were able to be not harassed and did AOE damage. When melee are in range its very lopsided. When melee are in range and you have no shield...its incredibly lopsided. Wham Wham dead.




Massive cooldowns


The skill benefit to the skill time for sorcerers are unjustified when compared to other classes. Simply compare escape skills combined with the ability for people to thwart that skill and then look at time to re-use. Ya sorcs got the short straw here.




Low hit-points


No armor and low hit points? Get the best gear you can get and you'll always be lower than most of the other classes. Period. If you have higher HP's then you have better gear. This combined with the resolve bar makes other classes use of that bar a regular thing and sorcs wishing they were still alive to use some of that resolve bar stuff we hear about and see others use.



Game mechanics prevent fast casts


The entire AOE targeting system built into the game is broken in the following ways:


A.) When you go to target the ground and click and it goes slightly farther out it loses the target and you have to start over.

B.) When you are casting lightning storm you must wait for it to completely finish before starting to target the next storm. If you start before the last one finishes then you get to restart over again.


Solution to A: When we click the left button have it cast at its last good position.

Solution to B: Simply allow the targeting to stay around when the previous spell finishes and allow the left click to start up the next spell




No way to stay ranged


I believe the DPS difference between melee and sorcs was meant to give melee a chance as the developers wrongly believed that they could be kited in some fashion and when they got to the sorc they would need that extra DPS to make up for all the damage they took trying to catch the sorc. Well that seems to be the fantasy they were believing in.


The reality is this:


1.) Your target jumps to you from your full cast range.

2.) The jump can not be deterred - even if they are snared.

3.) The jump can't be interrupted like your sprint can.

4.) You are pulled from your full cast range directly to an entire mob of people and ker-plop dead.

5.) Sneaky people watch you run off when your shield drops, and 2 shot you while you are stunned.

6.) If you manage to live through a stun the sequence goes like this:

6.A) you stun them.

6.B) They break it.

6.C)You stun them again and run for it.

6.D) If your sprint which is on a far too long of a cool-down is ready you may escape, but more likely you will be jumped upon, or shot from range, or a light saber will be thrown at you and plop dead.

7.) If you are snared...yup no way to move faster than the melee guy....except for that sprint ability.

8.) Your main attack skill is a channeled skill that requires you to stand in one place.

9.) Can't hide, can't jump, can't become immune to 99% of all damage, can't heal 30% instantly, can't CC an entire area around yourself except that crappy knock back. Knock back vs the grenade or the freeze everyone around you skills. Ya sorcs got the short straw here too.

10.) The lightning streams to the target and guess what...it announces to everyone...HERE I AM...so that targets buddies do 1-8 to you.



All CC skills immediately fill resolve bar of opponent.



Stuns once, stun twice, no more stun for you!



All other classes have a get out of jail move...we get a crappy nearly useless sprint.


We got nothing but a crappy sprint that makes us immune to nothing so ya any stun, snare, pull etc and its thwarted. Now compare that to vanishing in peoples faces, jumping to the next target, stun grenade, AOE stun.



Passive heals from damage far too low.


The healing feedback you get from the talent tree is really just about useless. Its pitiful. If you removed it tomorrow I'm not sure I would notice.



No moving and shooting like ALL other ranged classes can do.


They can we can't.





There are many things you could do. Here are some ideas.


Make all targets who are snared unable to jump.

Make the sprint remove CC and be immune to CC while sprinting

When shield is up be immune to non force ranged crowd control - or reduce effective time/range one can CC the sorc.

Allow sorcs to move 2% faster than everyone at all times.


These changes would go a long way of making the sorcerer a viable class.

Edited by Itukaaj
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Harnessed Darkness ((Assassin T6 talent, instead of wither it should be creeping terror)) should be in Sorcerer madness. That would balance madness pvp builds and give Sorcs a fighting chance.


It's probably the only talent that really has me scratching my head why they didn't put this with the ranged caster and instead it's in a friggin tank tree.


Oh and what that "Mynamewaschanged" guy wall of why we're weak should be sticked and slammed across some of the developers faces.

Edited by veyl
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Here is the problem:



[21:07:25.649] [@jug] [@sorc] [Deadly Saber {1259666663276544}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Bleeding (Physical) {1259666663276824}] ()

[21:07:25.649] [@jug] [@sorc] [bleeding (Physical) {1259666663276824}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (422* internal {836045448940876}) <422>

[21:07:26.285] [@jug] [@sorc] [battering Assault {807720139620352}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (541* energy {836045448940874} (541 absorbed {836045448945511})) <541>

[21:07:26.413] [@jug] [@sorc] [battering Assault {807720139620352}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (308* energy {836045448940874} (191 absorbed {836045448945511})) <308>

[21:07:26.598] [@jug] [@sorc] [battering Assault {807720139620352}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (321 energy {836045448940874}) <321>

[21:07:27.235] [@jug] [@sorc] [Rupture {994791735164928}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Bleeding (Physical) {994791735165220}] ()

[21:07:27.235] [@jug] [@sorc] [seeping Wound {1009824120700928}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Slowed (Physical) {1009824120701197}] ()

[21:07:27.235] [@jug] [@sorc] [bleeding (Physical) {1259666663276824}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (845* internal {836045448940876}) <845>

[21:07:28.023] [@jug] [@sorc] [Rupture {994791735164928}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (565 energy {836045448940874}) <565>

[21:07:28.059] [@jug] [@sorc] [Rupture {994791735164928}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (182* energy {836045448940874}) <182>

[21:07:28.234] [@jug] [@sorc] [bleeding (Physical) {994791735165220}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (204 internal {836045448940876}) <204>

[21:07:28.537] [@jug] [@sorc] [Cloak of Pain {2473484550668288}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (344* energy {836045448940874}) <344>

[21:07:28.538] [@sorc] [@jug] [Creeping Terror (Force) {808424514257163}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (224 internal {836045448940876}) <224>

[21:07:29.263] [@jug] [@sorc] [bleeding (Physical) {994791735165220}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (422* internal {836045448940876}) <422>

[21:07:29.336] [@jug] [@sorc] [Ravage {1261367470325760}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (1968* energy {836045448940874}) <1968>

[21:07:29.336] [@jug] [@sorc] [Ravage {1261367470325760}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (231 energy {836045448940874}) <231>

[21:07:29.749] [@jug] [@sorc] [Ravage {1261367470325760}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (1987* energy {836045448940874}) <1987>

[21:07:29.749] [@jug] [@sorc] [Ravage {1261367470325760}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (0 -parry {836045448945503}) <1>

[21:07:30.250] [@jug] [@sorc] [bleeding (Physical) {1259666663276824}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (845* internal {836045448940876}) <845>

[21:07:30.251] [@jug] [@sorc] [bleeding (Physical) {994791735165220}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (422* internal {836045448940876}) <422>


That is 9832 in 4.602 seconds. No special procs...just straight damage using skills. Now lets not count that they get a skill that also eliminates your damage.


I had thought this guy was hacking but it seems to be bad programming.


The target is decked out in mostly war hero gear. On others the damage is much higher.


This guy topped the damage...made no attempt to run from anyone...simply WAY overpowered.


I want people to understand this was not cherry picked and is very typical. It is an accurate representation of non-proc damage. This happened to be a juggernaut but all melee have similar damage vs. sorcerers.

Edited by MyNameWasChanged
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The low hit points is a major issue, a light armor caster with terrible health scaling with corresponding stat 'Endurance' is utterly terrible.


We don't even have a talent in any of the three tree's to increase our health, boggles my mind.

Having the lowest health, lightest armor really doesn't seem fair, and to top it off we have no talents for increasing it.. even in Corruption tree is just rediculous.



@Bioware please learn to mmo. thanks

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Unfortunately my game time is limited. I just don't have the time or patience to re-roll. I played a Corruption Sorc, pvp only. I canceled my sub as well.

Perhaps if they had not nerfed our healing and changed the expertise formula all at once, it would have not been so bad, but to be really great before the patch and really suck after the patch is just too much for me.

I always believed in voting with my dollars.


You aren't the only one.

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Here is the problem:



[21:07:25.649] [@jug] [@sorc] [Deadly Saber {1259666663276544}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Bleeding (Physical) {1259666663276824}] ()

[21:07:25.649] [@jug] [@sorc] [bleeding (Physical) {1259666663276824}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (422* internal {836045448940876}) <422>

[21:07:26.285] [@jug] [@sorc] [battering Assault {807720139620352}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (541* energy {836045448940874} (541 absorbed {836045448945511})) <541>

[21:07:26.413] [@jug] [@sorc] [battering Assault {807720139620352}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (308* energy {836045448940874} (191 absorbed {836045448945511})) <308>

[21:07:26.598] [@jug] [@sorc] [battering Assault {807720139620352}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (321 energy {836045448940874}) <321>

[21:07:27.235] [@jug] [@sorc] [Rupture {994791735164928}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Bleeding (Physical) {994791735165220}] ()

[21:07:27.235] [@jug] [@sorc] [seeping Wound {1009824120700928}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Slowed (Physical) {1009824120701197}] ()

[21:07:27.235] [@jug] [@sorc] [bleeding (Physical) {1259666663276824}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (845* internal {836045448940876}) <845>

[21:07:28.023] [@jug] [@sorc] [Rupture {994791735164928}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (565 energy {836045448940874}) <565>

[21:07:28.059] [@jug] [@sorc] [Rupture {994791735164928}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (182* energy {836045448940874}) <182>

[21:07:28.234] [@jug] [@sorc] [bleeding (Physical) {994791735165220}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (204 internal {836045448940876}) <204>

[21:07:28.537] [@jug] [@sorc] [Cloak of Pain {2473484550668288}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (344* energy {836045448940874}) <344>

[21:07:28.538] [@sorc] [@jug] [Creeping Terror (Force) {808424514257163}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (224 internal {836045448940876}) <224>

[21:07:29.263] [@jug] [@sorc] [bleeding (Physical) {994791735165220}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (422* internal {836045448940876}) <422>

[21:07:29.336] [@jug] [@sorc] [Ravage {1261367470325760}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (1968* energy {836045448940874}) <1968>

[21:07:29.336] [@jug] [@sorc] [Ravage {1261367470325760}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (231 energy {836045448940874}) <231>

[21:07:29.749] [@jug] [@sorc] [Ravage {1261367470325760}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (1987* energy {836045448940874}) <1987>

[21:07:29.749] [@jug] [@sorc] [Ravage {1261367470325760}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (0 -parry {836045448945503}) <1>

[21:07:30.250] [@jug] [@sorc] [bleeding (Physical) {1259666663276824}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (845* internal {836045448940876}) <845>

[21:07:30.251] [@jug] [@sorc] [bleeding (Physical) {994791735165220}] [ApplyEffect {836045448945477}: Damage {836045448945501}] (422* internal {836045448940876}) <422>


That is 9832 in 4.602 seconds. No special procs...just straight damage using skills. Now lets not count that they get a skill that also eliminates your damage.


I had thought this guy was hacking but it seems to be bad programming.


The target is decked out in mostly war hero gear. On others the damage is much higher.


This guy topped the damage...made no attempt to run from anyone...simply WAY overpowered.


I want people to understand this was not cherry picked and is very typical. It is an accurate representation of non-proc damage. This happened to be a juggernaut but all melee have similar damage vs. sorcerers.


I think you mean Marauder and yes this is what happens against a Sorcerer.


Now consider tat EVERY Marauder spec can get 50% snare applied each sec for 6 sec!

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I think you mean Marauder and yes this is what happens against a Sorcerer.


Now consider tat EVERY Marauder spec can get 50% snare applied each sec for 6 sec!


I dont even waste talent points on rupture slow (I assume thats what you are talking about). Every single marauder even with 0/0/0 spec has a skill called "Crippling Slash" which does medicore damage and slow the target by 50% speed for 12 seconds. Instant Cadt, No Cooldown.


But I play Annihilation spec. Carnage spec would be even more anti sorc (its actually completely overkill vs sorcs) because of multiple roots (Ravage 3 second roots + huge dmg, deadly saber = ranged 3 second roots + uncleansable 20% extra truama effect, force charge = 3 second root) + and deadly saber is a 10m ranged root in carnage spec. With predation at 80% movement speed for 10 seconds and and dont forget you still have your force camouflage 4s stealth with 30% more speed + saber ward 50% dodge and deflection and 25% damage reduction to all tech and force attacks for 12 seconds, + cloak of pain which is basically a 30 second 20% damage reduction to all damage while resulting damage back at the attacker which talented also grants rage everytime you take damage + obfuscate which basically makes all weapon attacks to miss 90% of the time (e.g RAILSHOT, MM Snipers ect) + 6 charges of auto crit auto raid heal and self heal + undying rage which is a 99% damage reduction to all damage in the entire game of SWTOR.

Edited by warultima
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I am one of the best geared players on my server, with 4 of the 5 pieces of War Hero PvP set gear. Probably less than a dozen players on my server have more PvP gear than me. I can unequivocally say that gear makes a huge difference. IMHO, too much of a difference, but since I'm ahead of the curve, I intend to stay there and reap its benefits as long as I can.


With superior gear I find my survivability to be OK. I realize that this will change when the server catches up gear-wise, but it really is a great short-term solution to our squishiness. Long term, yes, something needs to change for us Sorcs to remain competitive.


My main complaint actually is the lack of burst. Even with superior gear I rarely get a tottally buffed hit over 3.6k. That is with Recklessness, my top of the line adrenal, pvp relic, power stim, and WZ damage powerup using my biggest hitter--death field. My steady dps is good but not great. I'm a max-dps build except for about 5% sacrificed to get Electric Bindings--currently a must-have ability IMHO. I need to be guarded and chain-healed to do glass-cannon total damage numbers. But in reality, we're glass water-cannons.


Sure, we make life unpleasant as long as you stay in range and let us cast. Sure we do damage with dots or channeled abilities, but we have no finisher. To get that total damage we need to use Death Field as a set-up for Affliction and insta-cast Crushing Darkness. We get our kills by piling on when someone else has engaged our target.


Left undisturbed, we're a poor-man's Trooper without mobility. A Trooper/Bounty Hunter will do more damage than us with faaaaaaar better survivability and mobility , and has 3 or 4 different build choices to do so. They also get better finishing burst. While we are the dps-class glass water-cannon, the Trooper/Bounty Hunter is the Abrahms Tank ... bigger gun, more destruction, more mobility.


Of the dps classes, we're currently underpowered at doing damage for our low survivability. Before Rated Warzones go live, we need a buff somewhere.

Edited by -Vexus-
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I agree with the burst damage, we need something. I would also like to see better survivability though. I am almost full war hero geared and I am a 1/12/28 build. I am usually one of the top with damage as long as I am left alone , otherwise I am useless. Other ranged classes can move and shot me, or if they are standing still burst me down. When i give it my all and might get them to half health. People with half the gear can stun lock and 4 shot me. I in no way shape or form can do that to them and they have worse gear. My bubble is a joke. I sprint away only to be pull back or to have my snare leaped out of back to me from half way across the universe only to knock them back 8 meters. many times my overload doesn't effect some people. By then all my cc's and roots are used up just trying to get away and they choke, punt, flatten me on my face and bam dead. If the people were equally as geared I would have no chance whatsoever. Please fix us!




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Healing been fine for me since I switch to 20 points in lighting for all the talents that help in pvp. To be fair I ding tonight and did half of the night pvping in full healing spec and then switch to the new hybrid spec.


Stand by force speed has been the greatest pvp tool out of my 3 healers, allows me to get to targets that need healing faster, get los faster, make long jumps(hutt ball) ect.


I play with a tank and with only time tonight I was like *** just kill me was a war hero melee smuggler but I'm in recruit gear so with a gear gap he should have own me. Also it was before I was spec in to backlash.


With Guard and smart use of taunts it's really hard to kill any healer in the is game.


Just point of view of a healer

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